Measuring Performance in Students Why this really important!
The Value of Measurement Invaluable when done with purpose Connected to goals and objectives Teachers make informed decisions related to their students and their curriculum Placement/Classification Achievement Improvement Motivation
What does this mean to you? “If physical education is to survive and flourish, it is imperative that they rely on measurement and evaluative techniques in the decision-making process.”
Three Domains Physical Education is comprised of: Psychomotor = skills and fitness Cognitive = knowledge based learning Affective/Personal-Social = attitudes & interactions
Domains Psychomotor If lessons have skill objectives, those skills must be evaluated Skills tests [rubrics] Teacher observation [rubrics] Peer observation [rubrics] To measure if the student did the activity w/o evaluating skill is measurement of participation and that is an affective/personal-social attribute
Domains Cognitive If lessons have cognitive objectives, they must be evaluated Oral “quiz” Written quiz Role plays, scenarios, posters etc… can demo knowledge, it depends on the PURPOSE of the activity [rubrics]
Domains Affective or Personal-Social If lessons have affective objectives, they must be evaluated Role plays, scenarios, posters, advertisements etc… can demo knowledge, it depends on the PURPOSE of the activity [rubrics] Journals, reflections
Outcomes Learning MUST be: Observable Measurable Repeatable Must identify observable behaviors that will tell us if we met our objectives Objectives drive development of the lesson, the practice or the workout
Performance Has historically been product based Examples?? Leads to notion only “athletes” can do well Discourages learners Defeats the purpose of education/fitness Lifetime activity for all Should be process based
Outcomes Education We must document learning If we want to be in school curriculum, we must document as other disciplines do or clearly identify the components of our assessments If we can not document learning in 3 domains, we will have a hard time justifying the program in the schools
Terminology Summative Evaluation = administration of tests at the conclusion of an instruction unit or training period After instruction or training
Terminology Formative Evaluation = begins during early stages and continues throughout instruction During instruction or training Diagnosis and feedback are key
Terminology Norm-referenced judge an individual’s performance in relation to that of others in a well defined group Test a large # of people to develop Common to use percentile rank Presidential Physical Fitness Test
Terminology Criterion referenced Used to find if a specified level of performance has been reached Yes/no; pass/fail; master/non-master FITNESSGRAM