Michael Byrne Geographic Information Officer National Broadband Map Update
Outline Data Integration Quality Assessment Produce BB Map
The National Broadband Map is a program of the National Telecommunications Information Administration Authority comes from ARRA and BDIA NTIA “shall create and maintain a National Broadband Map” Map “shall be on-line and searchable and interactive” Grants to each state and territory for assembling and collecting the data NTIA and FCC entered into a partnership to help produce the map FAST TIMELINES National Broadband Map - Overview
NTIA awarded grants to each state; state mapping broadband availability; Technology and speed available, by provider at the US Census Block level Community Anchor Institution Data Collect data twice a year (April and October) Map to be published on 2/17/2011 National Broadband Map
Data Integration
Data Integration – Review Data Each submission contains; a Geodatabase, some summary information, metadata, and a process paper Standard process for reviewing the data Issues we have seen – No documentation, record count differences, no metadata, valid values in data
Data Integration – Completeness Analysis How much availability is there (e.g. by population and housing units)? How much speed is there (e.g. by population and housing units)? Did we get all the right providers? Did we get all the right community Anchor Institutions?
National Quality Assessment – Overview Meta Analysis Data Comparison Final Report
National Quality Assessment Meta Analysis Check stuff – Awardee provided documentation of data verification strategies – Feedback loop to service providers – Primary data source collection
National Quality Assessment – Compare Data Type I & Type II Error assessment against known third party data – FCC 477, Speed test, industry data Wireline Wireless Technology Speed
National Quality Assessment – Final Report Record level data confidence Recommendations for process improvements Technical details of quality Feedback loop for awardees
National Broadband Map Platform Specification Requirements Design Build Implement (agile) Mobile Supporting Visualizations Technology Transfer
Requirements All REST and web services (including OGC) Simple search Summarize (any geography) Analyze (rank any geography) Developer (e.g. API enabled) Advanced Analytics available
Mobile App We have a contest planned for a mobile app To be released by April 2010
What would a mobile app do? What functions would you recommend employing in a mobile app? How do we truly define something ‘unique’ that significantly adds value to community? Your Help Needed
Michael Byrne Thank You
Data Integration – Review Data Layers include – (1) Block level, (2) address level, (3) road segment level, (4) wireless, (5) CAI, (6) middle mile and an (7) overview (8) Last mile and (9) subscriber weighted nominal speed Check each field for valid values, accepted ranges, and combination of values Check geospatial data for vertex limits, geometry errors, projection and topology rules ETL data into a staging database
Most major federal datasets built on Census geography First dot gov API to unlock data at Census block level Wide-reaching benefit across government agencies FCC.gov/Developer Announcing – FCC Census Block Search API