Super B-Factory at KEK Ruslan Chistov (ITEP) 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Outline: 1. KEKB and Belle 2. Achievements of B-factories 3. ITEP group at Belle 4. Physics at Super B-Factory 5. Super KEKB & Belle II 6. ITEP group at Belle II 7. Groundbreaking Ceremony
2 KEKB TokyoKEKB: HER: 8.0 GeV LER: 3.5 GeV crossing: 22 mrad E CMS =M( (4S)) = Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Main target of the Belle experiment First physics run (June 2, 1999) 1.Discovery of CP violation in B decays 2.Precise test of Kobayashi-Maskawa scheme of CPV in the SM 3.Search for New Physics beyond the SM
5 Tokyo (40 mins by Tsukuba Exps) 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
6 Tokyo (40 mins by Tsukuba Exps) 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
B-factories: success story Acknowledgement in Nobel Prize 2008 B 0 tag _ 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk The background subtracted t distribution and asymmetry
8 Achievements and Legacy of B-factories: 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Electroweak physics: CKM (Vub, Vcb, ), DCPV in B K , B K* ll, B K* ,B D ,B QCD: - X(3872) J/ + -(most cited Belle paper, 638) and other XY states which do not match into available conventional charmonium slots, charged quarkonium-like states Z(4430) + ’ +, Z 1,2 + c1 +, Z b1,2 + + (1S/2S/3S) / h b /h b ’ - new unexpected charm meson D sJ (2317/2460) + D s + 0 and baryon c (2980/3080) +,0 c + K and c (2880/2940) + D 0 p states - new unexpected B decay modes - new phenomena: threshold peaking in baryon-antibaryon mass in many baryonic B decays and double charmonium production Charm Physcis: D 0 -D 0 mixing, Double Cabibbo-suppressed D 0 and D + (s) decays -physcis: search for LFV In total (feb2012) - 315publ’s.
X(3872) Z + (4430) LFV in τ-decays Selected Highlights B→τυ
BINP, IHEP and ITEP at Belle Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk BINP - from the very beginning in Belle, 16 people, largest contribution to ECAL maintenance and ~50% construction, ~26 papers (CPV, rare B decays) IHEP – from 2004, 3 people, 5 papers ( (4S) (1S) + -) ITEP - from 1999, 10 people, 38 papers
11 ITEP Contribution to the Physics at Belle (selected topics) 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk 670 fb -1 X(4630) 8.2 Phys.Rev.Lett.101,172001(2008) e + e – →Λ c + Λ c – γ ISR Double charmonium production e+e- J/ cc-bar, cross-section ~10 times larger than predicted by models cc c0 c (2S) New X(3940) B(*)B(*)( ) decays of (5S)
12 ITEP Contribution to the Physics at Belle (selected topics) 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk cx(3077)+ cx(2980)+ wrong-sign c+ K+ - Most accurate mesurement of c mass First observation of charm strange baryons of a new type First observation of B+ (3770)K+ First observation of B c c Br ~100 times larger than Br(B c p)
13 ITEP Contribution to the Physics at Belle (Observation of charged charmonium-like states Z c1,2 ) 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk hadro-charmonium S.Dubinskiy,M.B.Voloshin, B 0 c1 + K - Dalitz plot analysis projection Interpretation:
14 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk h b and h b ’ (R.Mizuk (ITEP) in collaboration with BINP people) Anomalous production of (nS) + - line shape of Y b (5S) reconstructed = for h b (1P) for h b (2P) Mechanism of (5S) h b (nP) + - decay is exotic
15 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Charged bottomonium-like states Z b (10610), Z b (10610) (R.Mizuk in collaboration with BINP people) M(h b ), GeV/c 2 h b (1P) yield / 10MeV arXiv: Masses are close to BB* and B*B* thresholds – molecule? arXiv: , arXiv: , submitted to PRL (5S) (or Yb) Z b + - Zb (1S) + Zb (2S) + Zb (3S) + Zb h b +
Last KEKB beam: June 30, 2010 L peak = 2.1 x /cm 2 /s (world record, 2009) Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Ldt > 1000 fb -1
17 Recovery of KEKB Rings from the Earthquake 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
18 Recovery of Work after the Earthquake 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
