E NTERPRISE S UPPORTS Rural Development Programme Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme Tus Rural Social Scheme
W HAT IS THE R URAL D EVELOPMENT P ROGRAMME (RDP)? Focuses on improving all aspects of social and economic life in rural areas. The new programme has been allocated a national budget of approximately €250 million (Irish National Exchequer and EU Funds). Priority areas will be decided by the Local Action Group and will be contained in the Strategy document – yet to be developed Tendering process underway to decide on delivery vehicle Likely to be the Local and Community Development Committee of Tipperary County Council with North Tipperary LEADER Partnership (NTLP) & South Tipperary Development Company (STDC)
R ATES OF A ID In the old programme: Feasibility Costs and Capital Costs were funded as follows: Maximum grant aid was €30,000 Private (up to 75%) Community (up to 90%) Capital Costs Maximum grant aid €150,000. Private (up to 50%) Community (up to 75%)
A CTIVITIES NOT ELIGIBLE IN THE PREVIOUS PROGRAMME ( LIKELY THAT THIS LIST WILL BE EXPANDED Agriculture Childcare Education Greyhound Industry Healthcare activities Housing Race and sport horse industries Vehicles Retail Training courses that are part of the normal education system Insurance, Loans, Planning Fees Mainstream activities of sporting clubs Nursing homes Working capital (including stock)
K EY M ESSAGE Priorities Areas for funding in Tipperary under the new programme are not yet known. It will be important to keep abreast of developments and know what themes and priorities are identified in the Strategy document before developing your funding proposal.
T IMELINE Likely to be late October at the earliest before there is a call for proposals.
S OCIAL I NCLUSION AND C OMMUNITY A CTIVATION G OALS G OAL 1 To support individuals and communities who are experiencing social and economic disadvantage to address issues of social exclusion and inequality (33% of budget)
SICAP G OAL 2 To support individuals to participate in lifelong learning, education and training opportunities. (33% budget)
SICAP G OAL 3 To support individuals to access employment and self-employment (33% of the budget)
E XAMPLES OF SICAP T ARGET G ROUPS Long term unemployed Underemployed Low income families Disadvantaged women and men Lone parents People with disabilities
E NTERPRISE S UPPORT Scheme designed to support startups in local services, based in North Tipperary. Criteria: - long term unemployed; - eligible for Back to Work Enterprise Allowance; - not qualifying for mainstream supports. Type of Support offered: - One to one mentoring – assistance with development of business plan and costings - Networking with other jobseeker startups
S OCIAL AND C OMMUNITY E NTERPRISE Identify, develop and support a number of initiatives aimed at promoting, developing and/or sustaining community and social enterprises. Community and social enterprises have the capacity to tackle the lack of services, investment and local employment opportunities in their own communities. This action will work to support the development of community initiatives with social enterprise potential in the local area. Thematic areas :Community Energy; Community Broadband and Farm Diversification, Craft and Eco Tourist trail
Tel: Resource Centre New Line Roscrea Co. Tipperary