Micro Controlled Cabin Lights Ron Acker EKU Dept. of Technology, CEN/CET
2 OUTLINE Motivation for the project Introduction of the project Problems Statement Proposed solution to achieve my goal Result Conclusion Future work to be done Suggestions and Questions
3 Motivation When I first started staying in the cabin I needed light kerosene lamp; not enough light Coleman lantern good light, but with the light came heat which was not needed in August. From this came the wanting the ability to be able to have electric lights.
4 Introduction - Cabin I built the cabin last year in my back yard then moved it to Franklin County. Lumber yards Electric to power my tools I designed it in sections to make it easy to move using only wood screws and 3/8” machine bolts.
5 Introduction – Cabin contd. Electric lights in the cabin first I needed away to provide electricity to the cabin, electric lights don’t work to good with out it. Using 12 volt marine batteries and a 12vdc to 120vac 110 watt inverter. Researching into devices for controlling lights
6 Introduction – X-10 The web provide the information about X-10. There devices operate on the “Powerline” Interconnection Technologies. Is a communications protocol that allows compatible home networking products to talk to each other via the existing electrical wiring in the home.
7 Introduction – X-10 contd. The home automation line consists of “controllers“ and ”receiver” modules. The X-10 modules are plugged into household outlets or even mounted wall switches. With the X-10 standard, you can literally walk into a nearby electronics store and purchase all of the necessary equipment required to automate your home.
8 Introduction – Basic Stamp The web also provide the information on which Micro Controller to use. The Basic Stamp 2 as built in commands that can output signals to X-10. Though hole OEM Basic Stamp 2 kit was half the price as the same micro in surface mounted.
9 Introduction – Basic Stamp contd. The OEM kit came with all the parts needed. It is programmed with its own language (PBASIC).PBASIC
10 Problem Statement 1)Problem was how to get the X-10 signal off the power line to the Basic Stamp. 2)Using a TM751 Daughter board.
11 Problem Statement – contd. 3)TM751 mother board blow 4)The X-10 Wireless receiver (TM751) can only receive signals 5)Wall switch (WS467) is only a receiver.
12 Problems Statement – contd. 6)Timing in the Stamp program to get the lights to work. 7)X-10 needs a True Sine Wave to work, not a Modified Sine Wave.
13 Proposed Solution Looking on the internet for ideals or possible solutions to my lighting problem. Designed the control circuit schematicschematic Wrote the Program for the StampProgram
14 Proposed Solution – contd. X-10 signal to the stamp was the use of relays.
15 Proposed Solution – contd. Read the inputs from the X-10 devices and give the desired outputs. Prevent the motion sensor from timing out then turning off the light.
16 Proposed Solution – contd. Motion Sensors from turning the lights on when you do not want them on.
17 Results I was able to get everything to working on my project that was in the light controlling part. Mounted lights in cabin; Inside, Outside
18 Results – contd. Completed the soldering the basic stamp 2 OEM kit. Completed wiring circuit on the bread board. Completed writing stamp program in PBASIC. Completed building box with all devices installed. Completed building display board. Completed testing and trouble shooting.
19 Conclusions Learned about the “Powerline” Interconnection Technologies Learned how to use it to automate a home Learned how to make household devices more convenient and secure to use.
20 Conclusions – contd. Basic Stamp Learned setup and working Programming Experience from Capstone Course Groups Research
21 Future Work I plan on buying a true sine wave inverter to be able to power my light control system by marine batteries. I plan to buy a solar panel system so I do not have to haul the batteries every time I am coming or going from the cabin so I can charge them. Plan to install the project in the cabin.
22 Suggestions and Questions Thank you for your time today!