About Sampark M. Chidambaranathan Sampark September 11, 2015
Location of Sampark
Sampark’s Mission Established in 1991, Sampark’s mission is to help vulnerable and poor people, especially women, to gain direct control over and improve their lives. This is achieved through educational interventions primarily aimed at increasing people’s income earning ability.
Sampark’s Vision and Activities Koppal integrated rural development work using the SHG/Clusters structure model Bangalore construction workers crèches - development work with poor rural migrants in an unstable urban context Development research and knowledge building work Capacity Building of other NGOs/development agencies Informing and Influencing Interventions Practical Interventions Creating and Sharing Knowledge/ Learning Creating and Sharing Knowledge/ Learning
Key Actions in Koppal Financial Well-being Building Literacy Economic Well-being Healthy Living Practical Interventions
Development Approach in Koppal Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Poor in Semi-arid Region, Koppal SNRM Education Credit and Enterprise Health
SHGs, Micro Credit Sources Cumulative Loan Disbursed to SHGs till January 2009 No. of Villages 33 No. of women Self- Help Groups (SHGs) 186 Total families covered 2864 Total savings of 168 groups (USD) 196,700 Total outstanding of loan (USD) 214,445 Facilitate SHGs on savings and credit activity Build capacity of women on money management and development activities Build capacity of book writers on book maintenance Link SHGs with banks, govt. and pvt organisations Organise SHGs into 10 clusters associations Financial Well-being
Development of Clusters Strengthening the cluster structure Registration of 6 clusters as mutual cooperatives Building the capacity of cluster staff and cluster committees to run viable micro credit and development activities Linking with banks, govt. and pvt. organizations Establishing community based impact monitoring system
Capacity Building Training SHG concept Fund Management Communication and leadership Cluster concept Book writing Business orientation Basic health Legal rights Cluster committee’s roles and responsibilities Trainings Covered
Education Support Programme Sponsorship for 1400 school going children Special classes for children in the evening times Children’s camps Outcomes: Reduced dropout rates Monitoring by women’s committees Building Literacy
Enterprise Support for Women and Youth Enterprise awareness programme Business idea generation workshops Market support and facilitation Outcomes: 1050 women started businesses Economic Well-being
Vocational Training to Women and Youth Need and demand based vocational training to youth Self-employment support Placement service 310 youth and women trained
Vocational Trainings Tailoring Embroidery Kasuthi craft Driving Dish scrubbers Mobile repairing Beautician Computer Bamboo Wood carving Candle making Detergent powder making Skill Training
Action Research – Mental Health Coping Skills Intervention for Rural Women Action research Outcomes: Reduced stress SHGs continuing health meetings (50%) Healthy Living
Childcare Crèches for Urban Children in Bangalore Children’s creches and non formal education centres Placements for vocational trainings Enterprise linkages Partnerships – private sector Fund raising
Research & Advisory Research and evaluations studies Strategy development Documentation and publications Informing and Influencing Interventions
Publication: VIEWS
Partners Pangea Foundation, Italy Volkart Foundation, Delhi Anuradha Foundation, USA CIDA, Delhi NABARD, Bangalore CARE India, Delhi and AP ILO, Delhi and Geneva UNOPS, Bangkok FAO, Bangkok KSWDC, Bangalore CDE, Switzerland Philips Pvt Ltd Sun City Builders ICICI – Give India Ramkumar Ramswamy Krystal Builders Corporate Partnerships
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