Why we need to go further? Success of B-Factories: confirmation of KM mechanism of CPV In CKM global fit: 2.4σ discrepancy between direct and indirect measurements of sin2φ 1 – BR(B→τν) experimental measurements CKM fit w/o these measurements Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Precise measurement of UT is still very important!!! Belle’2012 Belle ’ 2012 : 0.012
Flavour Physics: next decade Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk We believe that Physics beyond the SM must exist. New Physics is required to identify Dark Matter, to add CP violation for cosmology, to cut off UV divergencies… If the LHC finds New Physics at the TeV scale, its flavor structure must be examined experimentally. TeV-particles should reveal in B, D and tau-decays. A super B factory is the best tool for this purpose. If the LHC finds nothing but a SM-like Higgs, searching for deviations from the SM in flavour physics will be almost the last chance to find New Physics in the next decade. Alternatively, even the ULs constrain NP at energy scales inaccessible to energy frontier experiments. CPV in B → J/ψ K S CPV in b → sss, sqq Direct CPV in B → K *0 γIndirect CPV in B → K S π 0 γ Time-dependent B s studiesMissing E modes: B → Kυυ, τυ, D (*) τυ B s → μ + μ – B c, b-baryons Inclusive b → s μ + μ –, s e + e – DD mixing and CPV in D LFV in τ→μγ and others LHCb Super-B and BelleII Super B factories and LHC are complementary to each other Search for effect of unknown particles on processes very rare within the SM
CPV in b → sss penguin decays In SM expected to have similar sin2 ϕ 1 as from B J/ψK S Current measurements give: NP particle can contribute to the loop and change ΔS value Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Belle-II : the error is expected to go down by a factor of 10 Physics reach with 50 ab –1 (~ 5 years with 8×10 35 /cm 2 /s)
Belle-II (50 ab -1 )Belle (1 ab -1 ) Puzzling DCPV in B→Kπ DCPV from Tree Penguin interference ΔA≈0 in SM NP (EW penguins) can change it Model independent sume rule to test SM Belle, Nature 452, 332 (2008) Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Physics reach with 50 ab –1
23 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Belle II sensitivity for LFV covers predictions of many models Belle II will collect ~9x10 10 tau (=50 ab -1 )
Need O(100x) more data Next generation B-factories 40 times higher luminosity KEKB SuperKEKB+ SuperB PEP-II Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
25 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk How to increase the luminosity?
26 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
27 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk BELLE-II Higher background radiation damage and occupancies fake hits and pile-up noise in the ECL Higher event rate higher rate trigger, DAQ and computing Critical issues at L = 8 × /cm 2 /sec
Detector upgrade Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Improve performance try better PID options (new particle identifier) low p μ identification for EW penguin b → sμμ efficiency (KLM) In contrust to LHCb superb neutral detection capabilities E.g.: B γγ B K 0 s 0 can be used to detect right-handed current (faster ECL) Capable of observing rare “missing energy modes” such as B -bar, B , B K -bar with B-tags. Hermiticity is critical. (KLM) We need to + Tracking detector and SVD with high background tolerance ! (replace inner layers of the vertex detector with a pixel detector, Replace inner part of the central tracker with a silicon strip detector) + New dead time free pipelined readout ! + High speed computing systems ! More details
Detector upgrade Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
Detector upgrade Vertex detector: 4lyr. Si strip 2lyr. pixel(DEPFET) +4lyr. Si strip 8/23/201130T.Aushev (ITEP), Lomonosov conf. 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
Detector upgrade Vertex detector: 4lyr. Si strip 2lyr. pixel(DEPFET) +4lyr. Si strip Drift chamber for tracking: Small cells, longer lever arms, faster readout Deadtime: 1-2ms -> 200 ns Belle Belle II 8/23/201131T.Aushev (ITEP), Lomonosov conf. 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
