Background from Douglas Fisher Close Reading Dr. Julia Cloat, Director of Curriculum
Where We’ve Been Introduction to Common Core State Standards Understanding the Structure of the ELA document Understanding the 3 Major Shifts related to ELA
Where We are Headed Today’s Outcomes: Review the 3 major ELA shifts Identify the components of close reading and make connections to current literacy practices Evaluate a close reading lesson
Shall We Play a Game? Fill out your bingo cards with these key words from the last TAC day: Close Reading Shift Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Complex Text Evidence Vocabulary (Academic Language)
A Quick Way to Remember the CCSS Anchor Standards 1.Standards 1-3 revolve around this: What is the author saying? 2. Standards 4-6 ask students to examine this. HOW is the author saying it? 3. Standards 7-9 speak to the following: WHY is the author saying it?
The CCSS Requires Three Shifts in ELA/Literacy 1. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language 2. Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction 6
Scaffolding Complex Text CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.10 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. Scaffolding Student Learning for Standard 10 Multiple readings Read Aloud Chunking text (a little at a time) Provide support while reading, rather than before. 7
Close Analytic Reading Prompting students with text-dependent questions Not teacher "think aloud“ Every Shift is activated during close reading Text dependent questions require text-based answers – evidence. 8
Close Readi Close Reading is not… Andrea and Gilberto passed an ice cream shop every day when they walked home from school. Every Friday they brought money to _______ and stopped at the ice cream _________ to buy a double-dip ice cream ___________. One ________ Gilberto forgot to bring ________ money and when they got to __________ ice cream shop, he said, “Oh no. I can’t buy an ice cream _________ today.” Cloze Reading
Close Readi Close Reading is…. intensive analysis what how means “Close Reading – an intensive analysis of a text in order to come to terms with what it says, how it says it, and what it means.” Tim Shanahan
Close Readi Close Reading is…. “Focused, sustained reading and rereading of a text for the purpose of understanding key points, gathering evidence, and building knowledge. Pearson, page 48
Primary Purpose of Close Reading The primary objective of a close reading is to afford students with the opportunity to assimilate new textual information with their existing background knowledge and prior experiences to expand their schema. Doug Fisher
Secondary Purpose of Close Reading A second purpose of a close reading is to build the necessary habits of readers when they engage with a complex piece of text. Doug Fisher
Anchor Standard 1 Anchor Standard 10 Anchor Standard 2 Anchor Standard 3 Anchor Standard 4 Anchor Standard 5 Anchor Standard 6 Anchor Standard 7 Anchor Standard 8 Anchor Standard 9
Read with a pencil in hand – annotate the text Look for patterns in the things you’ve noticed about the text – repetitions, contradictions, similarities – This is whatever the teacher wants the students to look for: key ideas & details, central message or theme, character traits, etc Ask questions about the patterns you’ve noticed – especially how and why
“Reading with a pencil.” Annotation is a note of any form made while reading text.
Annotation slows down the reader in order to deepen understanding.
Even young students can annotate.
Annotation is not highlighting.
Annotation in PreK-2 Language experience approach Interactive writing and shared pen activities
Harvey, S., & Goudvis, A. (2007). Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and Engagement. Portland, ME: Stenhouse. Modeled Annotation in Second
What Does It Look Like? ONE Keep in mind this is just ONE example MANY Close reading can be structured in MANY ways to fit the needs of your students.
Other Structures for Close Reading ONE Keep in mind this is just ONE example MANY Close reading can be structured in MANY ways to fit the needs of your students.
Turn to a close reading exercise in a current Reading Street selection. Close Reading in Reading Street
Analyze Close Reading Lesson What do you notice about the… …Structure? …Questions? …Standards are addressed?
Think Critically “What you really want is a sequence of questions where one question leads to the next and each question leads students a bit deeper into the text.” –Nancy Boyles
CCR Anchor Standard 1 "Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.“ CCR Anchor Standard 2 “Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. CCR Anchor Standard 4 “Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a t ext, including determining technical, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
“X-ray the book” Not every reading is a close one! Douglas Fisher
“Close reading must be accompanied by other essential instructional practices that are vital to reading development: interactive read- alouds and shared readings, teacher modeling and think- alouds.” --Douglas Fisher
A final thought…. comprehending, inferring, synthesizing “If young readers do the work of the first three anchor standards well— comprehending, inferring, synthesizing —then they’ll move rapidly up levels to the kinds of stories where paying attention to craft, structure, and language will become an essential part of their everyday reading work.” -Calkins, Ehrenworth, & Lehman, 2012