2008 Burton Borough Specialist School for the Arts A GUIDE TO YEAR 9 FOR COURSES IN YEARS 10 & 11. Welcome to our Parents. PREFERENCES ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Expressing a Preference It is time for Yr 9 to think about their future Yr 10 & 11 exam courses!! They will start in September and last for two years. It will have an impact on: Their future learning. Their quality of life. The money they will earn. Their job satisfaction. The decisions pupils, parents and teachers make about PREFERNCES are therefore very important. Collect information, seek advice and be realistic.
How do Students express their Preferences? 19th Jan. KS4 Booklets and Preference Sheets out. 2 nd -6th Feb. Preference Talks (Students). 28 th Jan. Preference Evening (Parents) 13th Feb. Monitoring Available 26th Feb. Parents Evening. Teachers, Tutors, Help Desk, T2L Reps. 2 nd March. Preference Forms given in. T2L Application Forms completed and ready for tutor comments. 3rd-7th March. Preference checks and Interviews. 13th March. T2L applications ed to the co-ordinator April. Travel to Learn 1nterviews / tasters. 5th May. T2L Acceptance Letters sent out. 1st July. Yr10 courses confirmed by letter.
What qualifications are available? National Qualifications Framework- Entry level certificates- Skills for Life at entry level Level 1- GCSEs grades D-G- BTEC Introductory Diplomas and Certificates- OCR Nationals- NVQs Level 2- GCSEs grades A*-C- BTEC First Diplomas and Certificates- OCR Nationals- NVQs Level 3- A levels- International Baccalaureate- NVQs- BTEC Diplomas, Certificates and Awards- BTEC Nationals- OCR Nationals
Which subjects do they have to choose? English(Language and Literature for most students) Mathematics A Science (Triple, dual, or Single) Core Physical Education (non exam) Information, and Communication Technology (short course) PHSE and Citizenship (non exam) RS, Philosophy & Ethics (short course)
What choices are linked to Science? Triple Science (Physics Chemistry Biology =15 hours) Dual Science (Most students will do this =10hours) Single Science +ASDAN (Core Science yrs 10 and 11=5hours and ASDAN Youth Award Yrs10 and 11 = 10 hours) Award Scheme Development Accreditation Network
What other exam choices do they have ? Art and Design ASDAN- Youth Award Applied Business Studies BTEC Art Child Development Creative and Media Diploma Dance D&T Resistant Materials D&T Food Technology D&T Graphics D&T Textiles D&T Electronics and Control Systems Drama French French and Spanish Geography History History and Geography ICT Music Physical Education BTEC PE Religious Studies and History Spanish Triple Science Travel to Learn Young Apprenticeships
What are vocational subjects? This group of subjects are all closely applied to the world of work and involve a large amount of practical and coursework BTEC Art and PE(10hours) Applied Business (double and single GCSE) ICT (AiDA, CiDA) Travel to Learn (a range of subjects outside school. 10hours) Young Apprenticeship (2 days)
What is Travel to Learn? A chance to attend another place of learning. Courses on offer include: Entry Level (SEN) Practical Cookery Level 1 (SAT’s 3 or 4,) Motor Vehicle, Beauty & Hair Construction Administration, Food Preparation and Cookery Level 2 (SAT’s 5 or 6) Outdoor Education, Countryside and Environment, Retail, Engineering, Travel and Tourism, Health and Social Care, Public Services, Hair Dressing, Administration
How do they get on to a Travel to Learn course? This is very difficult. They have to fit into the acceptance criteria; Be predicted the mentioned SAT’s level Have at least 80% attendance A very good school report (reference) Complete a detailed application form Attend and be accepted at a taster/ interview in March
What is a Diploma? Creative Arts and Media Diploma New for September 2009 This diploma has been designed by teachers and employers to ensure the correct skills are gained before the students leave school. Their work will be practical and tasks often set by ‘real’ employers. They will be producing work for ‘real life’ productions / situations.
What is a Diploma? Creative Arts and Media Diploma New for September 2009 Over the two years you will study the following units: ScenePerformance ArtefactRecord CampaignFestival Using any six of the following disciplines: Drama Textiles Music Fashion Dance Creative Writing 2D Art Graphic Design 3D Art Film and Media Music Technology Photography
Do’s and Don’ts DON’T choose a subject because you like the teacher. DON’T choose a subject because your best friend is choosing it. DON’T choose a subject because it looks easy-they never are! DO choose a subject which is good for you. DO seek advice from tutors, teachers, parents, Connexions and careers advisers.
How do they decide? Collect information Think about what is the best combination for them Remember to carefully choose a 2 nd choice where possible!! Give your form in on March 2nd HOPEFULLY THEY WILL GET SOMETHING VERY CLOSE THEIR CHOICE They should make a good start in Sept. It will be a course specially for them.