Mobile learning and graduate development programme
Survey study was conducted among final year students who attended Graduate Development Programme (GDP) workshops
Results: 63% are soon to be graduated on the courses they do not like 61% have little knowledge about the job opportunities of their courses
54% have not yet started hunting for jobs
Significant others 71% chose the courses themselves 18% by friends
It is these results that prompted the Career Development Unit to use mobile learning
What it mobile learning?
‘Malley, (2003) defined mobile learning as “ Any sort of learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location or learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of the opportunities offered by mobile technologies.”
“ The exploration of ubiquitous handheld technologies, together with wireless and mobile phone networks, to facilitate, support, enhance and extend the reach of teaching and learning” (MoLeNET, 2011).
How is it helping students?
Currently on WiSeUp 1. Up load career related magazines CDs on WiSeUp 2. Make announcements on WiSeUp to students to fetch hard copies
3. Announce GDP activities such as career expos, business plan workshops, CV writing, interviews etc. 4. Discussion forums
Possibility Explored 1. Social net work (face book) GDP group is created on face book for final year students
The aim is to communicate with students anywhere even after they have graduated
2. Short Message Services (SMS) will be used to accommodate students who do not have smart phones to access WiSeUp and face book
Challenges: Few students open the academic advising page on WiSeUp rather, we get concerns that they see it in their courses yet they are not doing it.
Challenges: Some students do not have smart phones
Recommendations: Encourage students to visit WiSeUp career advising course Departments: to encourage students to visit career advisers especially first and final year students