Focus on the Lesson © John Stevenson, 2012
“I don’t want to go to church”
“If you cannot explain what you believe without recourse to religious terminology, then it is quite possible that you don’t understand it yourself.” -- C.S. Lewis
“Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.” C Chinese proverb
Truth discovered by the learner lasts longer.
A lot of unsuccessful teaching involves teachers answering questions that students never ask.
“True teaching is not that which gives knowledge, but that which stimulates pupils to gain it. One might say that he teaches best who teaches least.” C John Milton Gregory
VersesBig idea? Possible applications Creative teaching options
Paul’s thanksgiving in his circumstances Chapter 1 Examples of true servants Chapter 2 Warnings against false servants Chapter 3Chapter 4 Paul’s contentment in his circumstances
Gains attentionGains attention Surfaces a needSurfaces a need Sets a goalSets a goal Leads into Bible studyLeads into Bible study Page 160, Richards
Gains attentionGains attention Surfaces a needSurfaces a need Sets a goalSets a goal Leads into Bible studyLeads into Bible study Involves student in passageInvolves student in passage Clarifies meaning of passageClarifies meaning of passage General meaning of passageGeneral meaning of passage Page 160, Richards
Gains attentionGains attention Surfaces a needSurfaces a need Sets a goalSets a goal Leads into Bible studyLeads into Bible study Relates truth to lifeRelates truth to life Life implicationsLife implications Motivates the student to actionMotivates the student to action Involves student in passageInvolves student in passage Clarifies meaning of passageClarifies meaning of passage General meaning of passageGeneral meaning of passage Page 160, Richards
Identify out of class applicationIdentify out of class application Specific actions or life changeSpecific actions or life change Meaningful completion of lessonMeaningful completion of lesson Gains attentionGains attention Surfaces a needSurfaces a need Sets a goalSets a goal Leads into Bible studyLeads into Bible study Relates truth to lifeRelates truth to life Life implicationsLife implications Motivates the student to actionMotivates the student to action Involves student in passageInvolves student in passage Clarifies meaning of passageClarifies meaning of passage General meaning of passageGeneral meaning of passage Page 160, Richards
Lesson Planning Worksheet Pages
Date: Location: LESSON PLANNING WORKSHEET Passage: Exegetical Idea: Petagogical Idea: Target Group: 4/26/2012 High School Group All are under great pressure as they try to stand for Christ at their high school. Christians there are in the minority and are facing temptations. Hebrews 10:19-25 The priesthood of the believer accomplished by Christ’s sacrificial work along with His high priestly ministry calls every Christian to draw near to God, hold fast to his faith, and spur on other believers so that all might persevere through difficult times and situations. In times of persecution students who follow Jesus must learn to drawn on their most powerful resources – God and one another.
Lesson AIM(s): LESSON PLANNING WORKSHEET Hook: Cognitive (Head) Affective (Heart) Behavior (Hands) Students will discover the three primary life implications of the priestly work of Christ by doing an inductive study of Hebrews 10: Students will commit themselves to the practices of encouraging one another in times of persecution and difficulty by agreeing to meet together for prayer before school. Students will draw upon three vital means of survival in the midst of persecution and difficulties – prayer, perseverance, and people – by meeting together each week Video clip – Use clip from the film The Hiding Place Question: Do you thing you would have hidden the Jews? Question: Does persecution of Christians still happen today? Question: Have you or anyone you know ever been persecuted for being a Christian?
Methodology Book: Content Outline LESSON PLANNING WORKSHEET Look: Took: 1.Background to the Text 2.Truth: The New Testament Priesthood (Hebrews10:19-22) 3.Application: Means of survival a.Prayer b.Perseverance c.People Mini lecture Students study passage in small groups and then report findings Discussion: Students led through implications suggested by the book of Hebrews Brainstorming: Students list all possible applications Goal Setting: Students write a goal for supporting each other Group Commitment: Group designs a commitment to encourage. Commitment signing ceremony. Each person receives a photocopy of the group commitment in the mail this week as a reminder. Group prayer: Focused on supporting one another.
Date: Location: LESSON PLANNING WORKSHEET Passage: Exegetical Idea: Petagogical Idea: Target Group: 4/26/2012 High School Group 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12
Lesson AIM(s): LESSON PLANNING WORKSHEET Hook: Cognitive (Head) Affective (Heart) Behavior (Hands)
Methodology Book: Content Outline LESSON PLANNING WORKSHEET Look: Took:
Leave your students with a burning coal, not a pile of ashes.