Sherlock Holmes and Mystery of the Soup M. Deveaux Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M.


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Presentation transcript:

Sherlock Holmes and Mystery of the Soup M. Deveaux Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M

A Question to Sherlock Holmes M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 2 Annette Schavan, Federal Minister of Research, Germany The cookThe soup

Sherlock Holmes Quest M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 3 How can one check that the soup has cooked?

Sherlock Holmes Quest M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 4 ?

Sherlock Holmes Quest M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 5

Sherlock Holmes Quest M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 6 =

Sherlock Holmes Quest M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 7 Dissolves fast Gets quickly soft if cooked Gets slowly soft if cooked

Sherlock Holmes Quest M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 8 Lets test ingredients, which keep information on the cooking process.

Sherlock Holmes Quest M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 9 Dissolves also at room temperature Keeps softening after cooking Reacts slowly, might overlook cooking

Sherlock Holmes Quest M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 10 We will have to test as many ingredients as possible to ob- tain a conclusive answer. The Quest of CBM

The CBM-Experiment M. Deveaux Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M From my personal point of view

The nuclear phase diagram M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 12

13 Observables UrQMD transport calculation U+U 23 AGeV

CBM probes at highest baryonic densities M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 14 CBM

CBM uses Charm and Open Charm at threshold M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 15 CBM p-A “The cross section obtained in the present experiment is also larger than theoretical estimates, and this requires a more thorough investigation into the problem.”

CBM uses Charm and Open Charm at threshold M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 16 CBM will allow to access charm close to production threshold CBM A-A

17 ExperimentEnergy range (Au/Pb beams) Reaction rates Hz Observables,  s NN = 8 GeV hadrons flow, fluct., correl. dileptons di-e/di-µ charm BNL  s NN = 7 – 200 GeV 1 – 800 (limit luminosity) yes no CERN E kin = 20 – 160 AGeV  s NN = 6.4 – 17.4 GeV 80 (limit detector) yes no Dubna  s NN = 4.0 – 11.0 GeV ~1000 (at design luminosity ) yes no Darmstadt E kin = 2.0 – 35 AGeV  s NN = 2.7 – 8.3 GeV 10 5 – 10 7 (limit detector) yes Experiments on super-dense nuclear matter M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece

Observables M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 18 minimum bias Au+Au collisions at 25 AGeV (from HSD and thermal model) SPS: Pb+Pb 30 AGeV STAR: Au+Au  s NN =7.7 GeV motivating CBM`s experimental requirements in precision and rates multiplicity  branching ratio ,  s NN =19.6 GeV J. Heuser, QM2012

The design of CBM M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 19 MVD – find decay vertex STS – measure momentum RICH – identify “slow” electrons TRD – identify fast electrons RPC (TOF) – identify “slow” hadrons ECAL – measure gammas PSD – measure event plane

Some observables M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 20 MVD, decay vertex ID STS - Momentum RICH – e ID + fast  ID TRD – e ID RPC (TOF) - p- ID  - K separation PSD – Event plane ECAL D 0 => K +  Major cut = displaced vertex Remaining background =  + p …

Some observables M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 21 MVD,  => e+/e- rejection STS - Momentum RICH – slow e ID TRD – fast e ID RPC (TOF) – hadron suppr. PSD – Event plane  …=> e+/e- Major cut = Particle ID Remaining background =  e+/e- ECAL – measure  0 and  for cocktail

Some observables M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 22 MVD,  => e+/e- rejection STS - Momentum RICH – slow e ID TRD – fast e ID RPC (TOF) – hadron suppr. PSD – Event plane ECAL J  …=> e+/e- Major cut = Particle ID, p t > 1.2 GeV

Some observables M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 23 MVD STS - Momentum RICH – slow e ID TRD – tracking RPC (TOF) – hadron suppr. PSD – Event plane ECAL  J  …=> µ+/µ- Major cut = Particle ID Remaining background =  X Much – Active Muon absorber CBM aims to measure vector mesons via e+/e- AND µ+/µ- in SEPARATE runs => control systematics

