Accessing Economic Stimulus Dollars: A Guide for Local Governments March 19, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Accessing Economic Stimulus Dollars: A Guide for Local Governments March 19, 2009

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Introduction Introduction of speakers Summary of funding opportunities Tips for local governments Questions 2

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Today’s Speakers 3 Bill Ferguson, CEO The Ferguson Group Matt Ward, Partner The Ferguson Group Jennifer Imo, Partner The Ferguson Group

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC President Obama signed the stimulus bill into law on February 17, 2009 Total cost: $787.2 billion $575.3 billion (Spending) $211.9 billion (Tax cuts) Largest single cash infusion into the American economy More than 75 federal programs received funding that could benefit local governments 4 The Basics

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Focus of Funding Job creation is critical Stimulus funds available in following areas: –Transportation Infrastructure –Energy / Environment –Community / Economic Development –Water Infrastructure –Police / Fire –Health Care / Social Services –Education –Rural Development 5

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Accessing the Funding The Congressional Budget Offices estimates that 74% of stimulus funds will be spent by September 2010 Stimulus funds will be distributed using: –Pre-established formulas to localities –Pre-established formulas to states –Competitive grant programs –Loans and loan guarantees 6

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Transportation Infrastructure Federal Highway Administration –Highways Infrastructure Investment - $27.5B Roads, bridges, transit, and bicycle/pedestrian walkways $$$ through state/MPOs –Supplemental Discretionary Grants for a National Surface Transportation System - $1.5B Highways, rural roads, bridges, and public transportation Competitive 7

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Transportation Infrastructure Federal Transit Administration –Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program - $5.52B Support for public transit in communities over 50,000 Formula funding –Section 5311 Rural and Small Urban Areas Formula Program - $690M Support for public transit in communities under 50,000 $$$ through state –New Starts Program - $750M Commuter rail, light rail, bus transit For projects in construction or able to award contracts within 150 days 8

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Energy / Environment U.S. Department of Energy –Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grants - $3.2B $2.8B direct states, cities over 35,000 and counties over 200,000; guidelines and formulas to be announced soon $400M competitive from DOE –Weatherization Assistance - $5B $$$ through state –State Energy Programs - $3.1B $$$ through state –Alternative Fueled Vehicles - $300M Competitive; deadline May 29, 2009 –Transportation Electrification Grants - $400M Competitive; to be announced soon 9

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Energy / Environment U.S. Department of Energy –EERE Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment Programs - $2.5B Competitive; to be announced soon –Smart Grid - $4.5B ($100M for utility job training) Competitive; to be announced soon U.S. Environmental Protection Agency –Diesel Vehicle Conversions - $300M Competitive; to be announced soon –Brownfields - $100M Competitive 10

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Energy / Environment U.S Department of Labor –Job Training - $750M ($500M for green jobs) Competitive National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration –Coastal and Marine Restoration Grant Program - $230M Competitive; deadline April 6, 2009 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development –Energy Retrofits for Federally-Assisted Housing - $2.25B Loans and grants 11

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Community / Economic Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development –Community Development Block Grants - $1B Allocations published on HUD’s Recovery web site Economic Development Administration –Economic Development Assistance Program - $150M Strategic planning, economic transition, competitiveness approaches Applications currently being accepted on continuing basis U.S. Department of Commerce –Broadband Technology Opportunities Program - $4.35B Expanding broadband service, building computer access at libraries Competitive; to be announced soon 12

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Water Infrastructure U.S. Environmental Protection Agency –Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund - $2B Treatment facilities, storage, transmission, and distribution systems Must be on state priority list $$$ through state; must be on priority list; available through Sept. 30, 2010 –Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund - $4B Wastewater infrastructure, non-point source pollution, watershed management $$$ through state; must be on priority list; available through Sept. 30, 2010 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers –General Investigations - $25M –Construction - $2B –Operations and Maintenance - $2.075B 13

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Police / Fire U.S. Department of Justice –COPS Universal Hiring Program - $1B Competitive; deadline April 16, 2009 –Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grants - $2B Formula allocations on DOJ’s Recovery web site –State & Local Law Enforcement Assistance - $765M Formula and competitive grants, including $225M for competitive Byrne grants –Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution - $225M Formula and competitive grants –STOP Violence Against Women - $140M »Formula allocations on DOJ’s Recovery web site –Transitional Housing Assistance Grants - $50M »Competitive 14

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Police / Fire U.S. Department of Homeland Security –State and Local Programs - $300M Transit and port security Formula –Assistance to Fire Fighters - $210M Construct or renovate fire stations Competitive 15

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Health Care / Social Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services –Federally-Qualified Health Center Program - $2B Health care services for low-income and medically underserved communities Formula; allocations on HHS’s Recovery web site –Child Care Development Block Grant Program - $2B Child care programs that serve low-income families $$$ through state –Head Start and Early Head Start Programs - $2.1B Childhood education and development $$$ through state –Community Services Block Grant - $1B Human and social services $$$ through state 16

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Rural Development U.S. Department of Agriculture –Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations - $290M –Rural Community Facilities Program - $130M Hospitals, medical clinics, police stations, educational facilities in communities under 20,000 in population Competitive –Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program - $1.38B Water supply, waste treatment, solid waste facilities Competitive –Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Programs - $2.5B Broadband loans and grants only Competitive 17

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Accountability and Transparency Overview of accountability expectations Issues Information you should be collecting Case study/examples of tracking systems 18

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Top Tips for Localities Use TFG Guidebook and support to determine which projects meet “ready-to-go” and other program criteria Refer to and for additional Apply for your federal DUNS number and other required submission codes Identify funding delivery method (i.e., competitive grants vs. States vs. formulas) Reach out to your state agencies to get on priority lists Produce written justifications for top priority projects Advocate for your priorities! 19

Prepared for ICMA by The Ferguson Group LLC Local Climate Leadership Summit May 18-20: Local Climate Leadership Summit, hosted by Climate Communities and ICLEI USA –Explore economic stimulus and other federal resource opportunities –Showcase local government leadership and share lessons learned –Ensure that federal policies provide tools and resources for local governments 20

The Ferguson Group, LLC 1130 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC