Meeting an Asian Student Marina Wikman/SAMK Aasian askeleet –seminaari 19 March 2013
Asian students in Finland Number of Asian students to Finland growing 2011 Asian students to Finland almost 12% of all incoming students Highest numbers from – China – South Korea – Japan
SAMK English-tuition programmes since 1997 – 4.5 bachelor and 1 master programme Number of Asian degree students almost 90 and exchange students approx 20 From 9 Asian countries – Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam First Asian students – Exchange 1995 (China) – Finnish speaking degree 1995 (Japan) – English tuition degree 1997 (Pakistan)
Asian Learning and Teaching (by Suman Mishra) Influenced by religious and philosophical values Described as passive information receival, but Repetitive learning leading to deep knowledge Effort and hard work emphasised Focus on – Bigger picture – Dotlike and symbolic information instead of text links – Non-linear reasoning
Asian teacher guidelines Praise leads to arrogance Teacher dispenser of knowledge Teacher-dominated two-way flow Quiet classrooms Repetitive learning – First form, then content – First memorising, then mastery
Student in Asian context Pressure on student – Large number of people – Limited resources – Obligation to succeed disappointment Leads to educational competition
Learning styles Asia Holistic – Complexity and interwoven concepts (west: separation, measurement, analysis) Emphasis on reflection – Pausing and reflecting (west: verbousity and quick thinking) Collaborative – Remember longer, be more satisfied (west: individual learning for one purpose) Setting higher standards – Teachers expect high standard (west: less and less)
Asian vs. western learning styles Western students intrinsically motivated and Asian students extrinsically motivated East collective learning and west individual learning – Collaboration in and outside classroom – Peer tutoring Authority of teacher – Strict hierarchy – Strict inside classroom, warm and friendly discussions outside (caring)
Confusing educational contexts ( based on personal experiences and the bachelor’s thesis of Milan Ghimire ) ’Have a break, have a Kitkat’ ’What is the correct answer?’ ’Today we’ll talk about hiring people’ Asking questions Giving one’s own opinions Discussing and analysing instead of facts Relationship with teachers
Confusing general contexts Language skills General lack of knowledge of customs Lack of safety net Feeling an outsider Time concept Financial problems