Early Safety Training Program Safety is Everyone’s Business!
Background Early Safety Training is a collection of affordable safety training courses for youth years old, offered at Southeast Regional College and Energy Training Institute (ETI) Designed to provide entry-level skills to youth seeking new or summer employment in industries where safety and safety education are highly valued Guided by a steering committee representing local industry and provincial organizations
Primary Goal The most important goal is to prevent and reduce accidents, injuries and fatalities in the workplace and in everyday environments!
Example (youth pricing) : Ready for Work (OH&S)$ First Aid/CPR$ WHMIS$ H2S (elective)$ Total price$ Bursary -$ Total cost to student$ EST Bursary Program
Statistics and Successes Since inception: 636 youth trained $100,516 paid in EST bursaries In 2007, We are estimating that approximately $30,000 in bursary support will be required ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 YTD
Current Financial Challenge Endowment fund was created in 1999, but has since been depleted Opening Balance$24,400.41$26,345.74$11,218.88($564.38) Revenues$23,072.92$7,633.09$14,107.66$4, Expenses$21,127.59$22,759.95$25,890.92$6, Ending Balance$26,345.74$11,218.88($564.38)($2,689.53)
Program Funding Solutions Fundraising events and campaigns designed for both organizations and individuals Donations Annual EST Golf Classic Adopt-a Safety Student Campaign Target is to replenish the endowment fund to $25,000, plus fund current and future years’ bursaries.
Donations Majority of funds are donated by local business and industry
9 th Annual EST Golf Classic Sponsorship opportunities: Gold (1) - $10,000 Silver (4) - $5,000 Bronze (10) - $2,500 Hole (48) - $500+ Team (36) - $500 Prizes – unlimited Recognition increases with level of commitment 5-year commitment? Net fundraising target for Golf Classic: $40,000 May 26, 2007
Adopt-a-Safety Student Multiple levels of support Individual Group Program 100 “students” up for adoption Recognition increases with level of commitment Fundraising target for Adopt-a-Safety Student: $20,000
Investment or Donation? Accident rates are high among young people Accidents impact people Accidents cost time and money Accidents and injuries impact our health care system (acute care and rehabilitation costs) Your donation IS an investment in our youth, our community, AND our future
Return on Investment Donations are tax-deductible An opportunity to hire new young employees with basic safety knowledge and skills Improved safety conditions in the workplace Fewer injuries and incidents reduces Worker’s Compensation claims and lost-production time Helping to create a safety culture among youth Your donation will be recognized Your donation will make a difference Your community will benefit as a whole
Benefits Young people learn safety skills and attitudes at an early age and can use these skills throughout their lifetime!
Final thoughts… Anticipated future growth provides a major challenge to raise funds. Invest in our young people and make a donation to the Early Safety Training Fund. SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS!
Make Contact For more information on the EST Program or to invest in our youth, contact: Southeast Education Foundation 629 King Street Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2S5 Phone: Fax: Web: