Type your name and address in the ‘Chat Box’ on the left. If you are joining us as a team, be sure each member signs in this way for clock hour credits and for the link to the recording of this webinar. Sound check 2:55, start at 3:00 and end at 4:00 Use the ‘Chat Box’ to type in your questions, responses and to give us feedback on the sound check After the webinar, follow the link below to provide OSPI and CCTS with feedback on this training: Thank you for joining us today!
October 12, 2011 CCTS Webinar Special Guest: Noelle Mecl, SKHS Transition and Work Experience Coordinator
o Why should I learn to lead my IEP? o What do I need to know so that I can lead my own IEP meeting before I graduate? o How will my IEP help me get to where I want to be after high school? o How do educators implement the practice of student-directed IEPs?
So that students may better understand their disability and learn how to advocate for themselves (NCSET, 2002) Educators recommended the IEP as a natural vehicle for teaching students to be more self- determined (Field, Martin, Miller, Ward, &Wehmeyer,1998) Students with Disabilities are more likely to remain in school and be successful if they are actively involved in the development of their transition plan (Martin, 2004) The law requires student participation in the IEP (WAC A)
Populations of StudentsTeachers’ Comments Self-contained Setting for High School Students with significant intellectual disabilities “I have been guilty of not providing my students with the proper tools to be an active member of their IEP team…I have come to realize that I need a way to help better prepare students for their IEP meetings and to teach them the skills that they need in order to be self- determined…” Vocational-technical high school “The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 was instrumental in making transition services for students required by age 14. Part of the new mandate was to ensure not only that these services be provided, but also that transition planning must be based on student preferences and interests.” Alison Myers & Laura Eisenman (2005)
Populations of StudentsTeachers’ Comments Intensive Learning Center for Students with Behavioral and Learning Difficulties “I decided to have my student participate…because I felt it would be helpful to [their] after graduation….For these students to be armed with the knowledge that would help them…[is] powerful. Self-advocacy for these students is imperative if they are to find success.” High School with Resource, Team Taught, and General Education Classes “As a special educator, I am personally interested in finding ways to improve the efficacy of my instruction and to improve positive postsecondary outcomes for students with learning disabilities. In order to improve postsecondary outcomes, social skills and self-determination skills are important in making a successful transition into the adult world.” Alison Myers & Laura Eisenman (2005)
Populations of StudentsTeachers’ Comments Middle School with Resource, Team-Taught, and General Education Classes “While transition planning addressed the student's apparent needs, it seemed to lack an enthusiastic endorsement from the student himself or herself, as if this was yet another adult-inflicted ordeal....Working with adolescents who had disabilities and were at risk made the search for a more effective teaching and learning tool critical.” Hospital for Children with Chronic Illnesses “In order to do my job well and to maximize the benefits to my students, I needed to figure out how to motivate my students to become self-advocates.” Alison Myers & Laura Eisenman (2005)
What is an IEP? Why do you have an IEP? What is the purpose of the annual IEP meeting? Which areas do you think you need help with at school?
What is an accommodation? What accommodations are helpful to you in your classes? What do you plan on doing after high school? Have you ever participated in the planning of your IEP?
Personal: I like playing First Person Shooter (FPS) games. I like science fiction books and movies. I want to know more about designing computer games. Career: When I graduate from OCC I want to work for a computer software company designing FPS Sci- Fi games. Student Video:
Learning: Quiet setting with a daily routine, not talking to lots of people and only taking direction from one person at a time. Work: I want to work indoors with a job that starts after 10 am and where I don’t have to sit for too long at a desk. I want to be able to move around and stand, but not do heavy labor. Student Video:
Academic: I am a strong reader and have good comprehension skills and writing skills. I am also really fast at keyboarding. Outside of School: I am really fast on the internet and can speak German. Student Video “Strength”:
Academic: I have a difficult time with math. I do not understand math instructions when the teacher solves a problem on the board with the entire class. Outside of School: I am not good at making changes and have a hard time budgeting my money. Student Video “Needs”:
Students start by participating in the IEP meeting. This may mean starting with the student: Attending the meeting, and Introducing IEP team members at the meeting, and/or Thanking everyone for attending the IEP
A students leads or directs their IEP by sharing this type of information with the team: My Goals for after high school are… My current Interests (personal & career) I Prefer activities that… I’m Good at… I Need help with… The student is also able to address their graduation requirements and current graduation status.
My pathway is… My plans for the future are… Related activities that I am currently involved in are… In order to prepare, I still need to… Now I’ll talk about my current classes and my progress:
The accommodations and modifications that I need to be successful in general education classes are: Printed materials provided in large font (40+) Close-captioning on all videos used in class Extended time on tests Seating near the instructors so I can read their lips when they speak
I AM or AM NOT on track for graduation. Future classes & programs that I need for graduation and my career goals are… The HSPE tests I will be taking this year are… Accommodations from my classes that I will also use on the HSPE are…
College Vocational/Technical School Work Military Describe: After high school I’ll keep working at my part- time job at the Coffee Pot while I attend OCC.
Goal Area: Postsecondary Employment Old Goal: After High school I will become a video game designer. New Goal: After High School I will work in the field of computer technology. Goal Area: Postsecondary Education Old Goal: After graduation I will attend OCC’s computer technology program. New Goal: After graduation I will attend OCC’s computer technology program.
11/09/11: Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment 12/14/11: Making Post-School Data Count 01/11/12: Writing IEPs for Transition-Age Students 02/08/12: Rural and Remote: Transition Services 03/14/12: Developing Transition Services: QuIST 04/11/12: Their Stories: Post-School Leavers 05/09/12: Transition: Connecting the Dots 06/13/12: How Did We Do? Following Our Students
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