The Importance of Global Geoinformation for the Information Society Information Society GSDI and Global Geoinformation Conclusions 5th GSDI Conference 2001, Colombia
Information Society „Information Society“ refers to a form of social and economic development where the acquision, storage, processing and dissemination of data/information plays a central role in: the economic acitivities and the creation of wealth government and adminstration, media and information, research and education, citizen life.
information production service agriculture Example Germany Source: Info2000, Ministry of Economics and Technology, 1996 Development of employment relation to the number of employees
Transformation Processes Information and Communication Industry computer, hardware and software networks and mobile communication Industrial production globalisation of production networking between SMEs eGovernment digitalisation of administration processes transparency and new services for the citizen eContent convergence of media location based services Research and Education eScience (genetics, geoscience....) eLearning, eTraining
Challenges of the Information Society Growth of world population Industrial production incl. energy sector Transportation of goods and people... Reduction of resources mineral resources water, oil, gas biodiversity... Environmental and Climate Change desertification, deforestation, pollution Increase in disaster damages natural disasters anthrophogenic disasters... Earth Management requires Global Geoinformation
N S D I GSDI and Global Geoinformation G S D I Information for Decision Making Satellite Data N S D I Resource Management Manage Sustainability Disaster Management
Socio demographic Population Unemployment Environment Weather Precipitation Temperature Land Use Vegetation Earth Science Soil, subsoil Hydrology Drillholes 3D-Modelle Seismological data Core data Land register Topographic data DEM Orthoimages Infrastructure Energy provider Railway companies Water sewage Car navigation N S D I GSDI and NSDI Data Sets G S D I horizonal integration generalisation
N S D I GSDI and Global Geoinformation G S D I Information for Decision Making Satellite Data N S D I Resource Management Manage Sustainability Disaster Management
GSDI – Satellite Data LANDSAT TM EO IKONOS NOAA series RADARSAT ERS SPOT IRS FUYO TERRA G S D I Satellite Data global coverage high actuality consistent quality max. resolution 1m Monitoring Information Products
N S D I GSDI and Global Geoinformation G S D I Information for Decision Making Satellite Data N S D I Resource Management Manage Sustainability Disaster Management
GRIS Risk models EarthquakeFloodsStorm Data in segments Mathe- matics Socio- economics Earth Sciences Insurance Socio- demography Stochast. models etc. Land use, Settlements, Infrastructure etc. DEM, Geology, Hydrology, etc. Risks, History of events, etc. Density of built-up areas, Population density etc. Contribution potential of EO-based products Earth sciences Socio-economics Socio-demography Actuality Spatial Coverage Information Quality Broad Product Portfolio Total Assessment OO++OO O Assessment: + + excellent + fair O limited - very limited - - none Increasing aggregation of information Study by debis IT Consulting on behalf of Astrium © by Infoterra 2001 Global Risk Information Services
Risks information products for the South Coast of Jamaica Landsat TM used for spectral properties IRS Pan used for high resolution detail Infrastructure interpreted from IRS Pan Bathymetry inferred from Landsat TM Lithology and soil from published maps, amended with Landsat TM Faults and fractures from IRS Pan, Seismic activity from published records Case Study
Case Study - Jamaica South Coast Geo-hazard maps developed by integrated modelling Basis for local decisions sea © by Infoterra 2001
Risk Products – Regional Market Potentials High potentials Northern America Western Europe South America Eastern Asia Lower potentials Africa Southeastern Asia Northern Asia Southern Asia Eastern Asia Eastern Europe Western Asia © by Infoterra 2001
N S D I GSDI and Global Geoinformation G S D I Information for Decision Making Satellite Data N S D I Resource Management Manage Sustainability Disaster Management NSDI Bottom up building of NSDIs and the creating of global data sets is a long- term expensive task Satellite Imagery Satellite imagery is globally by nature and available Business cases can be calculated successfully
Conclusions Information Society is developing the capabilities to manage and analyse data and information necessary to understand and solve the global challenges. Global Information, i.e. information products based on global geodata, are the basis of Earth Management GSDI must play a key role in providing and disseminating global data sets. GSDI must be open for Public Private Partnerships integrating the potentials of companies. The Importance of Global Geoinformation for the Information Society