Advancing Utilization of Manure Methane Digester Funding for this project was recommended by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund ($204, 375)
Haubenschild Dairy Farm Energy Production Princeton, Minnesota Milk Production + Crop Production + Electrical Production + Future Hydrogen Production = Farm Income Diversification
Plug-Flow Digester - A small “plug” of slurry is pumped into one end each day, causing a comparable amount to flow out of the other end into the storage basin in the background. Methane Digester: To breakdown organic matter in the absence of oxygen to biogas, which is primarily CH4/methane, CO2/carbon dioxide, H2S/hydrogen sulfide, and water vapor.
View of digester, barn and engine generator building at time of installation in 1999.
Engine Generator set: Internal combustion engine with 135 kW 240 VAC electrical generator.
Biogas Production Used in Generator
Comparison of Fuel Cell and a Genset Utilizing Biogas Philip R. Goodrich PE, David Nelson PE, Richard Huelskamp, David Schmidt PE*, R. Vance Morey from Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, University of Minnesota. Dennis Haubenschild from Haubenschild Farms, Princeton MN Matthew Drewitz, Paul Burns, fromMinnesota Department of Agriculture Other participants in this project include: Amanda Bilik, The Minnesota Project, Verlyn Johnson and Blanca Martinez, BAE Henry Fischer, East Central Energy. Rob Lowen, Plug Power, Inc. Jamie Tooley, CES-Landtec Engineering Don White, Donaldson Corp.
Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of converting biogas to electrical energy using a commercially available fuel cell.
Challenges to using biogas for a fuel cell Hydrogen sulfide removal Initial concentration ppm Need concentration < 25 ppb Moisture removal Need dry gas Dewpoint < -30 degrees Celsius Carbon dioxide removal Need concentration < 5 ppm
The building at the left houses the 135 kW engine generator and the building on the right houses the fuel cell and instrumentation. One barn is to the right rear of the picture
Fuel Cell: Uses hydrogen to generate electricity without combustion. Output is 5 kW at 120 VAC
A fuel cell is similar to a car battery in that it produces electricity through electrochemical reactions. A fuel cell produces electricity as long as the hydrogen fuel source and oxygen passes through it. Heat is also produced and can be utilized for space heating and hot water needs. Electricity conversion efficiency is around 25% The energy resources for hydrogen can be biogas, natural gas, propane, methanol, ethanol, and other hydrogen based liquids or gases. From Plug Power Fuel Cell Software Screen
Cost per kilowatt is very high. $10,000 -->20,000 per kW Biogas must be cleaned up to strict specifications. Adds cost and complexity while consuming energy. Fuel cell is an emerging technology. Comparing Electrical Generator Technologies Engine Generator System Cost per kilowatt is low. $50 -->100 per kW Biogas can be used directly from the digester with no cleanup. ICE is mature technology. Fuel Cell System
Greenhouse emissions and particulates are very low. System is very quiet. Few moving parts. Cost of maintenance is unknown. Fuel cell technology is continuously improving at a rapid rate. Comparing Electrical Generator Technologies Engine Generator System Greenhouse emissions of CO2, SO2, CO and particulates are significant. Noise level is very high and sound mitigation is necessary. Many moving parts, most moving in a hot environment needing oil and cooling. Maintenance is well known. Technology is mature and changing slowly. Fuel Cell System
Biogas Clean Up
Emissions from Haubenschild Generator Compared to Plug Power™ Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell ( 799ppmv) 4.18 g/kWh (2963 ppmv) 25.5 g/kWh (277 ppmv) 3.34 g/kWh (2.46 ppmv) 53 g/kWh ( <1 ppmv) g/kWh (<1 ppmv) <.0023 g/kWh (<1 ppmv) <0.030 g/kWh (1790 ppmv) 14.5 g/kWh Fuel Cell Engine Generator CO NOx SO X C X H Y
Energy Production + Organic Fertilizer + Net Air Emissions = $nergy Income + $avings + Environment Impact Reduction
Thank you Rich Huelskamp Advancing Utilization of Manure Methane Digester Funding for this project was recommended by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund