Objs 1. Discuss the goals of the Progressives. 2. Explain the role of the literary leaders. 3. Explain the tactics used by the Progressive groups.
Bellringer Make a chart that shows the positive and negative changes created by industrialization.
Goals of the Progressives PROGRESSivism = movement that focused on solving urban problems in the early 1900s – many were created by industrialization Goals = A more Democratic Government – esp. election reforms Eliminate unsafe working and living conditions Create checks/curb corporate power Create Social justice (Ex: Graduated Income tax)
Reward Hard work pays off!
Literary Progressives Nickname = Muckrakers –journalists who exposed the muck/dirt of society Ex: magazines= McClure’s, Munsey’s and Cosmopolitan
Muckraking journalists Lincoln Steffens – “Tweed Days in St. Louis” The Shame of the Cities (pol. Corruption in the cities)
The Bosses were the puppeteers of corruption.
Ida Tarbell – History of the Standard Oil Company “The Terror of Trusts!”
Frank Norris – The Octopus Expose on the RRs abuse of power
Upton Sinclair – The Jungle
Closure How safe is your meat today?