Data Matters from Sessions 8, 9 and 11 WOAP-4 Task Group 1 Contributors: H Cattle, E Kent, J Key, T Koike, C Kummerow, M Manton, K Taylor, C von Savigny, R Vose
Issues Future arrangements for surface fluxes Global datasets Assessment of ECV and related variable datasets Meta-data consistency Global reference sites Measurement of solid precipitation Quantification of uncertainties TOA radiation budget Data management
Future arrangements for surface fluxes - Background Many current activities across WCRP and GCOS programs Eg WGSF, GEWEX (LandFlux, SeaFlux,...), CliC, US CLIVAR, WGNE, TOPC, SOLAS Possible overlaps Eg SeaFlux, US CLIVAR, SOLAS, WGSF Gaps See OceanObs09
Future arrangements for surface fluxes - Actions CLIVAR SSG is requested to develop a strategy for coordinating current activities across WCRP programs and to ensure that significant gaps are addressed WOAP should consider focusing the proposed assessment workshop on global ocean fluxes (including physical and biogeochemical properties)
Global Datasets - Background WCRP has addressed need for global datasets through GEWEX and SPARC activities; eg SRB, ISCCP New GEWEX energetically consistent flux dataset is unique contribution Error analysis provides uncertainty estimates Most variables now have multiple global datasets More than one dataset of a variable allows assessment through inter-comparison; eg structural errors
Global Datasets - Actions GEWEX and SPARC are encouraged to continue production of key research datasets WOAP will promote assessment activities involving all groups preparing global datasets of ECVs and related variables
Assessment of ECVs and Related Variables - Background GCOS noted differences in many global datasets of ECVs; but no 'best' dataset Established groups for inter-comparison; eg SST/SI Still have 8 different SI analyses (CliC) WMO SCOPE-CM involving operational agencies established ESA CCI established with user forum
Assessment of ECVs and Related Variables - Actions WOAP should ensure that the research community is involved with international assessment of global datasets The WMO SCOPE-CM provides a model of the process for international assessment, but a process involving operational and research agencies is needed
Meta-data Consistency – Background CMIP5 and CEOP have provided frameworks for access to model and observational data WMO has developed meta-data standards for meteorological data It will be important to ensure that there is consistency in the treatment of meta-data for weather and climate model data
Meta-data Consistency - Actions PCMDI is requested to liaise with the WMO task group to optimise the treatment of meta- data for weather and climate purposes
Global Reference Sites - Background There are many global networks for specific purposes; eg FluxNet, GSN There are a number of global reference networks for multi-variable observations; eg CEOP, GRUAN, ICOS, BSRN There are policy and scientific reasons for reference sites to be collocated where feasible
Global Reference Sites - Actions TOPC is asked to lead a dialogue with CEOP, GRUAN, ICOS, … to develop a strategy to optimise the distribution of multi-variable reference sites (super-sites)
Measurement of Solid Precipitation - Background A significant fraction of global precipitation falls as snow New satellite missions are being proposed to measure solid precipitation In the 1990s WMO CIMO led a project to improve measurement of snow Some work has commenced to review the status of snow measurement CliC has a continuing interest in snow measurement
Measurement of Solid Precipitation - Actions CliC is asked to continue its dialogue with CIMO and other relevant groups to ensure that appropriate activities are being undertaken to improve the measurement of solid precipitation
Quantification of Uncertainties - Background Uncertainties are now recognised by the the general community as an inherent aspect of model and observed datasets Much emphasis has been made on reducing the uncertainties A more appropriate emphasis is on the quantification of uncertainties This is especially true for datasets, where structural errors are not always recognised
Quantification of Uncertainties - Actions WOAP encourages all groups to ensure that all model and observed datasets have associated uncertainties quantified
TOA Radiation Budget - Background Global climate is determined by the TOA radiation budget There remains an uncertainty of 2 W/m2 in the incoming radiation, which is not scientifically acceptable
TOA Radiation Budget - Actions GEWEX is requested to investigate the feasibility of improving the accuracy of the TOA radiation budget If appropriate, JSC should encourage the relevant agencies to take the required actions
WCRP Data Management - Background WOAP task group on data management has reported on progress in developing a consistent approach to data management across WCRP programs CEOP and CMIP have provided frameworks for access to global model and observed datasets Where appropriate, legacy datasets in WCRP need to be discoverable and recognised
WCRP Data Management - Actions WCRP project offices should ensure that appropriate global data sets are registered in WIGOS and in the WCRP catalogue, in addition to meeting the basic needs for data access WOAP accepts the offer by CLIVAR IPO to update the web-based catalogue of WCRP datasets The WOAP task group develop guidelines for data management practices across WCRP, over the next 6 months