Why this workshop? 1) To review the ATLAS and CMS upgrade strategies and plans. 2) Explore areas of technology where common approaches can be adopted.


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Presentation transcript:

Why this workshop? 1) To review the ATLAS and CMS upgrade strategies and plans. 2) Explore areas of technology where common approaches can be adopted. 3) Plan for potential common Research and Development.

new upgrade bunch structures 25 ns 50 ns nominal 25 ns ultimate & 25-ns upgrade 50-ns upgrade, no 50 ns 50-ns upgrade with 25- ns collisions in LHCb 25 ns new alternative! new baseline! SLHC ( ~ 2014) peak luminosity upto 1.5 ● cm -2 sec -1 (10X of LHC)

Summary of the machine upgrade. two scenarios of L~10 35 cm -2 s -1 for which heat load and #events/crossing are acceptable 25-ns option: pushes  *; requires slim magnets inside detector, crab cavities, & Nb 3 Sn quadrupoles and/or Q0 doublet; attractive if total beam current is limited; transformed to a 50-ns spacing by keeping only 1/2 the number of bunches 50-ns option: has fewer longer bunches of higher charge ; can be realized with NbTi technology if needed ; compatible with LHCb ; open issues are SPS & beam-beam effects at large Piwinski angle; luminosity leveling may be done via bunch length and via  * b

Changes required in ATLAS (Nigel Hessey). Beampipe. - Currently central part of ATLAS beampipe is Beryllium (Be), rest is Stainless Steel (SS) - SS gives large backgrounds, especially to muon system - SS gets activated - Change to Al for ~ Change to all Be for SLHC - Be is expensive compared to SS, but cheap compared to muon chambers! It gives a big reduction in background in critical areas of muon system (factor 2 or better). Muon chamber. If at low end and Be beampipe, most of MDT system can remain At higher end, large fraction of MDT system needs replaced Occupancy makes efficiency reduce to 50 % MDT Electronics needs upgrading For radiation damage For data rates Also considering reading out only regions with a trigger. Radiation damage, pile-up problem, power budget, material budget are important issues.

Changes required in ATLAS (Nigel Hessey). Inner Detector -TRT straws cannot cope with the rate -Silicon Strips will be suffering from radiation damage and have too high occupancy -Pixel (renewed) b-layer and the other 2 layers will be radiation damaged All Inner Tracker to be replaced !!! - All silicon tracker Pixels + short strips (SS) + long strips (LS) “Strawman” layout decided on (a straw man is easy to change) 4 pixel layers 3 short strip (SS) layers 2 long strip (LS) layers

On-detector power dissipation. Power IN → cables (material). Power OUT → cooling pipes (material ). FARTHOUAT, PhilippeFARTHOUAT, Philippe (CERN)

SCT| SLHC 8V|  2V 4V|  1V 0V| 0V Chain of modules at different voltages; “recycle” current Chips on a module are connected in parallel (as usual) Analog ground, digital ground and HV ground are tied together for each module (as usual)  floating HV supplies AC-coupled read-out !!! Serial powering. Current source (external power supply) Marc Weber, RAL

F.Faccio (CERN) 8 AC/DCDC/DC Module (with DC/DC) 0.5-2m 100m 24 or 48 V High voltage vs Low current = Low power loss P = I 2 ● R long wire PP Important considerations: Magnetic field, Radiation and Material Budget, Noise, plus EMI if inductor-based DC/DC Inductor-based DC-DC converter. 8 Aiming at demonstrating the feasibility of a fully integrated (except L and passive components) DC-DC buck converter Vin=12-24 V Vout=1.5-3V I=1-2A high-V CMOS technology with radiation tolerant design air core inductor Switching noise Controller architecture 1.5 or 3 V Low voltage vs High current

Switched Capacitor DC-DC converters. Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Phase 1 - Charge Load Vd Load Phase 2 - Discharge -Same 50V 0.35  m HV CMOS process -Sized for 1A output. 4.3 x 4.9 mm - Contains auxiliary circuits. - All capacitors external - All clocks external

