Developing Personal Identity & Character
Your Personal Identity Personal Identity – your sense of yourself as a unique individual. Your personal identity depends on: Age, Circumstances, Family values Factors that affect your personality: Heredity, environment, attitude, behaviors 1. What factor do you believe affects your personality more, heredity or environment?
Personality Types Your personality is different from your personality type. Personality type is a person’s usual way of focusing energy, gathering information, making decisions and getting work done. Knowing your personality types helps you understand: The people with whom you interact How you approach and respond to people/things The most effective way of working/getting things done.
Type A vs. Type B The Type A personality generally lives at a higher stress level. This is driven by: They enjoy achievement of goals, with greater enjoyment in achieving of more difficult goals. They are thus constantly working hard to achieve these. They find it difficult to stop, even when they have achieved goals. They feel the pressure of time, constantly working flat out. They are highly competitive and will, if necessary create competition. They hate failure and will work hard to avoid it. They are generally pretty fit and often well-educated (a result of their anxiety). The Type B personality generally lives at a lower stress level and are typically: They work steadily, enjoying achievements but not becoming stressed when they are not achieved. When faced with competition, they do not mind losing and either enjoy the game or back down. They may be creative and enjoy exploring ideas and concepts. They are often reflective, thinking about the outer and inner worlds.
Personality Types Look at chart on pg Personality Types Look at chart on pg. 83 & fill in, then circle the one that describes you. How you Focus Energy Extrovert:___________________________________ Introvert:___________________________________ How you Gather Information Sensing: ____________________________________ Intuitive:____________________________________ How you Make Decisions Thinking:____________________________________ Feeling:_____________________________________ How you Get Work Done Judging:_____________________________________ Perceiving:___________________________________
How Identity Forms Recognizing likes and dislikes, and forming your own opinions from experiences. Relationships and experiences with family and friends. Take on same values as family and friends. You may identify with a role model. Identity will change as interests change throughout life.
Aspects of Identity Aspects of your identity include (but not limited to): Personality: a complex set of characteristics that makes you unique. Your personality sets you apart from others and determines how you will react in certain situations. Character: the distinctive qualities that describe how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. A person of good character demonstrates core ethical values.
Traits of Good Character Six traits are commonly used to describe good character. By demonstrating these traits consistently in your actions and behaviors, you show others that you have integrity. Open your book to page 75 and fill out the definitions of the character trait.
6 Traits of Good Character Trustworthiness You are honest, loyal, and reliable. You do what you say you will do. For example: if you tell a friend that you will meet at a certain time, you try your best to be on time. You have the courage to do the right thing, and you don’t lie, cheat, or steal.
6 Traits of Good Character Respect You are considerate of others and accept their differences. You make decisions that show you respect your health and the health of others. Even if you disagree with another person’s point of view, you use good manners in your dealings with people. You treat other people’s property with care and respect.
6 Traits of Good Character Responsibility You use self-control—you think before you act and consider the consequences. You are accountable for your choices and decisions, and don’t blame others for your actions. You try your best and complete projects you start, even when things don’t go as planned.
6 Traits of Good Character Fairness You play by the rules, take turns, and share. You are open minded, and you listen to others. You don’t take advantage of others, and you don’t blame others.
6 Traits of Good Character Caring A caring person is kind and compassionate. You express gratitude, are forgiving toward others, and want to help people in need.
6 Traits of Good Character Citizenship Demonstrating good citizenship means you advocate for a safe and healthy environment at school and in your community. You take an interest in the world around you. You obey rules and laws, and show respect for authority.
Tips for Promoting a Healthy Identity Recognize your strengths and weaknesses Be honest and realistic Take credit for what you do well Evaluate your weaknesses without being too critical. Set goals to improve areas of weakness. Demonstrate positive values Surround yourself with people who are positive and share your values.
Tips for Promoting a Healthy Identity Develop a purpose in your life Sense of purpose helps you set goals and work to achieve them. Find something that you love to do and do it frequently. Form meaningful relationships Surround yourself with positive supportive people. Friends who will be honest with you and provide constructive criticism.
Tips for Promoting a Healthy Identity Avoid unhealthful high-risk behaviors Stop making life a contest. Recognize there will always be people more or less able than you in areas in life. Be content with doing the best you can in all areas that matter to you. Contribute to the community and help someone else.