Detector upgrade Vertex detector: 4lyr. Si strip 2lyr. pixel(DEPFET) +4lyr. Si strip Drift chamber for tracking: Small cells, longer lever arms, faster readout new PID system: Cherenkov imaging, very fast readout 8/23/201132T.Aushev (ITEP), Lomonosov conf. 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
Detector upgrade Vertex detector: 4lyr. Si strip 2lyr. pixel(DEPFET) +4lyr. Si strip Drift chamber for tracking: Small cells, longer lever arms, faster readout new PID system: Cherenkov imaging, very fast readout Calorimeter: New readout with wave form sampling -> 7 times smaller BG 8/23/201133T.Aushev (ITEP), Lomonosov conf. 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
Detector upgrade Vertex detector: 4lyr. Si strip 2lyr. pixel(DEPFET) +4lyr. Si strip Drift chamber for tracking: Small cells, longer lever arms, faster readout new PID system: Cherenkov imaging, very fast readout Calorimeter: New readout with wave form sampling Endcap K L /muon: RPC Scintillator +MPPC 8/23/201134T.Aushev (ITEP), Lomonosov conf. 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
35 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
36 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Belle II Construction Schedule
37 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk ITEP group in Belle II (EKLM) RPC-based KLM demonstrated nice performance at Belle (eff.endcap>99%, barrel~99%, stable operation, low bg) With SuperKEKB luminosity because of large RPC dead time endcap KLM efficiency drops to 0 Chosen option Scintillator based detector with WLS readout Fast photodector: Si photo diode in Geiger mode (Hamamatsu MPPC) Independent operation of x-y layers
38 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk ITEP group in Belle II ■ 75 strips (4 cm width)/1 layer/sector = 150 strips/superlayer ■ strips for F&B endcap KLM ■ the longest strip 2.8 m; the shortest 0.6 m ■WLS (blue green) fiber in each strip (Y11 MC D=1.2mm) ■SiPM at one fiber end (at outer sector radius) ■mirrored far fiber end EKLM layout
39 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk ITEP group in Belle II Module-0 strip tests Average light yields for both near and far strip ends were measured with cosmic muons (corrected for SiPM x-talk and non- perpendicular incidence) Good results at near end Good light yield at the far end for short and middle-length strips, acceptable for the most long strips However, several bad strips were found, seems due to the production defects: near end far end L strip <2m far end L strip >2m
40 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Test module assembling in ITEP
The Belle II Collaboration Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk 15 countries, 56 institutions, 400 collaborators ( ~150 from Europe) ~100 MUS for machine -- Very Advanced Research Support Program (FY ) Full approval by the Japanese government in December 2010; the project is in the JFY2011 budget as approved by the Japanese Diet end of March 2011 Most of non-Japanese funding agencies have also already allocated sizable funds for the upgrade of the detector. construction started in 2010
Luminosity upgrade projection Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
43 Groundbreaking Ceremony 18 Nov Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
Summary It was a great era of Belle Many good results were obtained Now the preparation for Belle-II experiment is actively ongoing SuperKEKB & Belle-II are constructing now The target is 40 times higher luminosity The start of SuperKEKB/Belle-II is in Dec Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk Thanks for your kind attention!
Backup slides Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
DEPFET & SVD 46 [m][m] 10 m 20 m Belle Belle II p sin( ) 5/2 [GeV/c] Mock-up 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
PID 47 Aero gel Hamamatsu HAPD Q.E. ~33% (recent good ones) 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk
ECL & KLM 48 Basically ready for mass production (minor revisions because we still have time.) The first test module of KLM is assembled this Summer 27 Feb.2012 Ruslan Chistov, Seminar at INP Troitsk