SPX High Level RF and RF Interlock Systems WBS U Doug Horan RF Systems Engineer Accelerator Systems Division/RF Group DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of APS-Upgrade 4-6 December 2012
Outline 2 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 The HLRF Team HLRF System WBS Scope Requirements Design Interfaces Risks Considered R&D ES&H Cost Schedule
HLRF Scope / Cost Summary WBS U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 Design, construction, installation, and commissioning of eight 2.815GHz/10kW cw high-level klystron rf amplifier systems, including waveguide transmission systems, interlock systems, and two high voltage power supplies Interlock systems include: → SPX rf equipment protection → Personnel safety → Interface to Access Control Interlock System (ACIS) → Interface to Machine Protection System (MPS)
HLRF System Requirements – WBS U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 Produce and deliver approximately 8kW cw rf power to each cavity input waveguide flange Provide rf interlock functions, including rf hardware protection and personnel protection Maintain minimum contribution to rf system integrated noise
HLRF Org Chart 5 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 High-Power RF D. Horan Amplifier Systems D. Horan A.Grelick M. Middendorf R. Agner Tech 3 HLRF Engineer RF Interlocks D. Horan R. Agner Interlock Engineer RF Systems Installation D. Bromberek T. Smith D. Jefferson Tech 4 RF Test Stands M. Middendorf T. Smith M. Douell T. Jonasson Electrical System G. Doktorczyk Electronics D&D New Hire
HLRF System Scope – WBS U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 Design, construction, installation, and commissioning of eight 2.815GHz/10kW cw high-level klystron rf amplifier systems, including the following subsystems: → Eight waveguide transmission systems → Interlock systems → Two high voltage power supplies Interlock systems include: → SPX rf equipment protection → Personnel safety → Interface to Access Control Interlock System (ACIS) → Interface to Machine Protection System (MPS)
7 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 HLRF System Design -- WBS U 10kW klystron amplifiers, one per cavity Common HVPS at each sector HVPS units fed from common 480V source for correlated noise Master HVPS switching clock to interleave and reduce HVPS ripple
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December HLRF Waveguide System Design -- WBS U Waveguide is WR284 aluminum – pressurized with nitrogen to 5 psi 10kW amplifiers are positioned on equipment mezzanine in Building 400A1 (Sector 5) and Building 400A4 (Sector 7) Waveguide system losses estimated at ≈ 1dB → Approximately 8kW available at each cavity input flange PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF HLRF INSTALLATION IN BUILDING 400A1 AND STORAGE RING SECTOR 5 10kW AMPLIFIERS WAVEGUIDES AND PENETRATION INTO SR TUNNEL
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December HLRF System Design – RF Interlocks WBS U → Fast RF IL WBS U → ACIS/RF Interface WBS U → Slow RF IL Master slow and fast interlock systems in amplifier systems Slave slow and fast interlock systems at cryomodule location Slave fault outputs drive external inputs of respective master Slow interlock is PLC-based → ≈ 20ms response time Fast interlock is electronic → ≈ 10μsec response time Interlocks can trigger fast cavity detuning or beam dump to protect hardware ACIS/RF Interface disables rf systems for tunnel access
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December HLRF System Design – Personnel Safety WBS U SPX waveguide nitrogen pressure is monitored to detect the potential for rf radiation leakage – Low pressure indicates the potential for rf leakage → Affected SPX rf systems are shut down → All Storage Ring and Booster rf systems are shut down High voltage behind bolted panels with interlock switches STORAGE RING AND BOOSTER RF SHUTDOWN
11 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 HLRF Interfaces WBS U LLRF Interlock system input signals -- TC’s, RTD’s, flowmeters, thermal diodes, vacuum instrumentation Storage Ring MPS System Cavity input waveguide flange DI water AC Power Storage Ring Access Control Interlock System -- ACIS/SI Existing 352-MHz RF Waveguide Air Interlock System APS computer network
12 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 HLRF System Risks WBS U Availability of a reliable and stable klystron → The klystrons will be a new design that will require testing and evaluation On-time klystron delivery Mitigation: -- Plan Advanced Procurement for first-article 10kW klystron -- Extensive testing and evaluation of first article
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December HLRF R&D – SPX0 -- WBS U Design, construction, installation, and commissioning of two 2.815GHz/5kW cw high- level klystron rf amplifier systems, including waveguide transmission systems, high-voltage power supplies, and interlock systems Interlock systems include: → SPX0 rf equipment protection → Personnel safety → Interface to storage ring tunnel Access Control Interlock System (ACIS) → Interface to storage ring Machine Protection System (MPS) SPX0 HLRF INSTALLATION IN BUILDING 400A1 AND STORAGE RING SECTOR 5 FIRST SPX0 5kW KLYSTRON AMPLIFIER
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December HLRF R&D – Test Stands -- WBS U Vertical cavity tests at ATLAS Building 400A RF Test Stand → RF power tests on dampers, loads, and windows 5kW Horizontal Cavity and Tuner Test at ATLAS → Utilizes first 5kW SPX0 amplifier → Scheduled for December 2012 5kW cryomodule tests at JLab → Utilizes first 5kW SPX0 amplifier FIRST SPX0 5kW KLYSTRON AMPLIFIER INSTALLED AT ATLAS HOM DAMPER RF POWER TEST IN 400A 2.815GHz/4kW CW AMPLIFIER IN 400A
