QUESTIONS I can answer…Evidence How can solid silver appear from a liquid? Why do certain words appear repeatedly in chemical names? How can you decide.


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Presentation transcript:

QUESTIONS I can answer…Evidence How can solid silver appear from a liquid? Why do certain words appear repeatedly in chemical names? How can you decide what substances are elements? SKILLS I know how to… Safely handle laboratory equipment and chemicals. Identify elements and compounds in particle pictures. Decide if a formula represents an element or a compound. Identify the elements present in simple compounds from their names. Predict the name of the compound made when two elements react. Interpret the meaning of a chemical formula in terms of the number and type of atoms. Describe chemical reactions in terms of particle pictures or word equations. CONCEPTS I can understand that…Evidence The atoms in an element are all the same. Different elements have different appearances and properties because they have different atoms. Compounds are made up of atoms from two or more elements joined together. The name of a compound indicates the elements of which it is made up and the formula shows the number of each atom. During chemical reactions the particles rearrange to make new substances. The products of a reaction have different properties from the reactants. FACTS I can remember… Substances can be changed permanently in chemical reactions. The Periodic Table lists all the elements and their symbols. The symbols of some common elements. The formula of some common compounds. KEYWORDS atom chemical reaction compound elementformulametal moleculenon-metalPeriodic Table PyrotechnicsSkycolourStudent summary

QUESTIONS I can answer…Evidence Can metals burn? How is a candle like a rocket? How can fires be extinguished? Why do some reactions get hot and others get cold? What models do we use to show the energy changes in chemical reactions? What makes the best fuel? SKILLS I know how to… Heat and burn materials safely. Compare and contrast – look for similarities and differences. Decide if a reaction is endothermic or exothermic from experimental evidence. Make use of data to select suitable fuels. CONCEPTS I can understand…Evidence Combustion is a chemical reaction between a fuel and oxygen, which produces energy as heat and/or light. Both metals and non-metals can take part in combustion reactions. The reasons for the change in mass that occurs in combustion reactions. That chemical reactions involve energy changes, which are a result of bond making and breaking. How the properties of a fuel determine its potential uses. FACTS I can remember… A fuel is a substance that releases heat energy when it burns. Combustion is an oxidation reaction because oxygen is the part of air that is needed for burning. The word equations for the combustion of a hydrocarbon and a metal. Breaking bonds requires energy. Making bonds releases energy. An exothermic reaction gives out heat. An endothermic reaction takes in heat. KEYWORDS chemical bondcombustionendothermic exothermicfire triangleflashpoint fuelhydrocarbonoxidation PyrotechnicsBurnStudent summary

QUESTIONS I can answer…Evidence Does the evidence match the predictions? What parts of practical investigations are dangerous? SKILLS I know how to… Study explanations of observations and comment on how believable they are. Use evidence to choose between two hypotheses. Perform a risk assessment. Recognise hazardous chemicals and methods. Assess risks and take action to reduce them. Analyse an accident to decide what went wrong, and how to stop it happening again. CONCEPTS I can understand …Evidence Why scientists use a hypothesis before they collect evidence. That more than one hypothesis can be applied to a situation. That evidence collected will eventually make one hypothesis more likely than others. Why risk assessments are necessary. FACTS I can remember… What a hypothesis is. How to work safely and control hazards. That risk assessment involves thinking about: Could this (hazard) cause harm? How likely is it to cause harm? How serious would the harm be? Some procedures that require safety equipment. The names of some chemicals that are harmful. KEYWORDS accidenteye protectionexplanation fume cupboardhazardhypothesis investigationlab coatprediction probabilityprotectionrisk risk assessmentsafety screen scientific question PyrotechnicsHuman TorchStudent summary

QUESTIONS I can answer…Evidence How can you make a neutral solution? How can you predict the products without carrying out the reaction? SKILLS I know how to… Handle chemicals and equipment safely. Use Universal Indicator to decide pH. Test for hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Write simple word equations. Match products to the reactants they could form. CONCEPTS I can understand that…Evidence Chemical reactions follow patterns that can allow you to predict the products of an unknown reaction. Word, symbol equations and particle pictures can be used to describe chemical reactions. Symbol equations show the relative amounts needed for compounds to react. The total mass of the products in a chemical reaction is always the same as the total mass of the reactants. FACTS I can remember… pH describes the acidity of a solution Metal oxides are alkaline and non-metal oxides are acidic. Acids and alkalis neutralise each other when they are mixed in the right ratio. The general reaction of acids with metals and acids with carbonates. The test for hydrogen and the test for carbon dioxide. Reactants and products can be gases. KEYWORDS acidalkalicarbonate carbon dioxideequationhydrogen limewatermetalneutral neutralisationpHsqueaky pop PyrotechnicsRevealStudent summary