It’s a record! The international donor community rallied behind the goals of UNFPA, contributing a record $850 million to support our programmes in The contributions supported UNFPA projects and other initiatives in 155 countries, areas and territories in 2010 that aimed to empower women to make their own reproductive decisions, promote gender equality, gather and use data to guide development programmes and prevent HIV, especially among youth. ANNUAL REPORT 2010
New humanitarian strategy A second-generation humanitarian strategy was developed to strengthen preparedness, response and recovery in crisis situations. To provide emergency support to pregnant women and newborns after the earthquake in Haiti, UNFPA gave hospitals, mobile clinics and non-governmental relief agencies enough safe delivery and reproductive health kits to help meet the needs of 150,000 women. After Cyclone Giri struck Myanmar and uprooted 70,000 people – including 1000 pregnant women expected to require emergency obstetric care in the following months – UNFPA and the Myanmar Medical Association provided supplies needed by midwives to perform Caesarean sections. When severe flooding hit Pakistan in July and August, affecting more than 15 million people, including an estimated 1.5 million pregnant women, UNFPA deployed mobile service units equipped to provide emergency reproductive health services and provided thousands of clean delivery kits.
ANNUAL REPORT 2010 A roadmap for saving lives Stakeholders pledged over $40 billion in resources at a special UN event to launch the “Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health”. UNFPA contributed to the development of the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health and supported communications and advocacy around the launch of the initiative. As world leaders gathered for a High-Level Event on the Millennium Development Goals, UNFPA, UNICEF, the World Bank and the World Health Organization issued a joint statement pledging to intensify support to countries to achieve MDG 5 – Improve Maternal Health.
ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Engaging men and boys in gender equality. A new publication highlights the potential for men and boys to promote gender equality saw the release of Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health: A Global Toolkit for Action. The publication, produced by UNFPA, in partnership with non-governmental organizations, presents conceptual and practical information about advocacy, needs assessments and evaluations. It also includes examples of programmes that have addressed challenges related to sexual and reproductive health and prevention of gender-based violence by engaging men and boys.
Everyone counts! UNFPA provided support for censuses in 76 countries in UNFPA’s support for the 2010 global round of population and housing censuses helped meet the demand for quality data essential for measuring progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and for providing an evidence base to guide policymaking towards sustainable development and poverty reduction. ANNUAL REPORT 2010
Reproductive health UNFPA provided male and female condoms and reproductive health commodities valued at $63 million for 74 countries. UNFPA partnered with governments, non-governmental organizations and donors in 2010 to expand individuals’ and couples’ access to affordable, quality contraceptives.
ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Women deliver “Women Deliver II was important because it put MDG 5 and the health of girls and women firmly on the international political agenda” — UNFPA Information and External Relations Director Safiye Çagˇar UNFPA supported the Women Deliver II conference, which was attended by 3200 people from 146 countries. A member of the conference’s advisory committee and media-outreach team, UNFPA ensured that the voices of women affected by poor reproductive health were heard and represented.
ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Welcome! New Executive Director Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin pledges to build on the accomplishments of UNFPA. “I will strengthen the capacity of UNFPA to provide strategic, programmatic and technical guidance, transparent and accountable programme formulation, and stronger monitoring and evaluation. We will improve critical analysis and research so that all we do is evidence-based to provide better support to countries.” — Dr. Osotimehin