“Future Earth” Data needs Mario Hernandez - Future Earth Scientific Engagement Committee Dennis Ojima - Future Earth USA Secretariat Hub – Boulder, Colorado Eduardo Brondizio - Future Earth Scientific Committee UNESCO – Paris Our Common Future under Climate Change July
Future Earth a platform / network Research on Global Change
To build and connect global knowledge To intensify the impact of research and To find new ways to accelerate sustainable development An interdisciplinary research network A science and technology network platform To support the decision making process and Societal transformation
An international partnership that is committed to making full use of science and technology to inform equitable, sustainable solutions to the most pressing issues currently confronting humankind. Vision: a sustainable world where decision-making is informed by the best available scientific evidence and knowledge. Promoting interdisciplinary research and facilitating partnerships between the scientific community, political bodies, business sector and civil society.
Transition Team
Future Earth builds on decades of excellence in scientific research under the existing Global Environmental Change programmes, Need to increase the impact of that work by ensuring that research questions are relevant to the needs of policy makers and decision makers across the world. Co-design + co-production
STAKEHOLDERS -Interdisciplinary science and technology Consortium -Decision makers Solution(s) oriented
Solution(s) oriented STAKEHOLDERS -Interdisciplinary science and technology Consortium -Decision makers
Solution(s) oriented STAKEHOLDERS -Interdisciplinary science and technology Consortium -Decision makers
Solution(s) oriented Other beneficiaries STAKEHOLDERS -Interdisciplinary science and technology Consortium -Decision makers
International Council of Science Union International Social Science Council UNEP WMO UN UNIVERSITY UNESCO UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network $
D Distributed Secretariat (4 hubs) Montreal Paris Stockholm Tokyo © ESA Envisat
Future Earth structure International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research + Un agencies International Council for Science Implementing Agency Future Earth Governing Bodies
Observation, Data and Information Task Force
What is our niche
Observation, Data and Information Task Force Quite a “crowded arena” No Duplication Joint with outstanding partners Interdisciplinarity our added value
Observation, Data and Information Task Force Too much data Difficult to access Difficult to manage Etc. No data (really ?) Who has it? Where is it? Etc.
Observation, Data and Information Task Force Data Information
Observation, Data and Information Task Force Science
Observation, Data and Information Task Force Science Strengthening Capacity (showcase examples)
–Niche: Partnerships, interdisciplinarity, solutions oriented –Inventory: Too much data, no data, etc. –Deriving information form data –Is sound science supporting the decision making process? –Concrete examples Observation, Data and Information Task Force
Science and technology The best geographical map Geosphere + Biosphere + Social + Economical + political + etc. + Knowledge About all interactions Information SUSTAINABLE DEVELPOMENT Societal transformation(s) Decision making
Has this been economically good for the countries? What alternatives can be offered to the local communities? What type of policies and rules need to be issued? Which societal transformations are required to ensure sustainability? Economists Sociologists Biologists Decision makers Lawyers Sociologists Anthropologists
The Millennium Development Goals
Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Essential Climate Variables (ECV)
“core global datasets” “must have” “nice to have” exists already has to be re-packaged has to be created some will be common to various SDGs
GEO EO-SDGs related global datasets (based on the existing GEO societal benefit areas)
GEO EO-SDGs related global datasets (based on the existing GEO societal benefit areas) Partnership initiative Economic, socio-political SDGs related global datasets
GEO EO-SDGs related global datasets (based on the existing GEO societal benefit areas) Partnership initiative Economic, socio-political SDGs related global datasets
GEO The GEO process exists is well established and is working Economic, socio-political SDGs related global datasets Partnership initiative Future Earth IIASA WDS CODATA CIESIN Belmont Forum e-infrastructure C.U. Inst. Sust. Development (GEO) (ISPRS) Integration +Harmonization
If with our partners we jointly obtained such « core datasets » for the SDGs –For the first time: harmonization between data of all science disciplines –An on-going movement improving each time each layer as necessary –A science and technology consolidated effort –Governments to have an excellent support tool to monitor implementation –Useful for many other stakeholders
All SDGs?
SDGs related with Natural Disasters South East Asia
Extension to Central America and the Caribbean
ATLAS Examples on the use of science and technology in support of the SDGs GEO-Future Earth- Others