Comparing Ecosystems Terrestrial vs. Aquatic Ecosystems Lesson 38
The plants and animals that are found in a particular location are referred to as an ecosystem. These plants and animals depend on each other to survive.
An ecosystem refers to the interrelation of biotic and abiotic factors.
What does biotic and abiotic mean?
In simpler terms, an ecosystem is an entity where living organisms interact with the physical environment.
It is an area where physical objects (such as soil, rock, water) function together with plants and animals.
Let’s watch this video about the biotic and abiotic factors.
Let’s watch another video about the biotic and abiotic factors.
As geographers study the many ecosystems around the world, many similarities or patterns become evident from one ecosystem to another.
This allows scientists to group ecosystems into categories This allows scientists to group ecosystems into categories. Ecosystems can be categorized into two major types: aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems.
The key to the meaning of terrestrial ecosystems lies in the word “terrestrial”, which generally means anything occurring on land.
Terrestrial ecosystem refers to the interaction between living organisms and non-living objects occurring on land masses of islands and continents.
Terrestrial ecosystems, or land-based ecosystems include forests, grasslands, tundra, deserts.
Let’s watch a video about terrestrial ecosystems.
In this unit we will learn about three terrestrial ecosystems: the deciduous forests, the rain forests and the grasslands.
Aquatic ecosystems generally refer to interaction of living and non-living entities in lakes, streams, marshes and ponds.
Aquatic ecosystems, or water-based ecosystems may be fresh water (lakes and ponds) or saltwater (oceans, estuaries and saltwater marshes).
In this unit we will learn about ecosystems in lakes (freshwater) and oceans (salt water).
Let’s watch a video about aquatic ecosystems.
Let’s review what we have learned about ecosystems Let’s review what we have learned about ecosystems. Answer the attached questions on the worksheet entitled L#38 Comparing Ecosystems.
In our next lesson we will learn about the deciduous forests
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