Engaging students and enhancing their skills through peer support Student Peer Mentoring at Edinburgh Napier Engaging new students… “Motivation and keep attending lectures” “Feeling welcomed and supported at Napier” Helping them build the confidence … “Helped me gain the confidence I needed to get out there and do it” Sense of satisfaction… “I feel as though I am giving back to education as I have taken so much from it” “Get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when you know your mentee has settled in and rises to the challenges without your guidance and help” Enhancing interpersonal skills… “It has given me a chance to develop skills in meeting new people” “I have gained experience in having a position of responsibility and developed my communication skills” “I met a great person. I became sensitive to others problems, and improved my listening skills” Support to develop key learning skills… “It helped me find my feet again after being away from study for such a long period of time” “A little direction and reassurance but not too much as it allowed me to discover things for myself” “Useful guide to student etiquette” “It is a wonderful experience, having someone leading you through the dark, especially in the beginning of study” “Knowledge that I missed out on because I was a direct entrant to 3rd year” Considering future career… “It made me realise that I enjoy helping people and might want to do it in a future job” “Being a mentor has been an invaluable experience and will have an impact on my career” Enhancing the mentors’ learning skills… “Shown me that I have actually learnt things I can pass on that is useful to others” “It’s been as much a learning curve for me as the mentee” “Mentoring has given me a chance to re-evaluate some of my study methods while discussing styles of learning with my mentee” Mentees say… Mentors say… The transition to university requires students to make many adjustments, as they strive to familiarise themselves with new procedures and requirements. Engagement with the institution, which leads to a sense of belonging and identity as a student, can be hard to achieve if a student feels overwhelmed by the prevalent culture in the institution, and this can often be the case for non-traditional learners. Student peer mentoring offers a highly effective method of assisting such students sustain their studies, with the added benefit of providing mentors with an excellent developmental opportunity. Sustaining their studies... “I was about to quit Napier but my mentor made it easier to stay.” “I am not sure how I would have managed without the support.” “The facility of having someone with more experience helped me get through the sticky patches.” “Without my mentor’s reassurance I may have given up my studies.” “If it wasn’t for my mentor I would have considered leaving as I would have continued to feel I didn’t fit in.” “It’s an absolutely fantastic support to me and gives me confidence to keep going!!!!!” Anne Chirnside, Caroline Moffat and Justen Ross March 2009 Student Affairs/Skills & Learner Development/Wider Access & Retention