2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv László TÓTH, Nóra SZŰCS Szabolcs SZÁVAI Handbook of the Crack Propagation sensitivity Index
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv The Basic Terms of Technical-Economic Life SafetyReliabilityRiskCosts Level of
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv At a given technical level !!
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Where We come from? What We Are? Where we are going? Paul GAUGUIN, 1897 (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts)
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv The Driving Forces of Development
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv NDE Background
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Crack Propagation Sensitivity Index Concept K, J, G Crack Size Crack Growth Resistance CPSI Safety Factor UNIT K-a dK/da
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Crack size Component 1 Component 2 K Ic Stress Intensity Factor Required NDE reliability
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv loading conditions, flaw location, flaw geometry CPSI= f K= .f(a,geometry) CPSI=dK/da= .{[f(a,geometry)]/da} CPSI
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Derivate Functions,
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Example 2 SPHERICAL SHELL UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE WITH CRACK Embedded Elliptical Crack (Centred)
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Derivate Functions
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv More illustration
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv The derivate functions are ready yet: For 74 cases including: Plates Pipes and Cylinders Spherical sells and Spheres Round bars and bolts Component with hole The software for calculating the CPSI=dK/da for 12 cases including: Plates Pipes and Cylinders
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv CONCLUSIONS The integrity of the structures can be evaluated at a given technical level The CPSI concept is the only tool to link the safety requirement of a structure and the NDE requirements Introducing the CPSI concept a COST EFFECTIVE NDE can be achieved Collection of the K-solutions, i.e the K vs. crack geometry (size) in a handbook Preparation of their derivative functions
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Further Tasks Preparation of more derivative function Preparation of a guideline for the given type of component (tubes, vessels, turbine blades, etc) Optimization of NDE (method, personnel, equipment, etc.)
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Zoltán Bay ( ) He measured the distance between the Earth and the Moon using micro-wave technology (1946), Radar Astronomy Re-definition of the unit of the distance, meter ( )
2 nd Hungarian-Ukrainian Joint Conference on SAFETY-RELIABILITY AND RISK OF ENGINEERING PLANTS AND COMPONENTS September 19-21, Kyiv Thank you for your kind attention