Langley Hall Primary Academy Our Journey
It all began with a letter
Then came the challenges Defining the vision Finding a site Renovating the building Writing the business case Enrolling pupils Employing staff Equipping the school Writing the curriculum, policies and procedures Attending meetings, conducting interviews Getting to opening day
Defining the Vision At our school we focus on preparing children for life. We do this through our teachers who make learning imaginative, creative and inspiring. This motivates children to want to learn and make progress on their learning journey. We lay down firm foundations by giving numeracy and literacy a high priority. Art, drama, music, dance and sport also feature highly to provide every child with the opportunity to find their talents and shine. We want every child to be a good citizen, a confident communicator respectful of those whose views are different from ours, discerning and kindhearted. We want them to challenge themselves and to be highly motivated to achieve their best, working towards being independent.
Finding a Site
Renovating the Building 14 Classrooms Assembly Hall Playground Drama Studio Offices Toilets Cloakrooms Group Rooms
January 2011 One advert placed in our local newspaper yielded over 200 responses. Enrolling Pupils
14 parent meetings held between January and April. The Mystery School! Initially offered 75 places. Increased to 150. Increased to 182.
10% declined places. Made new offers to some of those on the waiting list. Upon opening there was a waiting list of 200 pupils.
Employing Staff 4 national adverts. Wealth of newly qualified teachers. Teachers disaffected with their current situation. No applications from experienced classroom practitioners.
Equipping the School Furniture, fixtures and equipment money is not ring fenced. ICT money is ring fenced. Stock order costs. The equipment arriving!
Writing the Curriculum, Policies and Procedures The Laser Toolkit System The 38 key policies, plus many others
Attending Meetings, Conducting Interviews Weekly progress meetings. Reporting on progress. Journalists. Film crews.
Getting to opening day A Whole School! Two Reception classes One Year 1 One Year 2 One Year 3 One Year 3/4 One Year 5/6
A Complete Package of Services Early Bird Club After School Care Club Holiday Clubs 20 Specialist Clubs Cooked Lunches 33 Staff!
What did we learn? Keeping in touch with parents was vital. Weekly newsletters, update meetings, uniform sessions. Identify and meet childrens’ specific needs early. Leave time to learn how to use technology (film and radio studio, IWB, intranet, information screens, sound and light equipment)
What did we learn? Appoint staff early and engage them in the process (beware of disaffected staff) Keep calm even when it all seems out of control. Think outside of the box regarding staffing structure.
End of Year 1 Parent Survey 100% of the parents who responded to our survey said that their children enjoy school. 100% of the parents said that the teaching is good. 100% said that they were happy overall with their child’s experience at school.