It’s all about feelings Personal Family Model It’s all about feelings
Summerhill A.S. Neill “You can lead a student to curriculum, but you can’t make him learn” Learning is about Choices Results of Student Progress
Stresses the nurturing potential of the learning environment – its about feelings – we are incomplete without others Working in groups Making decision Dealing with others
Basic Beliefs of Those who Use The Personal Family Model Positive human relations allow people to grow – threats are counter productive IS “Learning this content is necessary for you to . . .” IS NOT “If you don’t learn this you’ll . . .”
Instruction should be based on positive human relations – not on concepts of subject matter or content – it should nurture not control IS “You will be better because you’ve learned important information that you’ll need . . .” IS NOT “You have to learn this if you want to pass this course”
Has the potential to increase personal responsibility in the learning system – students assume many teacher roles. It’s all about choices Either group or individual Student centered Student is responsible for much of the learning
Increases the comfort level by matching the student’ personalities with the level of learning required. Subject matter Level of difficulty Group make up Level of evaluation
Allows students to find new solutions to their own problems and problems of society. Personalized problem solving Self actualized learner Evaluation = solution
Mostly nondirective Can be directive but students have choices whether or not to be involved. Usually small group or individual learning Teacher is a facilitator or guide
Stresses personal development – as a member of a team or individually It’s all about the individual or team member. Competition is limited, cooperation is stressed.
Has the potential to help students to reflect on themselves and on society Self reflection based upon learning a task – how do I feel about my capabilities now? How can I improve our world as a result of what I know?
Self evaluation is a long term goal It’s all about self actualization. Am I all I can be?
Teachers of this model must view long term goals to be at least as important as short term goals. Passing the EOG is not what I’m about as a teacher, helping my students grow as individuals is what’s important! My goal is to help my students grow and develop as human beings; capable of helping others.
Leads to greater mental and emotional health as students work with others as teammates. Leads to sympathetic as well as empathetic feelings toward others. We get to know different people who have different ideas. We learn to help each other. We learn to support those less capable. We all improve by helping those at the bottom.
Focus on qualitative thinking such as creativity and self expression – whether group or individual
The teacher is a facilitator – students are responsible and capable of their own learning! IS “I know you can do it, it’s up to you to get it done” IS NOT “Do this work or I’ll fail you on this project”
Success in school – and life for that matter, is based on the extent of teacher and student sharing “Why don’t we see if we have the skills to help each other?”
**Teaching should focus on the long term development of individuals not on the short term mastery of content** “You’re becoming a self actualized person”