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December HLRF System ES&H WBS U Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) –APS-U Project following Argonne’s ISMS program requirements –Argonne Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) Description recently revised and submitted to DOE ASO Describes framework for integrating ESH requirements with mission objectives References Argonne LMS procedures which implement specific portions of the ISMS Identify General Safeguards and Security Requirements –Note special materials or project specific security requirements –APS-U Project required to follow Argonne’s Operations Security Program (OPSEC) Master Plan Identify General Safety Requirements to Specific WBS Level –Electrical safety → high voltage –Ionizing radiation → X-ray emission from klystron and rf cavities –RF radiation safety → rf leakage from waveguide transmission system –All equipment not rated by a nationally-recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) will be inspected by qualified electrical equipment inspectors
16 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 SPX High Level Radio Frequency Scope and WBS U & U
17 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 SPX High Level Radio Frequency Scope and WBS U & U
18 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 SPX High Level Radio Frequency Obligation Profile U & U
19 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 SPX High Level Radio Frequency BOE Contingency U & U
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December HLRF Cost Drivers SPX0 R&D → 5kW klystrons¹ (2) → 30kW High voltage power supplies¹ (2) → 50kW isolators¹ (2) → Waveguide systems ¹ Internal component of 5kW amplifier SPX → Klystrons² (8) → 150kW high voltage power supplies (2) → 50kW isolators² (8) → Waveguide, including HOM filters (8) ² Internal component of 10kW amplifier
21 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 SPX R&D and Production Milestones U & U
22 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 SPX High Level Radio Frequency Milestones U & U
23 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 SPX High Level Radio Frequency Summary Schedule U & U
HLRF Work After CD-2 24 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 1.02 R&D: Complete design of 10kW amplifier systems, waveguide transmission systems, and rf interlock systems Hold design reviews for each subsystem 1.03: Begin procurement of hardware for amplifiers and sub- systems Begin procurement of high voltage power supplies Select and procure klystrons
25 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 HLRF Summary WBS U ▪ Design, construction, installation, and commissioning of: → Eight 2.815GHz/10kW cw klystron rf amplifiers → Waveguide transmission systems → Personnel safety and equipment interlock systems → Two high voltage power supplies ▪ The system traces back to the higher level requirement of: → Providing the rf power necessary for the SPX cavities to develop full deflecting field → Protect SPX rf system hardware from damage due to overpower or arcing → Provide personnel protection against rf radiation, x-ray, and high-voltage hazards ▪ The conceptual design fulfills basic system topology requirements ▪ The total cost is $7,823k ▪ We are ready to proceed with final design of the system ▪ HLRF installation and checkout: → SPX0 R&D HLRF System – Completed in September 2014 → SPX HLRF System – Completed in December 2018
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December HLRF Backup Slides Follow
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December SPX0 R&D HLRF Installation and Checkout
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December SPX HLRF Installation and Checkout
DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December SPX HLRF Installation and Checkout ▪ 10kW Amplifiers and Klystrons → Preliminary electrical checkout of amplifiers → Klystrons acceptance-tested at manufacturer → Amplifiers and klystrons tested together ▪ Waveguide System → Preliminary VSWR check terminated with precision load → Test to full power into load prior to connection to cryomodule ▪ Interlock Systems → End-to-end electrical check of interlock system and related signal cables → Interlock functionality check prior to application of rf power to cryomodule ▪ HVPS → Factory test at full-load voltage and power
HLRF System Design -- MPS/RF Interface WBS#..... DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 LLRF CRYOGENICS INTERLOCK SYSTEM PIEZO TUNER RETURN TEMP & FLOW TEMP ARC DET VACUUM FAULT CAVITY QUENCH REFRIGERATOR FAULT LOM DAMPER HOM 1 DAMPER HOM 2 DAMPER FPC AND LOM WINDOWS (4) CAVITY LOM DAMPER FPC CAVITY WINDOW KLYSTRON ISOLATOR LOM DAMPER FPC CAVITY FAST CAVITY DETUNING BEAM DUMP COMMAND TO STORAGE RING MPS SYSTEM (OPTICAL FIBER) KLYSTRON ISOLATOR 50kW LOAD POWER FLOW FROM CAVITY FIELD PROBE REFLECTED POWER Protects SPX rf hardware from damage caused by SR beam- generated rf power: → Overpower of cavities, HOM dampers, klystron isolator/load → Cavity vacuum fault → Arcs at cavity window, HOM damper, or klystron isolator → Cavity quench → Refrigeration fault Generates a fast cavity detune command in response to fault conditions Beam dump command sent to storage ring MPS system if fast cavity detuning does not clear fault SPX-0 MPS/RF INTERFACE 30
HLRF System Design – ACIS/RF Interface WBS U Storage Ring ACIS provides permits for SPX rf drive and high voltage power supplies Both permits removed when personnel have access to storage ring tunnel 31 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012