What are values? Values: the underlying system of beliefs about what is important in life to a person
Where do our values come from? Any ideas? Society School TV Etc. Values tend to change over your lifetime… Why is that?
Teen years… Teen years are a time when you become more aware of your values…why? You’re maturing Teens are worried what others say, see and do You’re becoming more aware of what you like You’re becoming more independent
Values and Relationships How are values important when starting new relationships? They help us find people we are compatible with Ex. A person who values family and wants to have a family right after they get married, may be in conflict with someone who values adventure and freedom to do what they wish. We shouldn’t change our values just for another person to like us Why is that?
Your values show in: How you act What you talk about What you stand up or fight for What you are willing to sacrifice for
What are your values? Answer these 4 questions to help determine your values: If you were independently wealthy, what would you do with your life? What issues do you care about the most about regarding your home, school, community, church, state, country, or world? If you were independently wealthy, what would you contribute to? After your death, what would you like people to say about you? How would you like to be remembered?
Now Take the VALUES survey to see what your top values are…
Examples of values Write down 5-10 that you consider your values Success Adventure Beauty Peace Challenge Change Cleanliness Commitment Communication Community Competition Concern for others Creativity Determination Democracy Diversity
Examples of values Enjoyment Fairness Faith Family Freedom Friendship Fun Generosity Global view Hard work Happiness Health Honor Independence Individuality Integrity
Examples of values Intelligence Justice Kindness Knowledge Leadership Love Loyalty Money Patriotism Perfection Personal growth Perseverance Power Privacy Punctuality Respect for others
Examples of values Safety Security Self-thinking Service Simplicity Solving problems Speed Status Strength Teamwork Timeliness Tolerance Tradition Trust Unity Variety Well-being Wisdom
Values Project Values Shield Creative Writing: Poem, Song, Etc. Collage using magazines Comic Strip Other ideas?… ask Mrs. K first
Rubric for Values Project 5 points for utilizing all your time 5 points for a paragraph summary on the back of your work explaining your values and why you choose to do the project you did 5 points for clearly identifying 5 values in project 5 points for finished product/neatness 20 Total Points