CBM – The trigger concept M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 24 Contradiction: Complex trigger signature => Need high CPU time High rate => Need immediate decision ObservableTrigger signature Ambitio- ned rate (Multi)-StrangeDisplaced Vertex~10 6 Open CharmDisplaced Vertex~10 5 Vector mesons => e+/e- None~10 4 Vector mesons => µ+/µ- µ combinations~10 5 J/  => e+/e- High p t electron~10 6 J/  => µ+/µ- µ combinations~10 7 Detector FEE buffer Readout buffer Switch Processor farm Storage L1 trigger HLT Conventinal DAQ

The concept of the CBM-DAQ M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 25 Detector FEE buffer Readout buffer Switch Processor farm Storage L1 trigger HLT Conventinal DAQ CBM L1 Self-triggered Front-end. All Hits are shipped to DAQ in data push mode. Real time event building Event Selection after tracking and partial reconstruction. Use of highly parallel hardware (Multicore CPU/GPGPU). Data buffer outside cave. Memory for L1 decision latencies of ms Fast data links 240 core CPU

DAQ in simple words M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 26 ? STS MVDRICHTRDECAL TOF MUCHFCAL ~ 1TB/s

A little computing hardware – the LOEWE CSC M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 27 Rank 22 in the Top500 List of Supercomputers. 832 Nodes (20900 Cores, 778 GPGPU) 56 TB RAM, 2000 TB HDD 420 TB high speed HDD mit 10 GB/s  CPU TFlop/s (peak, dp),  GPGPU PFlop/s (peak, sp), 599 TFlop/s (peak, dp)  Cooling < 10% of the power consumption

A little bigger hardware M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 28 CBM ~500m 'Green Cube' 1 TB/s Der Green Cube wurde von der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft als Projekt mit höchster Priorität aller Ausbauinvestionen eingestuft

From Simulation to Reality M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 29 Again, this structure will be fixed with the novel Anti Gravitation Glue™.

M. Deveaux, 30 Open charm reconstruction: Concept Primary Beam: 25 AGeV Au Ions (up to 10 9 /s) Primary vertex Secondary vertex Short lived particle D 0 (c  = ~ 120 µm) Detector 1 Detector2 Target (Gold) z Reconstruction concept for open charm Central Au + Au collision (25 AGeV) A good time resolution to distinguish the individual collisions (few 10 µs) Very good radiation tolerance (>10 13 n eq /cm²) Reconstructing open charm requires: Excellent secondary vertex resolution (~ 50 µm) => Excellent spatial resolution (~5 µm) => Very low material budget (few 0.1 % X 0 ) => Eventually: Detectors in vacuum The CBM-experiment (at FAIR) The CBM Micro Vertex Detector

M.Deveaux 31 Requirements vs. detector performances (2003) Required (CBM) Hybrid pixels Single point res. [µm]~ 5~ 30 Material budget [ X 0 ]~ 0.3%1% Time resolution [µs]few Rad. hardness [n/cm²]> >> CCD ~ 5 ~0.1% ~100 << NA60 hybrid pixel

M. Deveaux 32 Requirements vs. detector performances (2003) RequiredHybrid pixels Single point res. [µm]~ 5~ 30 Material budget [ X 0 ]~ 0.3%~ 1% Time resolution [µs]few Rad. hardness [n/cm²]> >> CCD ~ 5 ~ 0.1% ~100 << NA60 hybrid pixel More sensitivity More statistics We need both

33 CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) RequiredHybrid pixels Single point res. [µm]~ 5~ 30 Material budget [ X 0 ]~ 0.3%1% Time resolution [µs] Rad. hardness [n/cm²]> >> CCD ~ 5 ~0.1%* ~100 << MAPS (2003) 3.5 ~0.05%* >1000 > *Sensor only MAPS provide an unique compromise between: sensitivity high rate capability Time resolution and rad. tolerance need improvement => Perform R&D

Sensor R&D: How to gain speed 34 External ADC Sensor Offline Cluster finding Output Add pedestal correction ~1000 discriminators On - chip cluster- finding processor Output: Cluster information (zero surpressed) MAPS are built in CMOS technology Allows to integrate: sensor analog circuits digital circuits on one chip.

