There is no single house but to find in a group of medicines, some knew its usage, and some ignored it. Therefore, we should explain the ideal usage of these medicines and the ways of avoidance of the wrong usage that may have dire consequences.
The uncertainty of the expiry date of medicine as each medicine has an expiry date written on the packet. The patient can use the medicine before the end of the expiry date. But the usage of medicine after the end of the specified period may lead to lessening medicine effectiveness, or may turn into a toxic compound to the body. Putting medicines and chemicals near the reach of children, especially under the age of five. The child at this age is not aware of the dangers of these compounds. Statistics indicate that 50% of the cases of poisoning are among children under the age of five.
Using ear, nose and eye drops after opining it until the end of the expiry date. Many of patients continue to use the drops after opening it for more than a year and this affects the effectiveness of medicine and it may turn to be a disease. The period of using the drops is one month only after opening it, regardless of the period of validity. Going frequently to doctors and pharmacies asking for medicine and the usage of medicine for a short time and then turning to use another medicine and so on. The danger lies in this conduct of administrating other medicines without telling the doctor a bout the former medicines used by the patient which have an impact on the patient's health because of the many medicines.
Do not Leaving the medicine and completing the needed period for treatment. Especially when using antibiotics. using two medicines at the same time without consulting the doctor, may result in what is known as medicinal repulsion which may lead to reducing the effectiveness of one of the medicines or losing the effectiveness of both or lead to increasing the effectiveness of one of them or both. This leads to poisonous effects which may be lethal in some cases.
Stop using the medicine directly in the case of feeling with any side effect. It is known that almost all medicines have side effects. Some of it is light, disappears with time and does not harm the patient. But if the side effects were severe and unusual, the doctor should be consulted immediately. Patient's drinking of a large quantity of water or carbonated drinks or juices during taking the given medicine by mouth may often lead to reducing the effectiveness of the medicine, so the patient should drink a appropriate quantity of water to help him in swallowing, with the exception of the cases recommended by the doctor.
Some patients' leniency in taking medicine with food may affect the effectiveness of medicine either by increasing or decreasing it. This also causes some harms to the patient. The overuse of antibiotics through exchanging medicine without a medical prescription or the exaggeration of some doctors in prescribing antibiotics in response to patient's insistence. Studies have shown that excessive use of antibiotics produce a new generation of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, which leads to the loss of antibiotics effectiveness.