19.1.2006, GSI DarmstadtDavid Boutin, JLU Giessen DIRACsecondary Beams Report on Ion-optical design studies and application Task 9 – NUSTAR 4 Participants:


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Presentation transcript:

, GSI DarmstadtDavid Boutin, JLU Giessen DIRACsecondary Beams Report on Ion-optical design studies and application Task 9 – NUSTAR 4 Participants: JLU, Giessen (leading) UoS, Surrey GSI, Darmstadt Task leader: Wolfgang Plaß (JLU)

, GSI DarmstadtDavid Boutin, JLU Giessen Main activities and results of NUSTAR 4 in st order ion-optical design of a strong focusing system for the Super-FRS target 1st order ion-optical design of a large acceptance energy buncher

, GSI DarmstadtDavid Boutin, JLU Giessen Strong focusing system consisting of superferric quadrupole magnets (I)  Main options: single magnets or split magnets  Final spot size in front of Super-FRS target (1  2) mm 2  Studied B  range: 18 – 100 Tm => different phase space  Possibility to use other quadrupole designs (SIS100, FRS, Super-FRS)

, GSI DarmstadtDavid Boutin, JLU Giessen Single magnets design 16.9 m L [m]G 0 [m]B [T]Gr [T/m] Q1Q Q2Q Q3Q Q4Q Results for B  = 100 Tm x / 28 cm y / 28 cm  Four identical magnets  Compact system  Design similar to SIS100 magnets B  = 100 Tm x / 28 cm y / 28 cm B  = 27 Tm

, GSI DarmstadtDavid Boutin, JLU Giessen Split magnets design x / 40 cm y / 40 cm x / 40 cm y / 40 cm B  = 100 Tm 24.8 m Quan.L [m]G 0 [m]B [T]Gr[T/m] Q1Q Q2Q Q3Q Q4Q  Each magnet is split into 2 or 3  More flexible  Super-FRS magnets (Q 2, Q 3 ) can be used Results for B  = 100 Tm B  = 27 Tm

, GSI DarmstadtDavid Boutin, JLU Giessen 1st order ion-optical design of a large acceptance energy buncher

, GSI DarmstadtDavid Boutin, JLU Giessen Conclusion In time with Implementation plan of Task 9 - NUSTAR 4 Personal spent: JLU Giessen: 19 MM out of 102 UoS Surrey: 10 MM out of 24 GSI Darmstadt: 2 MM out of 6 Capital investment: JLU Giessen: 0 k€ out of 17 UoS Surrey: no contribution, no request GSI Darmstadt: no contribution, no request 2 coordination meetings