Sensor R&D: How to gain speed 35 Pixel with pedestal correction ~1000 discriminators On - chip cluster- finding processor Output: Cluster information (zero surpressed) MIMOSA-1 (2000) MIMOSA-5 (2002) MIMOSA-20 (2006) MIMOSA-26 (2009) ReadoutSerial Serial Mk. 2Digital Pixel/line/s5M20M50M2500M Data/sensor: 1200 Mbps160 Mbps Serial readout parallel Readout time before: 1-20 ms Readout time now: ~100 µs Improve further with shorter columns. Improve with “DDR-readout”

M. Deveaux 36 Sensor R&D: The operation principle Reset +3.3V Output SiO 2 N++ N+ P+ P- P+ 15µm 50µm

37 Sensor R&D: Tolerance to non-ionising radiation +3.3V Output SiO 2 N++ N+ SiO 2 P++ GND +3.3V Non-ionising radiation Energy deposit into crystal lattice

38 Sensor R&D: Tolerance to non-ionising radiation +3.3V Output SiO 2 N++ N+ SiO 2 P++ GND +3.3V Key observation: Signal amplitude is reduced by bulk damage

39 Sensor R&D: Tolerance to non-ionising radiation +3.3V Output SiO 2 N++ N+ SiO 2 P++ GND +3.3V Electric field increases the radiation hardness of the sensor Draw back: Need CMOS-processes with low doping epitaxial layer E

S/N of MIMOSA-18 AHR (high resistivity epi-layer) M. Deveaux 40 Plausible conclusion: Radiation tolerance ~10 14 n eq /cm² reached Cooling required to operate heavily irradiated sensors Preliminary Safe operation Mimosa-9 (2005) 20 µm standard epi 0.2 x n eq /cm² D. Doering, P. Scharrer, M. Domachowski

CMOS – Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 41 ~100 µs 25µs ~ 6 ms~ 30 µs Readout time > 300 kRad > 3 MRad <200 kRad> 3 MRad Rad. tol. io > 1x10 13 n eq >3x10 14 n eq ~10 12 n eq >10 13 n eq /cm² Rad. tol. non-io. 0.05% X 0 ~ 0.1% X 0 < 0.05% X 0 Material budget 3.5 µm~1 µm~2 µm~ 5 µm Single point res. Mi-26 (2010) MAPS (2012*) Mi-5 (2002) CBM (Startup) x 60 x 15 x 300 x 2x 2 -- Improve- ment CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensoren * Best of specialized sensors R&D carried out in synergy with STAR HFT, EUDET, AIDA and (recently) ALICE ITS upgrade.

Discri Sensor Discri Sensor Discri Sensor Discri Sensor Discri Sensor Discri Sensor Discri Sensor M. Deveaux 42 T. Tischler MIMOSIS1B MIMOSIS1A Discri Sensor Discri Sensor Discri Sensor Integration concept of the MVD MVD Prototype (mock up)

Prototype: Beam test setup M. Deveaux 43 Ambitioned performances: Up to 8 MIMOSA-26 frames/s, 3.5µm resolution. Local DAQ based on HADES TRB Gbps data, scalable. Actively cooled prototype (<0.3% X 0 ) Passively cooled telescope arms (0.05% X 0 ) T. Tischler MVD Prototype Reference telescope

Prototype: Beam test setup M. Deveaux 44 2 MIMOSA-26 operated with …. the prototype readout electronics Beam spot seen, work in progress… Beam test planned late for CERN-SPS

