SITE 2006 Enriching Online Syllabi for French Courses at the Click of a Mouse Nathan L. Love Western Kentucky University (updated )
Engaging Students of French Centrality of the online syllabus Convergence of presentation, practice, assignments, assessments Convergence of French texts, sound, visual elements of culture Online syllabus as dynamic Online syllabus engaging through interactivity Online syllabus extending beyond itself, opening outward
Communicating with Students Does dynamic online syllabus leads to communication? Case of French Composition & Grammar
Engaging Students of French Centrality of the online syllabus Convergence of presentation, practice, assignments, assessments Convergence of French texts, sound, visual elements of culture Online syllabus as dynamic Online syllabus engaging through interactivity Online syllabus extending beyond itself, opening outward
Engaging Students of French Centrality of the online syllabus Handouts, PowerPoints, Worksheets, & Links F102 Elementary French II F325 Survey I French Literature Although there are separate pages for handouts, PowerPoints, Worksheets and Web links, rather than advising the class to visit one of the separate pages, the relevant documents are linked from within the syllabus.
Engaging Students of French Centrality of the online syllabus Convergence of presentation, practice, assignments, assessments Convergence of French texts, sound, visual elements of culture Online syllabus as dynamic Online syllabus engaging through interactivity Online syllabus extending beyond itself, opening outward
Engaging Students of French Convergence of … Presentation, (F102 Elem French II : IPA)IPA practice, (F202 Intermed Fren II : subjunctive for )subjunctive for assignments, (F328 Pronunciation : assigned for )assigned for assessments (F426 Fren lit 20 th final exam)final exam Whether presentation, practice exercise, assignments, quiz or exam, all are brought together at specific junctures on the syllabus. Frequent recourse to the syllabus as a focal point has benefits.
Engaging Students of French Centrality of the online syllabus Convergence of presentation, practice, assignments, assessments Convergence of French texts, sound, visual elements of culture Online syllabus as dynamic Online syllabus engaging through interactivity Online syllabus extending beyond itself, opening outward
Engaging Students of French Convergence of French … texts, (F314 Intro Fren Lit: Victor Hugo)Victor Hugo sound, (F328 Pronunciation: poem)poem visual elements of culture (F102 Elem French II : rôti de veau)(French literature courses and overview of French literature)rôti de veauoverview of French literature
Engaging Students of French Centrality of the online syllabus Convergence of presentation, practice, assignments, assessments Convergence of French texts, sound, visual elements of culture Online syllabus as dynamic Online syllabus engaging through interactivity Online syllabus extending beyond itself, opening outward
Engaging Students of French Online syllabus as dynamic Assignments added as we go Nested help (F420 Composition) & activities w/in assignments (F202 Intermediate Fren II) helpF420 CompositionactivitiesF202 Intermediate Fren II Format of approaching exams or quizzes (F426 Lit 20th) exams Main syllabus entries for class w/ links to handouts (e.g. Descartes F426) & activities; F331 Business French Worksheet w/ soundDescartesF426F331 Business FrenchWorksheet w/ sound Posting feedback on quizzes; F102 Elem French II (dictée)dictée Posting grades (F102 Elem French II ) grades
Engaging Students of French Centrality of the online syllabus Convergence of presentation, practice, assignments, assessments Convergence of French texts, sound, visual elements of culture Online syllabus as dynamic Online syllabus engaging through interactivity Online syllabus extending beyond itself, opening outward
Engaging Students of French Online syllabus engaging through interactivity PowerPoint w/ video & follow-up questions (F101 Motifs video)Motifs video PowerPoint w/ activity & elements of multimedia (F101 Motifs & vocab. of clothing)Motifs & vocab. of clothing Links to Internet (F102 & vêtements)vêtements Quiz in HTML (F202 & Subjonctif)Subjonctif PowerPoint for Lit course (F325 versification)versification
Engaging Students of French Centrality of the online syllabus Convergence of presentation, practice, assignments, assessments Convergence of French texts, sound, visual elements of culture Online syllabus as dynamic Online syllabus engaging through interactivity Online syllabus as extending beyond itself, opening outward
Engaging Students of French Online syllabus as extending beyond itself, opening outward Interactive exercises on Internet: F102 Elem French II (passé composé ~ imparfait)passé composé ~ imparfait Seeing larger corpus of author: F314 Intro Fren Lit (Villon) F314 Intro Fren Lit Villon French historical sites as extensions of illustrations in readings: F323 Civ & Cult (1 st day) F323 Civ & Cult 1 st day Listening practice: F201 Intermed Fren II w/ the BBC F201 Intermed Fren II BBC
Communicating with Students Does dynamic online syllabus leads to communication? The path of communication within the syllabus is often unilateral, from teacher to student only.
Communicating with Students Case of French Composition (F420) : Grammar and reciprocal communicationF420 Students submit compositions via & receive feedback via Students view work of all; common problems addressed with computer projection in classroom Students then resubmit
Brainstorming with You & Looking Ahead More to be done with asynchronous & synchronous communication Other ideas ?