REGIONAL CHALLENGES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Dr. Sauwalak Kittiprapas April 24, 2015 Presented at Rangsit University
REGIONAL CHALLENGES (1) Poverty incidence has declined, but sill significant (15%) of ASEAN population. Plus multidimensional poverty and pockets of poverty. Development gaps within each country and across countries, as well as among ASEAN 6 and CLMV. Human Development Index has shown slow improvement, compared to economic indicators, although gaps among ASEAN 6 and CLMV has slightly declined. The shifting to more urbanization and modernization affect energy consumption, infrastructure investment, environment and health problems.
REGIONAL CHALLENGES (2) Millennium development goals (MDG) targets has shown improvement in poverty reduction and health conditions, but slow in providing basic education for all and improving drinking water sources. Main problem is the decline in environmental sustainability. Social Progress Index (SPI), particularly in terms of advanced education, opportunities, freedom and choices, tolerance and inclusion, have not consistent with economic indicators. Perceived well-being and happiness indicators have not consistent with economic indicators
REGIONAL CHALLENGES (3) ASEAN Community Building AEC: still has problems in non-tariff barrier, services, investment, and skilled labor Regional interests VS national interests, political will Regional connectivity Regional integration with non-ASEAN members; i.e, RCEP, TPP Post 2015 development agenda
GENDER INEQUALITY Gender inequality in socio-economic still exist, although women participation rate in education and economic indicators have increased. Gender disparity still large in political participation, although has improved. Low-paid female and informal workers as well as undocumented migrants have not received proper treatment associated with high risks.
KEY PROBLEMS REQUIRING REGIONAL SOLUTIONS Inclusive growth and multidimensional approach of human development. Ensure equitable outcomes and redistribution as well as effective social protection Ensure regional common benefits Development pillars within AEC as well as among the 3 main AEC, ASCC, and APSC should go along in harmony, not converse. Improve communications channels with local ASEAN citizens More bottom-up to the top-down regional development schemes.
KEY PROBLEMS REQUIRING REGIONAL SOLUTIONS Investing human resources for narrowing human capital gap and regional development gaps. More developed countries can help. Manage cross-country issues, i.e., environment, human trafficking/ migration particularly vulnerable women and children. Development partners should work in partnership for development programs. There are many actors/ donors work in similar issues. Develop ASEAN regional approaches/strategies, particularly for the global post development agenda