A World In Motion Challenge 2 Walter Hickey, 6th Grade Teacher Beverly R. Plein, Technology Facilitator Benjamin Franklin Middle School Teaneck, NJ
Partners Stevens Institute of Technology Society of Automotive Engineers Verizon Teachers College, Columbia University Museum of Boston
What is AWIM? (Challenge 2) Problem Based Learning Hands on experiences Discovery based Focus on engineer design concepts Emphasis on Science & Math Supports NJCCCS in all areas
Stevens’ Pilot Program 8 middle schools in New Jersey Various teacher scenarios 6th Grade, Science, Technology Education (IA), Enrichment (G&T) Worked as a collaborative group Training, email communication, follow up sessions
Program Design Middle School students Introduction to Career Options Regular, Special Ed, G&T, Students at Risk Introduction to Career Options Females Minorities Science Course Cross Curricular
Make It Your Own! Customize for your school needs Grade level / Content area Connect with community resources
Stevens Provides Class set of kits FREE Teacher Manual includes lesson plans, pacing guide, handouts, DVD, videotape, materials and poster Professional development On going support
Request For Proposal Fictitious Toy Company Create a new motorized, geared toy Criteria Appeal to 6-10 yr old boys and girls Fast, powerful or combination Written proposal (final report) Student presentation
Living the Scientific Method Set Goals Build Knowledge Series of mini experiments Design Build & Test Presentations Explain using words from the Scientific Method Observation Hypothesize Collect data Analyze Draw Conclusion Report
Working in Groups 2-3 students All female, male or combination Assign Jobs Task Manager, Recorder & Equipment Manager Interpersonal and Communication skills Time Management skills
Differentiated Instruction Regular Inclusion Classes Gifted and Talented Alternative Assessment
Levels the Playing Field Economically challenged students have same chance to succeed Equipment is provided to students Minimal extra materials (classroom supplies) Parents don’t do the project!
Cross Curricular Science Math Social Studies Language Arts Technology Education Fine Arts Music Career Education
Lessons Learned Checklists / daily summary Disassembling wastes time Equipment inventories Cumulative info charts/word wall Rotating jobs Tips and tricks Rubber bands, bulletin board staple remover, needle nose pliers Standard set of gram weights Power strips Very few implementation issues Tweak the lesson like students tweak the project
Technology Supports instruction Student Skills Digital Camera / Video Teacher and student created videos Video Ipods Document Camera Palm Pilots Student Skills
21st Century Skills
Questions? Walter Hickey Beverly R. Plein whickey@teaneckschools bplein@bellatlantic.net