South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica Partners Benin Buthan Costa Rica.


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Presentation transcript:

South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica Partners Benin Buthan Costa Rica

South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica Background In 2005, based on the priorities agreed at the World Summit of Sustainable Development (Johannesburg) and the Millennium Development Goals, Costa Rica, Benin and Bhutan came under the umbrella of South-South Cooperation, with a US$13.2 million grant from the Kingdom of Netherlands. Reciprocal projects of common interest focusing on four components of sustainable development: economic development, social development, environmental protection and gender equality.

ObjectivesInnovation South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica To contribute toward the eradication of poverty. Change in patterns of production and non-sustainable consumption. Improvement of sustainable tourism. Efficient use of energy. Management and protection of natural resources. Thinking globally: 3 continents, 3 developing countries, common problems, a common vision. 36 projects reciprocal projects. Acting locally: Creating & Sharing knowledge Sharing technologies Developing capacities in communities, local productive activities & new incomes Sustainable use of resources Developing policy initiatives Strengthening of Culture & gender equity

ResultsApplicability South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica direct beneficiaries people trained in sustainable technologies and people trained in communication and information technologies people participating in productive activities and working in a productive activity related to the training. 477 communities benefited indigenous people trained. 673 new products, 179 new services developed and 137 new micro enterprises new works created. PSC has shown that when the providing partner is willing to allow the receiving partners make their own decisions, the receiving partners take on responsibility for the project’s success. Due to their first-hand familiarity with the problems on the ground, PSC actors can be more efficient & effective in identifying & implementing promising strategies & solutions. The identification of common problems increase the cost effectiveness of technical cooperation: promote transfer of appropriate technology & enhance ownership, leadership & capacity building among the partners.