BACKGROUND 31 st January 1988 Small entrepreneurs/farmers Industrial and Agriculture Development RGOB-RMA regulates the overall operations
VISION “To be strong, dependable and customer focused bank that provides much more than money, to ensure that businesses grow and succeed and our people enjoy a better tomorrow”
BDFCL Share Holding Pattern RGOB93.50% BOBL 3.75% BOBL 3.75% BNB 1.25% RICBL 1.50% RICBL 1.50%
OPERATIONS Head Office – Thimphu 3 Regional offices - Western Region-Paro -Central Region- Trongsa -Eastern Region- T/gang 25 Branches nationwide 2 sub branch offices - Dagapela - Dramitse
CREDIT DELIVERY MECHANISM Head Office Level Head Office Credit Committee Regional Office Level Eastern Region Central Region Western Region Branch Office Level Branch Office Geog Level Geog Credit (mobile banking) Board Level Central Credit Committee
LOAN SCHEMES :Our Clients and Products Group Guarantee Lending and Savings Scheme (GGLS) Small Individual Loan Scheme (SIL) 1. Landless, asset less 2. Without proper Thram 3. Without house who depend on other’s land 4. Who has skills and willingness to work hard 5. Who can work in groups and co-guarantee 6. No collateral and guarantee required 7. Amount up to Nu. 50, Interest rate 10% 1. Small-scale enterprises 2. Entrepreneurial skills 3. Willingness to work hard 4. Good credibility 5. Security 1times in rural areas 6. Amount up to Nu. 100, Interest rate 12-13% Commercial Agriculture & Industrial Loan Scheme 1. Small, Medium & large scale enterprises 2. Excellent entrepreneurial skills 3. Excellent credibility & character 4. Security required 1.5 times (commercial value) 5. Guarantee required if security is inadequate 6. Amount above Nu. 100, Interest rate 12-15%
OTHER SERVICES 1.Bank Guarantee 2.Deposits of various types with cheque facilities to be introduced soon
RURAL COVERAGE Fiscal Year Increas e % Rural credit ( million) No.of active clients