Today’s Topics: Graduation requirements / Senior Assessments Beyond Barrington Application process – tips and “how to”
Before you move “Beyond Barrington”, you must earn your diploma. To ensure that you meet all your graduation requirements, what do you need to do?
“Senior Assessment” appointment Meet with your counselor Review credits – confirm that you are meeting all graduation requirements Discuss post-high school options Appointments begin this week. Appointments posted outside Guidance Check for from your counselor about your appointment – sent via Naviance
NCAA Student athletes (Division I / II) need to register NOW!! Part of NCAA registration includes sending your official BHS transcript NCAA transcript request form in Guidance Office.
AP and HONORS PETITIONS August 24 th is the deadline to petition for AP or Honors credit This needs to be reflected accurately on your transcript before being sent to colleges
Beyond Barrington is a program to help you… Provides up to date information APPLY EARLY to maximize your chances for : Admission Scholarship money!!! Preferred housing options
Beyond Barrington Senior Drop In Days: WHEN: periods 4-7 WHERE: GRC
SunMonTueWedThuFriSat / SEPTEMBER 2012
Tuesday – SEPT. 4 TH Illinois Publics
Wednesday, SEPT. 5 TH Private Schools The Common App.
Thursday – SEPT. 6 TH Out of State Publics Harper College 8 th hour only: Bilingual Student Opportunities
HARPER COLLEGE continued: Meet in the Guidance Office during lunch hours – Thursday, September 6th Application fee is waived!!! Transcript fee is waived!!! Take advantage of this opportunity to complete your Harper application and save yourself time and $$$
COLLEGE REP. VISITS 150+ college reps. visit BHS in the fall schedule posted on Guidance webpage, Naviance, student announcements, GRC visit with reps. during your open periods pass required if you need to go during a class period (orange passes by Mrs. Crowther’s desk)
University of Illinois - UC Thursday, August 30 th 3 rd hour GRC
Communication via Naviance Please check your frequently; we will be communicating with you periodically throughout the school year.
NAVIANCE If you still don’t have your NAVIANCE account, see Mrs. Szczesniak in Guidance
Visit College Campuses Student non attendance dates this fall: Sept 21st Oct 8th Oct 18 th & 19th Nov. 9th
Online & Paper Online – application & test scores Paper – transcript, counselor forms, sr resume, letters of recommendation
Online applications: Apply Now Apply Online
Suggested Guidelines: Sept. to Oct. 5: Complete all public 4 yr university apps (IL and other states) Oct. to Nov. 30: Complete all private 4 yr university apps.
APPLICATION: Read the directions Submit app 1 st before requesting transcript Keep a copy of everything
LISTING CLASSES INSERT AS FOLLOWS: “Senior English” “Senior English Honors” “Senior English AP ” DO NOT LIST THE TITLE OF THE COURSE: NOT Film Crit. NOT Creative Writing
RESUME (need 1 copy with each application; Grades 9 –12 activities only) Map book - page 29 Also available on Guidance webpage Academic recognition Activity participation Sports participation Leadership experience Community service experience Employment experience Misc. information
PERSONAL STATEMENT & ESSAY: Follow application instructions carefully Have someone proofread your work See page 39 in the Map Book for additional tips
Submitting the application: Don’t forget to hit “submit” (PLEASE)!!! There may be forms which you must print out AFTER you hit submit. These are the 2 most common errors!!!! Be certain to print a hard copy of each application for your records.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Read and follow application directions Do not request a teacher recommendation unless it is required Request at least 3 weeks before you need it sent!!!!!
When requesting teacher recommendations - INCLUDE Necessary forms A copy of your resume Page 29 in Map Book The teacher request form Pages in Map Book Envelope
THE WAY TO DO ENVELOPES: If college requires recommendation sent by teacher…………………. Give the teacher envelope – on outside include: Complete mailing address of college or university Return address should be BHS POSTAGE
Thank you note or Send a thank you note to the teacher(s) and counselor who have written a letter of recommendation for you.
Secondary School Report: (Sometimes called Counselor Form or Counselor Report) Not all schools have these Counselor must complete this form Make sure you have all the pages for this Special attention with On-Line applications **make sure you print the counselor report**
How do colleges get your test scores???????? Colleges will REQUIRE an official score report sent from the ACT or SAT testing agency. Request scores now!
How to order official test scores: On-line through testing agency ACT = SAT = BHS school code =
DEADLINES!! Deadlines are absolute!!! Counselors process 100’s of applications Keep in mind MAIL TIME!! Don’t wait until the last minute!! Specific dates per school No applications processed in BHS from December 14 th thru January 7 TH
SOME PRIORITY DEADLINES: Purdue University = October 15 th University of Illinois = November 1 st Indiana University = November 1 st Illinois State University = November 15 th Give applications to counselors 3 weeks before deadlines! The earlier, the better for you – Do applications in September.
TRANSCRIPT: Most colleges require an OFFICIAL transcript along with the application $4.00 charge per transcript Complete transcript request form – available in Guidance Dept.
Things to Remember….
Incomplete Applications Colleges will not review your application until all parts are received by the Office of Admissions at the university.
Scholarship information Search file in lower section of GRC Visit Local scholarship packet available 2/1/2013 – pick up in GRC
May 1 st National Response Date Remember you will have until May 1, 2012 to tell a college whether or not you will be attending.