DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCIES or COOPERATION NETWORKS? Vikas NATH Head – Media and Communications South Centre, Geneva
Inter-Governmental Organisation of over 50 Developing Countries Algeria, Angola, Barbados, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China, Cote de Ivoire, Cuba, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Guyana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Korea DPR, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Malayasia, Mali, Mauritius, Micronesia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nambia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zimbabwe
« You mean, that your view of the world, your ideology about an unregulated financial market, was not right, it was NOT working? » « Absolutely, precisely. You know that’s the precisely the reason I was shocked, because I have been going for 40 years or more with the very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well. »
Alan GREENSPAN former Chairman of US Federal Reserve Honest acknowledgment of things not working in the financial markets. Yet institutions and agencies do not « LEARN » and INNOVATE» fast enough, and dangerously become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
Development Agencies who undertake Development Cooperation to achieve certain Development Goals using Certain Tools and Methods
Development Agencies Traditional Bilateral Agencies Swiss, Swedes, Canadians, Dutch, Norwegians, Spanish, British, US… Multilateral Agencies and Banks UN Agencies, Bretton Woods (WB/IMF), Regional Banks…. Funds and Foundations Global Fund (on AIDS, TB, Malaria), Climate Adaptation Fund New / Non-Traditional Development Agencies –EU+ Countries (Lithuania, Slovenia, Estonia, Slovakia.……..) Emerging Economies (Brazil, India, China, South Africa, China, Gulf…..)
Development Cooperation Rainbow ColorTypeWho Gets It? REDIdeological AidForeign and Trade Ministries ORANGECommercial AidTrade Ministry YELLOWPilot ProjectsNGOs and GOs GREENEnvironmental AidInter-Ministerial BLUESolidarity AidHead of State PURPLEHumanitarian AidNGOs and Affected Parties
Development Goals Based on priorities of development agencies Africa Development Trade Climate Change Good Governance Private Sector Development Human Rights
Tools and Methods Research Policy Advice Pilot Projects Training and Capacity Building Networking Assistance in Negotiations between North and South (UN, UNFCCC, WTO, WHO…)
Existing and Emerging Global Challenges
We are at a Crucial Juncture: one global crisis after other…. Food Crisis, Financial Crisis, Climate Crisis, Unemployment Crisis… The Old World Order is weakening The New World Order has not fully formed « There is a danger of the old world resurrecting and interfering with the transformational processes of the present »
Finding Solutions? Best-Shot Method (one country provides the solution) Global Positioning System, Cure of HIV/AIDS Weakest-Link (one country decides not to create global problem) Eradication of Polio, Drugs Trade Aggregation Method (Several Countries Network to provide solution) Internet, Climate Stability, Food Security, Financial Stability
NETWORKED COOPERATION IS A MUST No one country or agency can provide all the solutions. More and more solutions require participation of more and more countries. Cost of Inaction > Cost of Networked Cooperation
Development Agencies OECD / DAC Framework (Paris Declaration) (Bringing together traditional + EU+ Agencies) South – South Cooperation Framework (China-Africa Forum (FOCAC), IBSA Network) Development Cooperation Forum (UN/ECOSOC, 2007 Initiative) to bring together traditional and non-traditional agencies.
Development Goals Gradual Alignment is happening in development goals but little action is being taken up: Millennium Development Goals Climate Change Extreme Poverty Eradication Digital Divide ……..
Research Policy Advice Pilot Projects Training and Capacity Building Networking Assistance in Negotiations between North and South (UN, UNFCCC, WTO, WHO…) Tools and Methods ?
Research Eg:
Networking (Institutions)
Networking (Individuals)
Research and Policy Advice
INNOVATIVE NETWORKS North – South South – South or North-South-South New Diplomacy or Diplomacy 2.0
Eg: CLIMATE CHANGE Climate Change is an Economic and Environmental issue. Country Delegations on Climate Change are drawn from trade specialists, lawyers, development experts, environmentalists…. …… form of inter-agency groups. This cannot happen without Cooperation Networks.
ADVANTAGES Everyone can contribute. You do not have to be rich to provide cooperation to others. (Julius Nyerere: if you cannot share your wealth, share your poverty) Everyone can understand how they are creating the problem and be a part of the solution. Allows « ALTERNATIVE » Views
LIMITATIONS Unwilling to Network Network within Agencies or like-minded Agencies only Agencies not ready for shift from traditional North - South Power Dynamics …………..
Where does that lead to? Thomas KUHN: Structure of Scientific Revolution (1962) Science evolves through alternating « normal » and « revolutionary » phases. Normal Phase: Puzzle Solving- within familiar science or existing paradigm Revolutionary Phase: Thinking outside of familiar science or out of box thinking ……
…. PARADIGM SHIFT IN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION Can NOT look for solutions to existing problems within existing paradigms that created it. Development Cooperation no longer remains a Foreign Affair but an Inter- Agency Affair. Transformation Thinkers in Development Cooperation.
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