VLSI technology choice. - IBM 130 nm CMOS has been found suitable for SHLC upgrade. -It is radiation hard enough therefore we can use commercial libraries for the most of the digital blocks. - Moreover, this technology has a lot of attractive desing features. - CERN has signed a long-term contract with IBM covering both 130nm and 90 nm technologies. - MIC group of CERN is ready to organize MPW runs if there will be sufficient participants in high-energy physics community. - Some ATLAS group are about to start redesign of their present front-end chips into IBM CMOS 130nm technology. These are: 1) ATLAS Pixel Detector Front-end chip (K. Einsweiler, LBNL). 2) ATLAS Strip Detector Front-end chip ABC-N (W. Dabrowski, Krakow).

Digital – Memories (SEU tolerant), serializers – PLL, DLL frequency multipliers – Slow control protocol (target low power + SEU tolerance) – LVDS drivers : customized for minimal power / standard ? – Codecs : Analog – Bandgap, we are involved – voltage regulators, – DAC, temperature monitoring – ADCs : what power/#bits/speed ? – For when the Universal preamp, tunable by slow control ?? Consensus to carefully minimize power – Is it compatible with « standard » cells? Based on IBM 0.13 µm. Portability to other technologies ? IP documentation, responsibility, maintenance ?? – Regular workshops Common IP blocks in the Design Library.

3D and SOI Technology for Future Pixel Detectors Ray Yarema Fermilab Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop At CERN March 19-21, 2007

Active Pixel Sensor in SOI 0.15  m Fully-Depleted SOI CMOS process, 1 Poly, 5 Metal layers (OKI Electric Industry Co. Ltd.). PMOS and NMOS transistors Detector signal Is proportional To substrate thickness Thin top layer has silicon islands in which PMOS and NMOS transistors are built. A buried oxide layer (BOX) separates the top layer from the substrate. The high resistivity substrate forms the detector volume. The diode implants are formed beneath the BOX and connected by vias. Advantages: * 100% fill factor * NMOS + PMOS transistors * Large signal * Faster charge collection Charge released along track Buried oxide 200 nm Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS)

0.18  m partially-Depleted dual gate SOI CMOS process,Dual gate transistor (Flexfet), No poly, 5 metal (American Semicondutor / Cypress Semiconductor.) ASI Process ASI process based on dual gate transistor called a Flexfet. 4 – Flexfet has a top and bottom gate. – Bottom gate shields the transistor channel from charge build up in the BOX caused by radiation. – Bottom gate also shields the transistor channel from voltage on the substrate and thus removes the back gate voltage problem.

15 Vertical Scale Integration (3D) – Increased circuit density due to multiple tiers of electronics – Independent control of substrate materials for each of the tiers. – Ability to mate various technologies in a monolithic assembly DEPFET + CMOS or SOI CCD + CMOS or SOI MAPS + CMOS or SOI Reduce R, L, C for higher speed Reduce chip I/O pads Provide increased functionality Reduce interconnect power and crosstalk

3D Stack with Vias High resistivity substrate BOX Vias: 1.5 um dia by 7.3 um long Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Pixel cell: *175 transistors in 20 µm pixel. *Unlimited use of PMOS and NMOS. *Allows 100 % diode fill factor. 20 um Via using oxide etch process (Lincoln Labs) Typical diameters are 1-2 microns

Two Different 3D Approaches for HEP Die to Wafer bonding – Permits use of different size wafers – Lends itself to using KGD (Known Good Die) for higher yields Wafer to Wafer bonding – Must have same size wafers – Less material handling but lower overall yield Die to wafer bonding KGD Wafer to wafer bonding Dice/test

Key Technologies Through wafer vias typically have an 8 to 1 aspect ratio. In order to keep the area associated with the via as small as possible, the wafers should be thinned as much as possible. Thinning is typically done by a combination of grinding, lapping, and chemical or plasma etching. 2) Wafer thinning Photos from MIT LL Six inch wafer thinned to 6 microns and mounted to 3 mil kapton.