Super B factory @ KEK - Super KEKB - B.G. Cheon (Hanyang Univ., Seoul) For the Belle collaboration Physics motivation Accelerator and Detector Project schedule Thanks for the kind invitation to this SUSY08 conference. Today let me talk about prospect of Super B factory at KEK. The contents of my talk are first physics motivation for this project and Accelerator and detector to cope with this project and finally project schedule will be briefly mentined. June 16-21, SUSY08 @ Seoul, Korea
Belle highlights CPV discovery Many new resonances Evidence for Bgtn X(3872) Z(4430) D0-D0 mixing bgdg transition BgD*tn AFB in BgK*l+l- Belle, 2005 SM And more …
Why KEK Super B factory ? Many questions still remain in the SM. Something beyond SM should be there. Need more data to answer the questions. KEKB/Belle achievement ~ 0.85 ab-1 Initial target ~ 10 ab-1 (limited funding) Final target ~ 50 ab-1
Physics at KEK Super B factory New source of CP violation New source of flavor mixing Precision test of KM scheme LFV t decays その具体的内容は以下のとおり。 SUSY breaking mechanism Charm physics New resonances, D0D0 mixing… Super-high statistics measurements: aS, sin2qW, etc.
BSM sensitive measurements Item Super KEKB LHCb BSM CP phase tCPV in b s penguin (f Ks, h’ Ks, …) Bs f f BSM right-handed current tCPV in B K*g Bs f g Charged Higgs B t n, B D(*) t n * Inclusive measurements b sg, b dg, b sll D0-D0bar Mixing, DCPV Super-high statistics D decays O Lepton Flavor Violation Super-high statistics t decays Here we have listed more or less BSM sensitive decay modes with our personal point of view. 1. First to see new CP phase, most promising one is to measure tCPV in b to s penguin decays like phi kshort, eta’ kshort. and so on 2. Sizable CP asymmetry is anticipated in B to K8 gamma if right handed interaction exists in new physics. (tCPV measurement of B to K* gamma decays is to extract right-handed current.) 3. For the indirect charged Higgs search, B to tau nu and D* tau nu decay modes are best we can do. 4. B to s gamma, d gamma, and s ll inclusive measurements are good playground to compare with BSM theoretical prediction. 5. Based on recent DDbar mixing measurement, this item is also good example to study on new physics. 6. Finally our Super B factory can also produce super-high statistics D and tau sample, so Ddbar mixing and DCPV, and Rate tau decay should be studied. One comment is that the study of decay modes including g/pi0, and neutrino are very hard or rather impossible in hadron machine, So our super-B factory can only access in these decay modes. And I remind you that flavor physics related plenary talks are planned on this Wednesday morning session, so please do not miss The orpotunity to see more detail on flavor physics status. * Decay modes including g / p0 / n can be accessed only with e+e- machines. Flavor physics review talks are waiting for us on Wed. !!!
SM: sin2f1 = sin2f1 from BJ/y K0 (bc c s) One example to find BSM Phases Vts: no KM phase Vtd + f1 B , h’, K+K- _ * SM: sin2f1 = sin2f1 from BJ/y K0 (bc c s) unless there are other, non-SM particles in the loop eff
BSM effect may enter in b s Many new phases are possible in SUSY New physics in loops? Method: Compare S(fK0) with S(J/yK0) SM prediction: DS S(fK0)-S(J/yK0) 0 O(1) effect allowed even if SUSY scale is above 2TeV. However, there may be some possibilty that SUSY particles can Interplay in the process as you can see here, so then CP phase angle might be different from previous case. Theorists predict that the order of 1 percent effect are allowed even if SUSY scale is above 2 TeV.
