Hosted by Mr. Janzen
BiomesCycles Bad Humans DOOM!
Row 1, Col 1 Which biome has the most rainfall? (Tropical Rainforests)
1,2 Name all three nutrient cycles. (The Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Cycles)
1,3 An easier way to say dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane. (DDT)
1,4 In the process of __?__ living organisms change over time as their environment changes. (Natural Selection)
2,1 This biome has permanently frozen soil, few to no trees, and very short plants. (Tundra)
2,2 Primary producers undergo this process which takes carbon out of the atmosphere. (Photosynthesis)
2,3 This toxin is stored in the fat tissue of Orcas, and affects their fertility. (PCB’s)
2,4 Eurasian milfoil and the European starling are examples of these. (Invasive species)
3,1 The main two abiotic factors that influence the characteristics and distribution of biomes. (Temperature and precipitation)
3,2 This nutrient is most abundant in the atmosphere, but is unavailable to most living organisms in this form. (Nitrogen, as N 2 )
3,3 The process where the amount of toxins in an organism increase over its lifetime. (Bioaccumulation)
3,4 The three types of adaptations are... (Structural, physiological, and behavioral)
4,1 This biome has two varieties. Both experience cold nights and limited precipitation (Deserts)
4,2 This nutrient is the only one not found in the atmosphere. (Phosphorus)
4,3 The process where the concentration of toxins in organisms increases as they move up trophic levels. (Biomagnification)
4,4 The distance measured in degrees north or south from the equator. (Latitude)
5,1 In this biome the seasonal changes between summer and winter are very large. Precipitation is evenly distributed over the year (Temperate Deciduous Forest)
5,2 In this form of the nutrient, it contributes to global warming. (Carbon Dioxide, CO 2 )
5,3 The process where micro-organisms are used to “eat” up deadly toxins in the soil. (Bioremediation)
5,4 Squeezing together soil particles so that the air spaces between them are reduced, is called... (Soil Compaction)