Physics Program at KEK-Tsukuba October 21, 2010 Masa Yamauchi IPNS, KEK KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
J-PARC Tsukuba Tokai KEKB Synch. light facilities ATF Accelerators at KEK
Lepton Quark e Lepton CP Asymmetry Beyond Standard Physics KEK-B LHC J-PARC Power-Upgrade [Origin of Force] Higgs Particle [Origin of Mass] Quest for Birth-Evolution of Universe Quest for Unifying Matter and Force Super-KEKB International Linear Collider ( ILC ) Quark CP Asymmetry [Origin of Matter] Quest for 6 Quarks Quest for Neutrinos Scientific Activities Technology Innovation Encouraging Human Resources
KEKB and Belle
5 Major achievements at Belle Evidence for direct CP violation in B K + Evidence for direct CP violation in B K + Evidence for B Observation of b d Observation of B K (*) ll Decisive confirmation of Kobayashi-Maskawa model Belle collaboration 15 countries ~400 collaborators Observation of CP violation in B meson system Observation of CP violation in B meson system Measurements of CP violation in B Ks, ’Ks etc. Measurements of CP violation in B Ks, ’Ks etc. Discovery of X(3872) Discovery of X(3872) Evidence for D 0 mixing Observation of direct CP violation in B Observation of direct CP violation in B
Anomalous CPV in b → s processes? Theoretical calculations using V ub, m d, K Direct measurement Anomaly in B→K*ll decay? SM Inconsistency in unitarity triangle? Unexpectedly large D 0 D 0 oscillation Difference in CPV between B 0 and B ± Suggest new physics contributing to b→s transition. Suggest new physics contributing to BB (DD) transition. Need x50 statistics to clarify new physics.
e- 2.3 A e+ 4.0 A x 40 Gain in Luminosity SuperKEKB Colliding bunches Damping ring Low emittance gun Positron source New beam pipe & bellows Belle II New IR Replace long TRISTAN dipoles with shorter ones (HER) TiN-coated beam pipe with antechambers Redesign the HER arcs to squeeze the emittance Add / modify RF systems for higher beam current New positron target / capture section New superconducting /permanent final focusing quads near the IP Low emittance electrons to inject Low emittance positrons to inject
J.W. Belle PAC Design of main components _5 Bellows and gate valves with comb-type RF-shield – Sure RF shielding, thermally strong – applicable to ante-chamber scheme – Finger-type for some cases, if flexibility is required. Trial models have been installed into the ring and tested. – Reduction in the temperature of bellows has been demonstrated. Copper RF shield will be used even for aluminum-alloy beam ducts. 2010/2/16KEKB Review (KEK)8 2010/2/17 Bellows chamberRF-shield (gate valve) Gate valve Y. Suetsugu 8
Belle Upgrade New Dead time free readout and high speed computing systems ECL Wave sampling + pure CsI crystal(endcap ) PID Threshold Aerogel + TOF → TOP + Aerogel-RICH SVD 4-lyr DSSD → 6lyr DSSD (option: striplet / pixel ) CDC Super small cell Longer lever arm KL/ detection RPC → Scintillator +SiPM(endcap) Better background tolerance Better performance
June 23, 1995 : Minister of Monbusho, Kaoru Yosano, announced a contribution of 5 billion-yen to help finance the construction of the LHC at the CERN Council meeting. Japan was the first non-member country who expressed the contribution to the LHC project. In total Japan contributed billion-yen. 文部大臣 与謝野 馨 CERN Director General Chris Lewellyn Smith 達磨(片目!) Delegation of Japan at CERN Council Japanese contribution to LHC Dhama doll Year 2008
Near the interaction points, triplet quadrupole magnets focus the beam. Two types of superconducting magnets are separately developed and manufactured at KEK and Fermilab. Both magnets were assembled with common cryostat at Fermilab and then shipped to CERN. Fermilab KEK Collision point Inner Triplet Quadrupoles Very successful US-Japan collaboration for the LHC construction!
Toward the LHC upgrade Recently the design group for High-Luminosity LHC is formed. KEK is contributing to the R&D for the two key technologies: High-field magnet (Nb 3 Al) and Crab cavity, in close collaboration with CERN and the other labs JLAB CI/DL KEK BNL SLAC Nb 3 Al cable produced by NIMS-KEK collaboration. Nb 3 Al has better performance then Nb 3 Sn at the high stress condition Various designs of crab cavity
ATLAS detector upgrade plan High-Luminosity LHC 5x10 34 cm -2 s -1 ultimate design luminosity 1-2x10 34 cm -2 s -1 toward design luminosity 14TeV -1x10 34 cm -2 s -1 Phase 1 minor upgrade: An additional pixel layer Replacement of Inner Endcap muon chambers Phase 2: Major upgrade: Complete replacement of the inner trackers (All-silicon tracker) R&D activities in Japan R&D of radiation- tolerant sensors Development of short strip detector module R&D of pixel sensors development of muon and combined triggers.
International Large Detector Concept Reconstruct events in terms of quarks, leptons, & gauge bosons Thin and high resolution vertexing Particle Flow Analysis High resolution tracking High granularity calorimetry High resolution tracking High granularity calorimetry Everything incl. HCAL inside SOL (B>3T) Main Physics/Detector R&D Areas at KEK TPC VTX W/Z separation by M jet CAL PHY/OPT MDI PHY/OPT : Physics and detector optimization VTX : Fine Pixel CCD R&D TPC : MPGD readout TPC R&D MDI/MECH : Machine detector interface / Structure ILD 15 LOI: 695 signatories 32 countries 148 institutions LOI: validated by IDAG in Sep Moving on to TDR phase Needs one order of magnitude better performance than existing collider detectors!
KEK-related Activities for ILD TPC Large Prototype (LP1) Advanced Endplate R&D (just started!) GEM panel R&D 3 GEM panels from LC-TPC Asia Group PCMAG from KEK Thickness of TPC end plate < 15% X 0 Surface mount readout electronics (incl. DAQ) Power switching, power delivery and cooling Test DESY Endplate from Cornell Readout electronics from LUND and CERN Point resolution seems to meet perform ance goal CAL Multi-Pixel Photon Counter Novel semiconductor photo-sensor developed with Hamamatsu Multi-Pixel Photon Counter Novel semiconductor photo-sensor developed with Hamamatsu Sensor R&D GeV Electron energy spectra 2 nd prototype Fermilab in Sep 2008 Prototype Tests Tungsten scintillator strip sandwich CAL
CMB Telescopes QUIET (phase I) P OLAR B EA R CMB mirrors in the shield box DAQ Receiver system polarimeter chip Receiver system
Detector Technology Project (DTP) J-PARC ATLAS Belle ILC 12GeVPS TRISTAN Pixel technology2D gas detectorNew photon detectorLiquid TPC Cryogenic detector DAQ ASIC Mechatronics Cryogenics HEP and NP communities IMSS Material Science community
KEKDTP #5 Qpix project Future alternative to TimePix Functional pixels, each equipped with an independent TDC, ADC and ToT. Collaboration with the experts in the industrial applications.
Physics program at KEK-Tsukuba: KEKB → SuperKEKB upgrade x40 in luminosity to study NP in B, D, decays Dismantling of machine and detector has started as well as construction of new machine/detector components. Energy frontier program LHC/ATLAS and their upgrade ILD at ILC CMB measurement at QUIET and PolarBear Detector Technology Project provides unique opportunity to make new measurements possible.
K - K mixing Charm quark CP violation in K system Bottom quark and lepton B - B mixing Top quark CP violation in B system New physics, SUSY?? Discoveries in flavor physics Discoveries in energy frontier ??