Accelerated Learning Options in Idaho SBOE rules (SECTION: III. POSTSECONDARY AFFAIRS SUBSECTION: Y. Advanced Opportunities, December 2005) require that Idaho High Schools offer at least one accelerated learning option for their students. The four accelerated learning options are: 1. Dual Credit 2. Tech Prep 3. Advanced Placement 4. International Baccalaureate The emphasis on expanding post-secondary opportunities for high school students leads to one inescapable conclusion: Legislators, the Governor’s Office, the SBOE, and the Idaho Department of Education all believe high school students must have access to post-secondary opportunities of different kinds that fit their schedules and their needs.
Dual Credit at CSI Over the last three years, CSI has served over 2000 high school students and over 4000 student enrollments in more than 50 Idaho High Schools each year with a variety of delivery schemes for dual credit programming. Based on these numbers, 1 in every 7 CSI students is a high school student engaged in taking dual credit courses. Out of these students, CSI will eventually see perhaps 40-45% as degree-seeking students. Your work is important to us!
Academic Fidelity By SBOE Rule, dual credit students are held to the same course content standards and standards of achievement as those expected of students in postsecondary courses. This means that grades earned in dual credit courses are always recorded on a CSI transcript, effecting college GPA’s and the opportunity to apply for scholarship assistance. In addition, weighting of grades, final examination protocols, academic honesty, and general timelines generally follow the college’s academic calendar and rules and not the guidelines of the local school district or high school. Also by SBOE Rule, it is required that dual credit instructors are provided with mentoring and professional development opportunities by the college/university they work with to deliver dual credit programming.
What’s New In Dual Credit At CSI NACEP Accreditation(National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships) NACEP accreditation is the “stamp of excellence” when it comes to “best practices" relating to concurrent or dual credit programs. CSI began the NACEP accreditation process in the school year with program review, survey, and self-study activities. Continuing in the school year with an emphasis on verification of program quality and fidelity, accuracy of teacher records (vitas), uniform outcome assessments, student performance, and the implementation of professional development activities and mentoring faculty members (also required in SBOE rules SECTION: III. POSTSECONDARY AFFAIRS SUBSECTION Y. Advanced Opportunities, December 2005) A preliminary report by the accreditation team will be issued to the college in the late fall of 2011
Dual Credit Basics Procedures General information, dates, deadlines, and reminders are sent by in July and again in the fall (for spring courses) to instructors and administrators. Information includes: A web-link to the “Teacher Toolbox”, which contains registration forms, county residency forms, overload teaching forms and teaching agreement forms; along with all hiring paperwork for new instructors as well as log- in directions for MyCSI Teacher Toolbox Link: Tuition cost for the upcoming semester and tuition deadlines Scholarship information Course names, instructors, and course section numbers
Pre-Semester and Early Semester Checklist Check course title, instructor, and section number(s) for accuracy Submit a signed overload teaching form every semester you have a class Submit any , address, or name corrections for you as instructor to Larrianne at CSI via Check your course roster (accessible through MyCSI) for accuracy. Notify Larrianne at CSI via immediately if your roster is missing students or has students not in your section(s). Course rosters should also be checked at the 2 week and 4 week marks for Check registration and residency forms to make sure they are filled out completely and accurately. Both forms must be filled out each semester a student is registering for a dual credit class. Attach checks to registration forms It is not advisable to have students fill out registration materials and submit them without payment attached or a scholarship already approved. In the majority of cases this practice leads to unpaid tuition bills and upset students and parents. If a student can’t afford to register for a dual credit class and have no plan for payment then they should be advised not to register Tuition can be paid by Debit/Credit Card through the student’s MyCSI account
Fall Information Dual credit tuition is set at $65/credit for courses delivered at the high school, and via IDLA or IEN. Any course taken on a CSI campus or via a CSI internet link will have a tuition cost of $110/credit. Registration materials and scholarship requests must be submitted to CSI by the close of business on Friday, October 14 th. Working with your building administration, we will ask for registration materials to be submitted prior to this date. This staggered submission schedule gives the staff at CSI time to process high school dual credit enrollments prior to our institutional deadlines. All fall 2011 tuition will be due (paid in full) by the close of business on Tuesday, November 1 st. Students will be dropped for non-payment after this date. Students should be encouraged to establish a log-in and password for MyCSI so they can pay and manage their accounts on-line.
Fall Information For students taking courses on campus or via the CSI internet, drop and withdrawal dates will follow the general CSI catalog timeline. This is a significant change from the past so please encourage students who are taking classes on campus to contact my office with question. Payment for dual credit instructors will be processed when grades have been submitted to CSI, a signed overload form submitted to Larrianne, the CSI department chair verifies a current and accurate course syllabus is on file with the department, and finally, that the department chair has reviewed and approved the mentoring form for the dual credit instructor. Teacher payments for dual credit coursework will typically be made in January and June. Remember, teacher information, forms, and contact information can be accessed from the “teacher toolbox” web link:
Dual Credit Reminders Colleges and high schools run parallel but separate registration and grade submission procedures. In short, students have to register twice (at the high school and at the college) for dual credit programs Ideally, students won’t need to drop, but if they do, be prepared to assist them. Once again, the drop/withdrawal process for dual credit courses is a two step process (high school and college). There are rarely “free passes” when it comes to student drops/withdrawals from a dual credit class, meaning these actions are usually reflected on their CSI transcript. Also, withdrawals which take place into the semester will seldom result in any refunds to students or parents and might even impact future enrollment status or the ability to obtain financial aid. Educate yourself on CSI registration AND drop procedures. You are a CSI representative and faculty member on your campus…It’s one of the reasons we offer you an administrative stipend…
Dual Credit Scholarships Scholarship money for dual credit students will be available for next school year beginning July 1 st (fall semester) and November 1 st (spring semester). Funding is based on limited resources so all scholarship requests are not funded and full scholarships are typically not granted. ***Please don’t advise your students to count on scholarship money to pay for dual credit classes…They need to plan for payment in the event all available funds are expended or they do not qualify for a scholarship. To apply for scholarship funding, please have students follow these directions: Your building counselor can obtain an application for the College Access Challenge Grant (CACG), which is a need-based grant (qualifying for free/reduced lunch) that will pay for one class per semester, with a minimum of 5 credits per class or 8 total credits per year. This one page application is available through the counselor’s office at your school and must be signed by the student, parent, and counselor when submitted. CSI Foundation Scholarship is a partial scholarship (first submitted, first served) that can be applied with an from the school counselor or building administrator to Dr. Miller requesting scholarship support. Once again, theses funds are limited and do not fund full scholarships or multiple course requests. Please don’t put CSI staff members in an uncomfortable position and send students to CSI asking for scholarship money. Ask students to work through the counselor/building administrator and use the processes outlined above!
Keys to Dual Credit Success Proper student placement (ACT/SAT/COMPASS). For dual credit mathematics courses offered through CSI, COMPASS placement is required Student motivation and engagement Mentoring and support from the local high school Monitoring student progress/communicating with the college/university Allocation of time and resources to keep up with coursework Preparation and performance on the final exam
Contact Information Dr. John Miller Instructional Dean, Off-Campus Education College of Southern Idaho 315 Falls Ave. PO Box 1238 Twin Falls, ID