Chapter 9 The Great Depression & World War II


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 9 The Great Depression & World War II Vocabulary and Review Questions

Objectives AHSGE: The student will understand the Great Depression and World War II. ACOS: Describe social and economic conditions from the 1920s through the Great Depression, factors leading to a deepening crisis, and successes and failures associated with the programs and policies of the New Deal. ACOS: Explain the entry by the United States into World War II and major military campaigns in the European and Pacific Theaters.

Vocabulary Review Chapter 9 AHSGE

What term describes a long period of high unemployment and increased poverty in the United States during the 1930s? ? The Great Depression

What was the Dust Bowl? ? The blowing away of huge amounts of soil from the Plains states, causing farm failures

Who was the United States president who was blamed for starting the Great Depression? Herbert Hoover

What term describes clusters of tents and shacks built outside cities by people looking for work? Hoovervilles

What president led the United States through the Great Depression and World War II? Franklin D. Roosevelt

What was the president’s plan to stimulate the economy and increase the nation’s resources known as? The New Deal

What did the Wagner Act do? Created a committee to monitor unfair management practices

What was the Works Progress Administration? Part of the New Deal, it provided jobs for unskilled workers during the Great Depression

What was the popular 1939 movie depicting a story of love and loss in the South ravaged by the Civil War? ? Gone With the Wind

Franklin Roosevelt’s weekly radio addresses to the people of the United States were known as ? Fireside Chats

Who was Benito Mussolini? Fascist dictator who transformed Italy into a militaristic state

What term describes a political movement started in Italy which called for eliminating all political opposition, preserving a capitalist economy, and increasing the military power of a nation? ? Fascism

What German political party of the 1930s and 1940s supported a policy of racist fascism? National Socialists (Nazis)

This man was the dictator of Germany and leader of the Nazi Party who initiated a systematic conquest of Europe, leading to World War II: ? Adolf Hitler

This was Hitler’s secret police who helped suppress his dissenters: ? Gestapo

This man was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II: ? Joseph Stalin

What was the name for the military agreement of mutual assistance between the nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan? ? Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

What was 1939 meeting of European nations who agreed to Hitler’s demands for the Sudetenland, a German-speaking section of Czechoslovakia? ? the Munich Conference

What was the German term for “lightning war,” a swift, sudden offensive used by Germany in World War II? ? blitzkrieg

This was the location of a United States naval base in Hawaii which suffered a surprise attack by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. ? Pearl Harbor

What term refers to certificates issued to a person who lends money to the government to pay for war, the certificate earns interest and is redeemed for cash on a given date? ? war bonds

Under authority of Executive Order 9006, the United States military forced 110,000 Americans of a certain ethnicity to live in barracks on federal land until the end of World War II. What was this called? ? Japanese Internment

In January 1943, Soviet Troops repelled attack in this city, causing the German army to retreat from Russia: ? The Battle of Stalingrad

This man was the United States general who led the Allied forces in Europe during World War II ? Dwight D. Eisenhower

This was the codename for the Allied invasion of North Africa: ? Operation Torch

This was the codename for the Allied invasion of Normandy: ? Operation Overlord

This man was the Prime Minister of Britain during World War II: ? Winston Churchill

This occurred on June 6, 1944, when the Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy: ? D-Day

What is the name of the northern coast of France where the Allies attacked to recapture France? Normandy

What was a common name for the army of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? The Red Army

This United States general led the Allied forces in the Pacific during World War II: ? Douglas MacArthur

What was the codename for the construction of an atomic bomb in the United States? Manhattan Project

This was the name of the B-29 airplane which dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima: ? Enola Gay

Which Japanese city was destroyed on August 6, 1945 by an Allied atomic bomb? Hiroshima

Which Japanese city was destroyed on August 9, 1945 by an Allied atomic bomb? Nagasaki

Chapter Test Review Chapter 9 AHSGE

At the beginning of both World War I and World War II, the initial policy of the United States was to: ? Remain neutral

True or False: The Great Depression resulted in Americans increasing their trust of banks. ? False

Who was commonly blamed for the Great Depression? Herbert Hoover

What region of the United States was most affected by the Dust Bowl? The Plains States

What event led to Franklin Roosevelt asking Congress to declare war on Japan? The attack on Pearl Harbor

What were Franklin Roosevelt’s three R’s? Recovery Relief Reform

What is the Tennessee Valley Authority? An organization created by Congress to supply cheap, water-powered electricity to poverty-stricken areas of the South, including North Alabama

What did the Social Security Act accomplish? It provided retirement income for all workers once they reached the age of 65

Which New Deal organization provided employment specifically for unmarried men between the ages of 17 and 23? ? Civilian Conservation Corps

What was the first major film to be made predominantly in color? The Wizard of Oz

What 1938 radio show caused listeners to believe that the Earth was being invaded by space creatures? ? War of the Worlds

What is a Totalitarian Regime? Another word for a government in which one political party or group maintains complete control under a dictatorship and bans all others

Who developed the political philosophy known as fascism? Benito Mussolini

What political party did the people of Germany turn to for help in the midst of the Great Depression? ? The Nazi Party

What was Adolf Hitler’s political philosophy? The Aryan race was superior to all other races and thus Germany had a right to conquer other nations

What type of jobs did the Civilian Conservation Corps do? They worked in the national parks installing electric lines, building fire towers, and planting new trees in deforested areas

What condition helped to catapult Mussolini to power? The growing threat of communism after the Second Russian Revolution

ANSWER: the attack on Pearl Harbor In the passage, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asks Congress for a declaration of war against Japan. What led President Roosevelt to make this appeal? ANSWER: the attack on Pearl Harbor

What agreement did Hitler violate by rebuilding Germany’s military, reinstituting the draft, and sending troops into the Rhineland? ? The Treaty of Versailles

In 1932, a group of Americans camped outside of Washington, D. C In 1932, a group of Americans camped outside of Washington, D.C. to demand early payment for a war bonus that was not due to be paid to them until 1945. What was significant about this group of Americans? ? They were all World War I veterans

What were communities of tents and shacks built outside of cities by the unemployed known as? Hoovervilles

What was one of the biggest problems for most farmers in the 1920s and 1930s? They were producing a surplus of food

What event does the following picture depict? The Dust Bowl

What is the period of high unemployment and increased poverty between 1929 and 1945 known as? The Great Depression

What event is viewed as the beginning of the Great Depression? The crash of the Stock Market

When the Stock Market is doing well, it is referred to as a: ? Bull Market

When the Stock Market is doing poorly, it is referred to as a: ? Bear Market

Military leaders during World War II Study the list below. * Dwight D. Eisenhower * Douglas MacArthur * George S. Patton The people named in the list were: ? Military leaders during World War II

ANSWER: workers in the United States The poster is similar to some created during the 1940s. The main purpose of the poster was to encourage soldiers fighting in Europe. workers in the United States. government leaders working to end the war. countries considering entering the war. ANSWER: workers in the United States

During World War II, the Nazis conducted a campaign of systematic murder, torture, and enslavement of groups which they considered to be inferior, such as Jews, communists, and homosexuals. What is this campaign known as? ? The Holocaust

Franklin Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 Franklin Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945. Who succeeded him as president of the United States? ? Harry S Truman

What two armies met at the Elbe River in 1945 and went on to complete the conquest of Germany? The United States Army and the Soviet Army

On June 6, 1944, Allied forces came ashore in northern France in the beginning of an operation to liberate France from German rule. What is June 6 known as? ? D-Day

ANSWER: a cause of the Great Depression This cartoon is similar to some created in the 1930s. Use the cartoon and your own knowledge to answer the question. Which is being referred to in the cartoon? a cause of the Great Depression a consequence of Prohibition laws a reason for the United States’ entrance to World War II a problem created by the formation of the League of Nations ANSWER: a cause of the Great Depression

What was V-E Day? ? The day the Allies declared victory in Europe

What did General Douglas MacArthur say when he was forced to abandon the Philippines in May, 1942? “I shall return.”

The situation referred to in the headline was mainly caused by ? ANSWER: drought and damaging farming practices

What was the United States’ “secret weapon” which the Allies came to rely on to end World War II? The Atomic Bomb

What was Hoover Stew? ? The thin soup served at soup kitchens during the Great Depression

Who used government money to help those hurt by the Depression while governor of New York? Franklin D. Roosevelt

ANSWER: relying on individuals to resolve their problems. Based on this passage, President Hoover most likely believed that some problems brought about by the Great Depression could BEST be solved by relying on individuals to resolve their problems. passing national minimum wage laws. requiring businesses to hire additional workers. creating federal relief programs for the unemployed. ANSWER: relying on individuals to resolve their problems.

What did the Agricultural Adjustment Act do? Provided government loans for farmers and paid farmers not to grow certain crops

What did the Fair Labor Standards Act do? The Fair Labor Standards Act raised the minimum wage to 40 cents per hour, set maximum work hours at 44 hours per week, and ended child labor under the age of 16.

Aside from newspapers, how did most Americans get their news in the 1930s and 1940s? Radio

The federal government created the policies shown on the list as a result of ANSWER: the Great Depression

After Hitler took power, other European nations stood by and allowed him to annex and invade smaller countries surrounding Germany. What was this policy of keeping quiet and giving in to demands known as? ? Appeasement

During what war did Hitler and Mussolini first work together by providing military assistance to other fascists? ? The Spanish Civil War

ANSWER: programs of the New Deal Which had the greatest effect on the federal spending rates shown on the graph? programs of the New Deal coats resulting from World War I laws passed during Reconstruction payment of debts to European countries ANSWER: programs of the New Deal

What country pledged their military support to Poland in the event of a German invasion in 1939? Great Britain

The military event that directly led Japan to surrender occurred in what year? ANSWER: 1945

With what country did Hitler sign a non-aggression pact in 1939? The USSR

What was the Neutrality Act? It gave the President of the United States the authority to ban the sale of weapons to warring nations

What was the Ludlow Amendment? A proposed Constitutional amendment which would have required a national vote to declare war

What was the role of women during World War II? Many American women took the jobs of men to keep the country’s economy and capability to make war materials up and running

Which completes this diagram? Japan Hungary Germany Soviet Union ANSWER: Soviet Union

What was the main result of the Allied victory in North Africa? It opened the Mediterranean Sea to Allied shipping and allowed the Allies to invade southern Europe
