Uganda! Poem by Jessica Thomas Ms. Plummer’s creative writing 1A
Uganda! Uganda!…..
Tell me.. What is Love??
I ask of my Lord savior, Who’s watching up above..
I am just a child. There’s a gun in my hand….
But why am I fighting??? I don’t understand…
Mama said I could be anything if I put my mind to it…
but I took my mind away from this…. & they still forced me through it…
Uganda! Uganda!…..Tell me why we have war?
A man is a man…. Whether he’s rich or he’s poor.
Big men. Mean men...they raid & invade….
With destructive war guns, …They have a bloody parade.
The last thing I remember… was playing with my brother……
Then the men marched in…. & took me from my mother….
My childhood is lost… no more hope; No more dreams… I’ll be lost forever As though it seems…
Uganda ! Uganda ! … Not a home, but a cage… For child soldiers & tragedies & wars fought full of rage.
Tears fall from these eyes… But no one hears my weeps or cries…
People die if I march on… I’ll die if I don’t….
There’s nothing left to hold onto… No more prayers. No more hope.
Uganda! Help me if you will…
For I am just a child…
Forced to kill.
END. Thank you for viewing. This is an original poem by Jessica Thomas. The issues dealing with Uganda, including child soldiers, are very important. It should be announced to the world in order to raise global awareness so that more can be done to stop it.
THANK YOU TALLWOOD! With the help & support of students & staff at Tallwood, we have raised enough money to build and support a school in Padibe. With more deeds such as this and a little help from the rest of the world.. IMAGINE THE POSSILITIES OF WHAT MORE WE COULD DO TO HELP!!
Every child has a voice… They deserve to be heard. “an eye for an eye…tooth for a tooth” We all live on one planet and we all breathe the same air… “all men are created equal” -Abraham Lincoln.
Once again…. Thank you for you’re time. “ Keep hope alive!!!!!” -Jesse Jackson
Credits: a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=padibe&btnG=Search+Images Tallwood High school Ms. Plummer’s 1A creative writing class… =)