Contribution to Annex 65 - EASEE Project - Annex 65 Kick-Off Meeting Long-Term Performance of Super-Insulating Materials in Building Components & Systems GRENOBLE – France Contribution to Annex 65 - EASEE Project - 11-12 Sept 2014 Prof. Bruno Daniotti, Rosanna Galliano - POLIMI
Objectives UE Project – 7FP 48 months project (2012-2016) Envelope Approach to improve Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in existing multi-store multi owner residential building Project
Objectives Focus on WP4: Prototypes for thermal inner retrofitting Hygro-thermal properties - characterization tests Installation on the test wall Monitoring & Modeling pre and post-retrofitting
Prototypes for internal retrofitting Design and production at EMPA of 3 different solutions (aerogel based & perlite based)
Characterization tests Lab tests for assessing the hygro-thermal properties Develop functions for aerogel based material 1. Thermal conductivity measurements (dry and moist condition) Lambda value at 50% , 80% and 95% RH 2. Water vapour permeability (dry and wet cup method) At 23°C and 0/50%RH by means of desiccant for dry state At 23°C and 50/93%RH by means of salt solution for wet state 3. Hygroscopic sorption tests (at isotherm condition) Water content at 30%, 50%, 80% and 95% RH 4. Water absorption by total immersion Free water saturation value 5. Water absorption coefficient by partial immersion Aw 24h
Installation on the test wall
Monitoring & Data Collection Indoor and outdoor sensors: T surface, T air, RH surface, RH air, Heat Flux, Solar radiation, Rain, Wind Pre & Post Retrofitting
Modeling pre & post retrofit Heat and Moisture Transfer calculation in transient condition Comparison with data monitoring Performance evaluation: - Transient U-value (pre & post) Moisture content Indoor comfort Long-term prediction about performance decay over time Different weathers & indoor climate Define main aging factors & …DURABILITY… WUFI 5.2, (Wärme und Feuchte instationär - Transient Heat and Moisture), developed by IBP – Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics
In conclusion… For IEA-EBC Annex 65: “ Long-Term Performance of Super-Insulation in Building Components & Systems” SUBTASK 1: State of the Art on Materials & Components - Case Studies Subtask Leader: ZAE Bayern – (Co-leader EMPA) Action 1A: Materials & Characterization Methods Action 1B: Components & Systems Action 1C: Case Studies at the Building Scale SUBTASK 2: Characterization of materials & components - Laboratory Scale Subtask Leader: FIW Munich Action 2A: Materials Testing & Ageing Procedures (Experiments & Simulation) Action 2B: Components & Systems Testing (Experiments & Simulation) SUBTASK 3: Practical Applications – Retrofitting at the Building Scale – Field scale Subtask Leader: Chalmers University Action 3A : Mapping of the Use Conditions (Components & Systems) Action 3B : Performance at the Building Scale (Experiments & Simulation) Action 3C : Practical Applications focused on Retrofitting SUBTASK 4: Sustainability – LCC, LCA, EE – Risk & Benefit Subtask Leader : Quantis Action 4A: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), including Embodied Energy (EE) Action 4B: Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCC)
Thank you for the attention In collaboration with: Dr. Karim Ghazi Wakili Dr. Samuel Brunner Mr. Thomas Stahl Mr. Vonbank Roger Dr. Matthias Koebel EMPA Überlandstrasse 129 CH-8600 Dübendorf Prof. Gabriele Masera, WP4 Chairman & WP4 Working Team POLIMI Via Ponzio 31 I-20133 Milano Thank you for the attention Rosanna Galliano, MEng, PhD candidate Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction Engineering Via Ponzio 31, I - 20133 Milano @: