Period of Peace and Prosperity (27 B.C. to 180 A.D) Empire was size of U.S.A. with mil people Augustus implemented this time of peace by returning to old values: simplicity, sober conduct, patriotism
Used a common currency (the denarius), making trade easier throughout different part of the empire Removed tariffs between provinces making trade more successful Built roads: one of the most important and lasting aspects of Rome Also discovered & engineered aqueducts to cities, making them more inviting for trade centers
Senators kept titles and salaries, but no real power Gave most work of running the city to Plebeians and Slaves These were salaried positions needed to keep the empire running and strong: road repair, postal work, grain supply, etc. These jobs prevented slaves from revolting
Four emperors all from family lineage of Caesar None as talented as Augustus but maintained the peace of the Pax Romana
Who was to rule once an emperor died and whose decision was it? Dying emperor? Senate? Succesful military leader? Praetorian Guard (guards of the city of Rome and body guards to the emperor)? Arguments, disagreements, civil war, and murder often ensued In one 18 month period, they were 4 emperors due to constant assassination
Each chose their successor before death Transition occurred for 85 years without bloodshed Only some were actually “good” leaders, but called Good Emperors because avoided turmoil for the state Last Good Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, died in 180 A.D. bringing an end to the Pax Romana
Greek inspiration led to strong Roman writers Augustus expected Patriotism Livy: Wrote patriotic history of Rome Virgil: Epic Poet who wrote most famous body of Latin work, The Aeneid (copied style from Homer and even traced Roman history back to the Trojan War)
Criticism replaced patriotism Satire Juvenal: satirical writer who wrote morals of individuals in Rome Tacitus: satirical writer who condemned Rome’s government No punishment for satire because Rome was so secure and thriving, not threatened by disapproval
Based on stoicism Innocent until proven guilty Right to face your accusers and defend yourself Reasonable Doubt = innocent Ability to change laws Influenced throughout Western Civilization until current day
Wealthy threw large parties with so many courses of food they built a vomitorium in their home Poor lived in awful, rat-infested, conditions Empire provided food and housing for those in need, however
Greco-roman gods no longer believed in but were symbolic of loyalty to the empire Religious toleration as long as respected tradition of the gods and held emperor acclaimed as a god BIG problem for monotheists: Jews and Christians
Jews not willing to worship emperor as god Romans were fairly tolerant of Jews allowing freedom of religion and excused from worshipping emperor Jews still opposed Roman rule and Zealots rebelled in 66 A.D. Romans defeated rebellion and ended Jewish state for 2,000 (but religion endured)
Jesus was a Jew Began ministry at age 30 He was a wondering prophet and teacher Not impressed by wealth or status, so became very popular among the poor He valued morals and ethics He was hailed as a Messiah Many Romans believed he threatened Roman authority and he was crucified
Never knew Jesus Most profoundly influenced spread of Christianity Paul traveled freely throughout empire to spread word due to stability of Pax Romana Claimed Jesus was son of God Believers will be saved by faith in Gog and grace of God Christianity was open to all– Jews and non-Jews
Nero persecuted the Christians Then many emperors persecuted Christians upon fall of the Pax Romana Emperors wanted to be gods Christians could recant their belief or maintain their beliefs and be tortured and killed This showed weakness of Empire (think satire) By 200 A.D., about 10% of Empire was Christian
Disciple selected by Jesus Served as Rome’s first bishop Later there were bishops in all major cities, but the bishop of Rome was considered most important Eventually the Roman bisho become Pope This belief in a pope become the Petrine Doctrine
The decline happened in three stages “Crisis of the Third Century” Political, economic, and military problems Division of the Empire Empire divided into east and west Barbarian Invasion Empire collapses in 476 A.D.
Economic Trade routes ended due to barbarians and pirates Gold and silver gone from buying luxuries in foreign lands Inflation due to coins no longer having value of silver Agriculture declined, possibly from over-worked soil
Military Losses to the Goths Loss to Persia Began using mercenary soldiers
Political Lack of loyalty due to lack of political participation Those that did serve were required to collect taxes; if unable, they had to pay themselves Armies became interested in politics and tried to use force to govern the empire
Diocletian Became Emperor in 284 A.D. for 21 yrs. Greatly attempted reform to restore strength to the empire Doubled size of army Price and wage control to halt inflation Restore old gods, persecute Christians Split the Empire into East and West for manageability These reforms were not all successful but did halt the decline of Rome during his reign
Constantine Military commander who was fighting for control of empire after Diocletian’s rule Implemented Edict of Milan (freedom of religion) after winning Battle at Milvian Bridge He then gained control of both eastern and western halves Moved capital to eastern half and named it Constantinople Empire still split, but eastern half now more powerful
Invasions for a century by Germanic tribes Germanic tribes feared the Huns who moved west from Asia, forcing them south into Rome Huns came to Rome but Pope Leo I convinced Attila to leave 14 yr. old, Romulus Augustulus, was last emperor who lost to Odoacer