manatt manatt | phelps | phillips New York State Health Information Technology Summit Initiative Overview and Update Rachel Block, Project Director United Hospital Fund
Page 2 Background United Hospital Fund –Celebrating 125 th Anniversary –Mission: Shape positive change in health care for New Yorkers –Policy development and analysis, grant making, convening and collaboration –Quality Strategies Initiative – focal point for coordination on standardized measures and improvement models –Information technology is essential to advancing this agenda
Page 3 Background eHealth Initiative and Foundation sponsoring State HIT Summit Initiative –Help state and local leaders to formulate HIT policy agendas that take into account key national, state and local developments –Establish the value proposition for HIT adoption and use –Identify and resolve key barriers at state and local levels (e.g., legal issues, coordination of incentives) –Each Summit will include pre-meeting research, one or more summits as needed, and final report –Funding for NY Summits provided by the United Hospital Fund; Manatt, Phelps and Phillips LLP provided strategic and technical assistance
Page 4 NYS HIT Policy Summit: Goals and Objectives To establish a forum for New York leaders to discuss and achieve points of agreement related to the usage of health information technology to address New York healthcare challenge To catalog the many health information technology-related initiatives currently existing or planned within the state To review, discuss and validate findings and feedback received from New York stakeholders regarding the opportunities and barriers related to the use of HIT to address healthcare issues To review and discuss priorities and principles for HIT deployment and investment in the state To explore ongoing methods of communication, collaboration and coordination to support the development and implementation of a shared vision and plan for addressing healthcare challenges through HIT in the state
Page 5 New York HIT Policy Summit Approach Planning / Assessment Strategy Final Plan / Framework Conduct interviews Begin inventory of NY HIT initiatives Review legislative and regulatory environment Obtain input from expert panel Create briefing paper Analysis Conduct first summit meeting Develop guiding principles Obtain feedback on priorities Begin to discuss action steps for collaboration Gather input from the first meeting Identify emerging priorities and principles Develop recommendations based on findings Share recommendations in second summit meeting Finalize report and recommendations based on the results of the research conducted and the summit meetings
Page 6 Participating Organizations Physician organizations Health plans Hospital CEOs and CIOs Employers Community health centers Consumer organizations Associations State and local health departments
Page 7 Interview Findings - What We Heard Key Themes –Leadership –Building Trust and the Need for Collaboration –Financing –Standards
Page 8 First Summit – Broad Areas of Agreement Ensure that there is ongoing communication and collaboration to establish shared vision, set priorities and provide ongoing leadership Establish a resource center to share practical tools and resources across New York and with other communities/states Secure funding and establish policy environment to support local innovation
Page 9 Value Proposition for HIT CITL published report and article in Health Affairs Model developed by CITL staff and panel of national experts, national data sources and homegrown estimates Estimates costs and benefits from utilizing standardized electronic health care transactions in 6 categories United Hospital Fund made grant to CITL to conduct the same analysis using NYS data Net benefit for NYS = $12.4 billion!
Page 10 Second Summit – Areas of Agreement Broad support for statewide multi- stakeholder HIT organization – different views on form and function Work toward consensus on a framework to guide priority-setting, taxonomy and basic functional requirements Develop incremental roadmap for interoperable data exchange at state and regional level
Page 11 State Agenda Taking Shape HEAL- NY Hospital restructuring commission New 1115 waiver Disease management Pay for performance Electronic prescribing State government coordinating council
Page 12 Next Steps for UHF UHF will provide state with report and recommendations on statewide HIT leadership group Develop NY web portal leveraging eHI Connecting Communities website Provide technical assistance on business and technical models, and information sharing policies Explore opportunities to expand and refine value modeling
Page 13 Observations Helpful to have a catalyst to get started Sustained and coordinated leadership is needed – federal, state and regional Major deficits in basic infrastructure still need to be addressed Too much emphasis on IT, not enough on value Provider or payer centered strategies versus consumer or patient centered strategies Need to establish metrics and evaluation strategy soon