Hints of NP in b s penguins ? Smaller than bccs in 7 of 9 modes Theory predicts positive shifts Naïve average of all b g s modes sin2f1eff = 0.56 ± 0.05 2.2 s deviation from SM (CL=3%)
Integrated Luminosity PEP-II for BaBar KEKB for Belle KEKB + PEP-II ~1370/fb ! ~ 1.4 Billion BB pairs ~840/fb (Jun/10/08) ~531/fb (Apr/7/08) design luminosity May be time to switch units to ab-1 Lpeak (KEKB) = 1.7 x 1034/cm2/sec (design 1.0)
KEKB upgrade - Super B factory @ KEK - Upgrading the existing KEKB collider 3 years shutdown from 2009 Initial target ~ 2 x 1035/cm2s = 10 x KEKB Luminosity Final goal ~ 8 x 1035/cm2s , Integrated Lum.= 50 ab-1 Many components are now being tested. e+ source Ares RF cavity SCC RF(HER) ARES (LER) 3.5 GeV e+ 8 GeV e- Crab cavity 3.5GeV e+ 8GeV e- New beam-pipe with ante-chamber Damping ring for e+ New IR with crab crossing and smaller by* More RF for higher beam current SR beam
K. Oide
Expected Beam Background Rad-Bhabha mask around QCS magnet IR chamber design Results based on GEANT SIM validated by Belle/KEKB experience. 1st layer Conservative, robust detector should be handled up to 20 times more background
Features of Super Belle detector In contrast to LHCb, superb neutral detection capabilities. e.g. BKSp0g can be used to detect right-handed currents. Capable of observing rare “missing energy modes” e.g. BKnn with B tags. low p m identification smm recon. eff. hermeticity n “reconstruction” radiation damage and occupancy fake hits and pile-up noise in the EM - higher rate trigger, DAQ and computing Issues: Higher background ( 20) Higher event rate ( 50) Required special features
Super Belle detector Possible solution: New dead time free pipelined readout and high speed computing systems Faster calorimeter with waveform sampling and pure CsI crystals New particle identifier with precise Cherenkov device: TOP or fDIRC. Si vertex detector with high background tolerance (striplets or pixels) Background tolerant super small cell tracking detector KL/m detection with scintillator and next generation photon sensors Possible solution: 4Replace inner layers of the vertex detector with a silicon striplet or pixel detector 4Replace inner part of the central tracker with a silicon strip detector. 4Better particle identification device (TOP) focussing DIRC (fDIRC) 4Replace endcap calorimeter by pure CsI. 4Faster readout electronics and computing Korean group contribution : Calorimeter trigger system construction CDC Tracker z-trigger system implement SVD silicon strip sensor R&D
KEK Web page (5 Year Plan) +20 page report
Very Preliminary KEK Roadmap J-PARC KEKB LHC PF/PF-AR 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 J-PARC construction experiment + upgrade Very Preliminary KEKB experiment upgrade experiment + upgrade upgrade LHC construction experiment + upgrade PF/PF-AR experiment + upgrade R&D for Advanced Accelerator and Detector Technology Detector R&D ERL C-ERL R&D construction test experiment PF-ERL R&D construction experiment ILC ILC R&D construction
Tight Schedule for the Super KEKB Collaboration 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 4 Experiment at KEKB ** KEKB/Belle upgrade TDR Detector Study Report (March 08) Final detector design (April 09) 2007 2008 2009 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 Detector proposals Internal review (inc. PID shootout) BNM (January 08) Pre kick-off meeting (March 08) 2nd open meeting (July 08) Meeting plan Actions to invite new collaborators One-day general meeting and an IB meeting at every BGM ** Possible 6-month shift to the right
Conclusions KEKB is moving ahead with a machine and detector designed to discover new sources of flavor mixing and CPV. The accelerator and detector have a track record of exceeding expectations. Super KEKB and LHCb are complementary. Super KEKB is a special opportunity for high impact international collaboration.
Backup slides
Major Achievements Expected at SuperKEKB: An Image New CP-Violating Phase in b g s with 1 degree precision CKM Angle Measurements with 1 degree precision Discovery of B g Knn Precise meas. of D mixing Discovery of New Subatmic Particles Discovery of new CPV phase in B g fK (for present WA) sin2qW with O(10-4) precision Discovery of B g mn Observations with U(5S), U(3S) etc. Discovery of B g Dtn “Discovery” with sigfinicance > 5s Discovery of CP Violation in Charged B Decays Discovery of Direct CP Violation in B0 g Kp Decays (2005) Discovery of CP Violation in Neutral B Meson System (2001)
Search for new right-handed currents through CP violation SM Electroweak: purely left-handed New right-handed current R g _ B0 almost purely left-handed photon Ks p0 described with an amplitude for a left-handed photon: L Interference b/w Land R Large CP violation Atwood-Gronau-Soni 1997 Atwood-Gershon-Hazumi-Soni 2005
Identification of SUSY breaking scenario Pattern of deviations from the Standard Model Y.Okada Bd- unitarity e D m(Bs) B->fKs B->Msg indirect CP b->sg direct CP mSUGRA - + SU(5)SUSY GUT + nR (degenerate) (non-degenerate) ++ U(2) Flavor symmetry Observ- ables SUSY models ++: Large, +: sizable, -: small
Principle of a TOP counter Provides ~4σ /K separation at 3.5 GeV/c (Measure 1D position and time in a compact detector) Simulation 2GeV/c, q=90 deg. ~2m Linear array PMT (~5mm) Time resolution s~40ps ~200ps K p Different propagation lengths propagation times