System integration: Outlook M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 45 Idea from R. De Oliveira, W.Dulinski Thanks to CERN and IPHC pixels and a readout cable (mechanical demonstrator)

Concept of the STS M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 46 The Silicon Tracking System… a high performance silicon strip detector, 8 Layers – 70 cm long

Integrated technical design M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 47 power dissipation: planned prototypes: 37 kW optimized distribution: 27 kW cooling of electronics with CO 2 cooling system and of Si sensors with dry gas operation temperature: ~ -5 o C to -10 o C STS MVD beam pipe target in dipole magnet gap: 1.4  1.8  1.0 m 3 electronics, cooling pipes, low voltage cables, optical data links thermal insulation, windows maintenance

The concept of the STS M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 48 Technology: Double sided strip detectors with 15° stereo angle Front side provides X-, backside Y-coordinate

The concept of the STS M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 49

Beam tests of the STS M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 50 silicon microstrip detectors self-triggering front-end electronics DAQ online monitoring tracking σ =32  m σ =58  m 2.4 GeV protons neutron- irradiated sensor

Status of CBM M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 51 See Talk of C. Dritsa See Talk of A. Arend

Status of CBM – other detectors M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 52 RPC prototype In general: Prototypes are under beam test, CBM approaches TDR Beam test setup GEM for MUCH at COSY Beam test results from ELBE

What else? Feasibility studies and quality control M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 53 M. Deveaux, 16th CBM collaboration meeting, 30th Sept. 2010, Mamaia 53 M. Deveaux, 16th CBM collaboration meeting, 30th Sept. 2010, Mamaia 53 ρωφ→e+e- J/ψ→e+e- track reconstruction efficiency momentum resolution Δp/p ρωφ →μμ J/ψ→μμ Ω-Ω-

54 CBM physics book Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 814 April 29, pages, 400 figures, 2000 citations General Introduction Prelude by Frank Wilczek Facets of Matter Executive Summary Part I BULK PROPERTIES OF STRONGLY INTERACTING MATTER Part II IN-MEDIUM EXCITATIONS Part III COLLISION DYNAMICS Part IV OBSERVABLES AND PREDICTIONS Part V CBM EXPERIMENT M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece

Status of FAIR M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 55 + = ?

The location of FAIR Heavy-ion synchrotrons SIS-100, SIS-300 SIS-100 / SIS-300:  protons: /89 GeV  ions: /44 AGeV,  s NN = / GeV  intensities: up to 10 9 ions per second at CBM CBM Johann M. Heuser et al. - The CBM experiment at FAIR 56

The CBM cave M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 57 length: 37 m width: 27 m height: 17 m control room + service building underground hall: Status: Planning completed Building application filed

Status of FAIR M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece foundation of FAIR company, 4 Oct building applications preparation of construction site start installation of accelerators and detectors construction of FAIR – SIS-100 start of construction: construction permit and 526 MEuro funding received completion of structural works tenders 2018: data taking

Status of the Accelerator M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 59 Dipole magnets for SIS-100 Dipole magnets for SIS-300 Prototypes for industrial mass production have been developed. Important milestone: SIS-100 dipole series has been tendered. Breakthrough in July 2012: Successful test of the first curved prototype dipole (DISCORAP Collaboration, LASA lab, INFN Milan, Italy) fields up to 4.5 T field ramps (currently limited to 0.4 T/s) Babcock-Noell

Status of the accelerator M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 60 Winter 2011/12 Summer 2011 Spring 2012FAIR site preparation

Summary and conclusion M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 61 CBM searches for first order phase transition, critical point … CBM is to measure the widest possible range of observables Building CBM is a challenge BUT The R&D is supported by helpful trends in industry: Multicore and GPGPU computing New chip manufacturing processes High bandwidth data network technologies Detector prototypes are being build and tested in beam, writing TDR is envisaged for The construction of FAIR has started, expect beam on target 2018

Conclusion M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece 62 CBM is gaining momentum Stay tuned