Sumantana Chantaroagwong Office of the Higher Education Commission July 13, 2012 University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific UMAP Student Connection Online & UMAP Student Connection Online University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific UMAP Student Connection Online & UMAP Student Connection Online
UMAP organization Benefits to Thai universitiesActivities under UMAPObstacles in Project managementApplication Timelines
University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific Australia Bangladesh Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Fiji Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Macao Malaysia Mexico Mongolia Papua New Guinea the Philippines Reunion Island Samoa Taiwan Thailand Vietnam 20 Full members (pay annual contribution) The organization is an association of government and non-government representatives of the higher education sector.
Aim Achieve better understanding of countries/territories in Asia Pacific region through academic cooperation and mobility Goal Increase exchange of university students and staff Function Promote bilateral, multilateral and consortium arrangements Develop recognition and credit transfer system Identify and overcome impediments of university mobility
International Secretariat (Fu Jen University, Taiwan) UMAP Chair (The Philippines) Committees (7 committees) Member Secretariats Thailand = OHEC Vice President Forum Coordination Committee Participating Universities 7 Committees: UMAP Alumni, UCTS, Promotion & Marketing Strategy, Chair Election& IS, Models & Roles of Member Sec., Finance & Audit, Strategic Planning As of July 2012
University Mobility in Asia & Pacific
UMAP Student Exchange Program funded by OHEC UMAP Student Connection Online (USCO) UMAP Joint study Program & Research-Net Scholarship / Support from Governments UMAP Credit Transfer Scheme
ActivitiesDuration - Undertake a study corresponding to the major or minor subjects for at least 6 credits - Conduct research as a part of the applicant’s study - Transfer at least 6 credits back to home university 1 Semester (Granted 4 months) -Monthly living allowance - Economic class airplane ticket Thai citizen at least 2.70 GPA for undergraduate students and 3.20 GPA for graduate (master) students Language Proficiency (TOEFL: 213 (CBT) or (IBT) or IELTS 6.0; Standard TOPIK at least grade 4; HSK at least grade 4; JLPT = N1) Be accepted by host university Thai citizen at least 2.70 GPA for undergraduate students and 3.20 GPA for graduate (master) students Language Proficiency (TOEFL: 213 (CBT) or (IBT) or IELTS 6.0; Standard TOPIK at least grade 4; HSK at least grade 4; JLPT = N1) Be accepted by host university Eligibility
web database of English taught courses or programs UCTS credit calculation UMAP Standard Application Form & UCTS UMAP IS OHEC USCO administrators of U. USCO Website: org/usco/en/direc tory/UMAP- members.php UMAP IS OHEC USCO administrators of U. USCO Website: org/usco/en/direc tory/UMAP- members.php Staff or advisors who in charge of credit transfer
UMAP Multilateral Student Exchange Program [UME] Pledge Agreement between UMAP IS and university (tuition fee waiver, accommodati on, credit transfer) UMAP Taiwan Scholarship for inbound and outbound students to Taiwan Program A UMAP Bilateral Student Exchange Program [UBE] Universities’ MOU between each other Program B UMAP Super Short Term Student Exchange Program [USC] UMAP Super Short Term Scholarship Program C
UMAP Super Short Term Scholarship The UMAP will provide US$800 scholarship per student to UMAP- USCO participating universities which offer their Super Short programs under the USCO-Program C. Super Short Program details Taught in English Duration between one week and one month Earned credits must be transferable. (At least 2 UCTS points) Each awarded university will receive up to 10 scholarships for the participating students of their super-short program In 2012, there were 10 host institutions with awarded scholarship for UMAP Super Short-term Student Exchange Program (decided at the first board meeting)
Study USCO Guideline & Timeline Sign and send Pledge Agreement to OHEC Obtain USCO user account and password from UMAP IS Up-load university’s information and courses’ details Provide students application process and timelines Issue USCO account and password to students Select 2 best qualified students (For Program A) Check USCO placement result
Select 4 universities from 4 different countries Login USCO system and make application online Consult with advisor or staff for course selection and transferable credits and grades Obtain USCO user account and password from USCO administrators Check host university requirement and course descriptions Explore courses info. from USCO web-pages
Unqualified student applicants Inaccuracy of applicants’ documents Weak supporting system of home universities Complexity of USCO system Neglect of application timeline
UMAP Student Exchange Program funded by OHEC ( โครงการแลกเปลี่ยนนักศึกษาของสถาบันอุดมศึกษาไทย กับต่างประเทศ ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2556) Deadline on 28 September 2012 UMAP Student Connection Online 2/2012 Sign and send Pledge Agreement to OHEC before 23 July Up-load university’s info. and courses’ details before 3 August Student make application online before 12 August USCO Placement and result announcement during August
THANK YOU Office of the Higher Education Commission 328 Si Ayuttaya Road, Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400, Thailand Tel: Fax: URL: Contact person: Ms. Sumantana Chantaroagwong Ms. Phicharmon Sridurongkhatham